What is next?

I've been (im)patiently waiting for news about the MMA series: still on? (I can't find the thread where I asked about it a couple of months ago, but Cathe did say she'd be back with info after STS was out the door.;))
no step no step no step no step no step
can you say three left feet? (sorry Krassy)

I'm with Kathryn on this one and looking forward to some sort of MMA...

Funny though that we all have such an insatiable appetite for MORE Cathe with STS just out the door lol!
MMA and Step

Would it be possible to just have one new all step video plus a larger project like Mixed Martial Arts?

I am not a martial arts fanatic, but it certainly has benefits.

I would probably consider the MMA unless it would be necessary to purchase more equipment.

I just want another all step video in the Cathe tradition. She is the Step Guru!
I gotta cast my vote for a non-step workout. After years of teaching too many step classes, my body says nope. I would love more boot camp - plyo, body weight killer moves... MMA would be good also.
I am so ready for step

I gotta cast my vote for a non-step workout. After years of teaching too many step classes, my body says nope. I would love more boot camp - plyo, body weight killer moves... MMA would be good also.

I have done step cardio for over 20 years and my body says Yes, Yes, Yes!

It has been way too long for an all step DVD.
Response to "what' s next"

Anyone who starts off by saying they don't want to be rude, knows they are being rude. Can you guys give Cathe a break? Do you realize the amount of time, energy and work she has put into STS? In addition, she also has completely revamped her website. Give her a break and respect the fact that she has provided us with the most amazing and cutting edge work out program. Lastly, keep in mind she does have a family to raise...

I don't think you are being rude. You are a fan and a fellow fitness person. I don't think there is anything wrong with your question - SNM is a business like any other. In fact, I am sure other people were thinking the same thing and you actualy asked. (As evidenced by the other forum members who subsequently posted replies.) Furthermore, there is an entire room for posts like this in the suggestions for workouts/videos area. STS is primarily a weight workout so it would be natural for the folks here to be curious about new cardio workouts.

I am interested to see what SNM says on this and I have not even done my 1 RMs yet haha. Perhaps they will come out with a series of cardio videos: MMA, step, floor, plios, IMAX-like, complete with premixes.

If anything, I would find the question flattering: you are a dedicated fan who is hungry for more!
Anyone who starts off by saying they don't want to be rude, knows they are being rude. Can you guys give Cathe a break? Do you realize the amount of time, energy and work she has put into STS? In addition, she also has completely revamped her website. Give her a break and respect the fact that she has provided us with the most amazing and cutting edge work out program. Lastly, keep in mind she does have a family to raise...

I would say that Cathe & SNM should see this kind of hunger for Cathe's products as wonderful news. It's a dream to have demand for the services/products you provide. Don't be hard on people--They gotta get their Cathe fix.
Ohme....I am so craving the MMA series!!!!!

Kickboxing workouts are my favs now, with step being a verytight second.

I so hope the MMA uses a standing bag. :D
Oh goodness, Kims, they havent released the tower yet and you are talking about a standing bag :)
But that would be an excellent addition to my brand new gym (in my basement)!
I think I love step more though..
Anyone who starts off by saying they don't want to be rude, knows they are being rude. Can you guys give Cathe a break? Do you realize the amount of time, energy and work she has put into STS? In addition, she also has completely revamped her website. Give her a break and respect the fact that she has provided us with the most amazing and cutting edge work out program. Lastly, keep in mind she does have a family to raise...

We all know and respect the other demands on Cathe's time. The didn't demand to have it out tomorrow, but there is nothing wrong with wondering about future lineups, esp when the questions are specifically about project Cathe has mentioned.

Besides, i don't know about anyone else, but I'd like to know if I should start putting some money aside.
Cathe's business is to create home fitness workouts.

I understand she has personal obligations, but fitness is her profession.

Indeed, Cathe announced some of future products, including the Mixed Martial Arts Series.

So I do not think my question was out of line.

I was simply trying to phrase the question politely.

I just can't believe the rude response to a simple question, Suz611.

By the way, YOUR response to ME was RUDE and I was not asking YOU in the first place.

I was asking CATHE a question about her upcoming projects.

That is her profession and I know her drive and dedication to the video fitness field.
May also point out that Cathe is not a one person show. There are other employees to assist her, including Chris Williams. You may not see much of him, but trust me, he is also very involved in all Cathe's videos.

Cathe and Chris have been a team for years and have jointly created a fitness empire and have turned out the best DVDs in the fitness field to date.

I seriously doubt that Cathe and Chris are going to stop their passion and profession after 20 years, Suz611.
Well, count me in as one who is a tad curious what is next on Cathe's plate. I am not looking for a timeframe, but I am wondering what to get excited about next!!:D
Actually in a recent chat a page or 2 up Cathe mentions Gym Style 2

I am temporarily living in Florida and I just received STS here and have to wait until we get back to Michigan b4 i can start this series. So I am looking forward to something coming out that I can do here in the apt. I actually just checked the forums to check the status of this topic and the tower.
Beth-Cathe mentioned GS2 ONLY as a funny goof to Beloved Heather, because BH has been right out there with her feelings of not liking that style of workout. Cathe followed that JOKE up with a funny smiley face, I believe.

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What a great idea!

I don't think you are being rude. You are a fan and a fellow fitness person. I don't think there is anything wrong with your question - SNM is a business like any other. In fact, I am sure other people were thinking the same thing and you actualy asked. (As evidenced by the other forum members who subsequently posted replies.) Furthermore, there is an entire room for posts like this in the suggestions for workouts/videos area. STS is primarily a weight workout so it would be natural for the folks here to be curious about new cardio workouts.

I am interested to see what SNM says on this and I have not even done my 1 RMs yet haha. Perhaps they will come out with a series of cardio videos: MMA, step, floor, plios, IMAX-like, complete with premixes.

If anything, I would find the question flattering: you are a dedicated fan who is hungry for more!

I think the idea of a set of cardio videos that would include martial arts, step, floor, plyos, intervals would be Awesome.

It could be like STS, except all or mostly cardio based.

And there could be something for everybody!

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