What is next?

So Suz611 if I follow your logic I can deduce the following.

Since the Steelers have won the Super Bowl 6 times they should just stop trying to win ever again? Should the Steelers stop striving to win their next Super Bowl simply because they are the only team to ever win so many Super Bowls? Would that not disappoint their fans and make their public lose interest and direct their passion for football to another team?

I was not demanding a new series immediately, but I would like to know around when and what a new project is planned so I can save money to do a preorder. I am not a rich person and the preorders have given me the opportunity to enjoy extra savings and values.
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I've been (im)patiently waiting for news about the MMA series: still on? (I can't find the thread where I asked about it a couple of months ago, but Cathe did say she'd be back with info after STS was out the door.;))

Me too! MMA is what I have been anticipating for a long while!
I think the idea of a set of cardio videos that would include martial arts, step, floor, plyos, intervals would be Awesome.

It could be like STS, except all or mostly cardio based.

And there could be something for everybody!

Agreed, except PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE no plyo! LOL!

Suz, YOUR post was rude. There's an entire forum dedicated to suggestions for Cathe's workouts for crying out loud! Do you think such a thing would exist if Cathe didn't want our input or business? :rolleyes:
I do not think Suz611 was being rude at all. I actually agree with her. Give Cathe a break for goodness sake. Everyone has been waiting to get STS in their hot little hands and now that they have it they are on to focusing on the next thing. Let's all relax and enjoy the product a little bit before we start pouncing on them to give us dates on new products. I agree that it is fine to post these questions in the suggestions for new products forum. Let's ease up on Cathe a bit and give her some time to take a breather from this major STS project. She probably can not even think about a new project at this point in time.
I didn't order STS because at this time of my life, I just cannot commit to a strict program like that for 3 months. Down the road when my little ones are older - I will reevaluate. So for those of us not doing STS right now, we are patiently waiting for something else to fit into our fitness routines.

For me, I am anxious for another stand alone workout. Especially a cardio workout when it is so easy to become bored working out in a basement during the winter months.
I do not think Suz611 was being rude at all. I actually agree with her. Give Cathe a break for goodness sake. Everyone has been waiting to get STS in their hot little hands and now that they have it they are on to focusing on the next thing. Let's all relax and enjoy the product a little bit before we start pouncing on them to give us dates on new products. I agree that it is fine to post these questions in the suggestions for new products forum. Let's ease up on Cathe a bit and give her some time to take a breather from this major STS project. She probably can not even think about a new project at this point in time.

Huh? You act as if we're holding a gun to her head! No one is asking for dates or timelines, just ideas. It's only a question, if Cathe doesn't want to respond she obviously doesn't have to.

BTW, some of us didn't order STS b/c we don't have the space, equipment or money, and we're anxious for new Cathe w/os we CAN do. Perhaps you, lhicks, should ease up on Cathe's longtime, loyal fans, huh?
I'd love more step!!

I would actually putting in a bid for more step and more boot camp syle workouts. Boot Camp II !!!! Not saying today or tomorrow . . . someday.
Oh goodness, Kims, they havent released the tower yet and you are talking about a standing bag :)
But that would be an excellent addition to my brand new gym (in my basement)!
I think I love step more though..

I'll need a new house pretty soon! I just cant say no to a Cathe product! Towers, bags...I'm gonna fold...I just know I will!
I do not think Suz611 was being rude at all. I actually agree with her. Give Cathe a break for goodness sake. Everyone has been waiting to get STS in their hot little hands and now that they have it they are on to focusing on the next thing. Let's all relax and enjoy the product a little bit before we start pouncing on them to give us dates on new products. I agree that it is fine to post these questions in the suggestions for new products forum. Let's ease up on Cathe a bit and give her some time to take a breather from this major STS project. She probably can not even think about a new project at this point in time.

I was inquiring what might be down the road since she made mention herself of Mixed Martial Arts and a possible new step video.

So obviously she IS thinking of new projects down the road.

I am not so stupid as to belive she is ready to get a new project going immediately.

And yes, Suz was very Rude to me and her answer was on the naive side.
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This is a forum to post about workout DVD's...we are not discussing the next World War...no need to get your panties in a wad about it ;-) Go take a jog around the block and relax....
Okay, I took a jog around the block and relaxed. Thanks for the advice so now maybe you could take some advice. Lets remember how the reader is going to read your post before you hit "submit" b/c your last post here is quite offensive. No one was getting their "panties in a wad" until you posted.

We're all friends here.
Re step workouts

Don't forget there are two step workouts on 4DS, and there is a bootcamp one on there too. Wasn't that the most recent Cathe workout series before STS? Well, anyway, I just mention it by way of reminder.

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Ah well, what can you expect from someone w/35 posts & a borderline pornographic avatar? :eek:;):p

And this comment is appropriate?? Comical coming from someone holding a sword in her hand ready to attack the cookie monster???? Give me a break.

I posted originally to defend Suze611's right to voice her opinion about allowing Cathe some breathing room before everyone bugs the heck out of her about her next project.

It is really funny to me how the long time Cathe "Fanatics" on these forums get so easily offended if anyone questions or disagrees with their posts. Everyone has a right to their opinion and the bottom line is....Amy Steppe and LauraMax...if you do not want to be offended....be careful not to offend others. I do not really care how long you have been posting or buying Cathe DVD's.....you are no better than anyone else here.

Thanks for your time and attention... ;-)
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