What is BFFM?

It's Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, an e-book by Tom Venuto. It's actually a really fabulous book.

The person most qualified to answer this is Sarah (Imafitnessfreak). She's the BFFM poster child:)
BFFM is my Bible. Tom is whom I pray to every night (that is, if my wishes involve firming my backside;) ).

It is a $40 e-book. It teaches goal setting, provides motivation and an explanation of what you should eat and when you should eat it, and why, as well as exercise information...but mostly diet.

He does encourage natural foods and animal proteins. He does allow room for occassional treats. The only thing he seems to have little tolerance for is alcohol (no pun intended).

I think it is extremely informative. I have only heard of a few people who said "no new information in the book", and I have heard hundreds of reviews.

The reason I love it so much is because it is not fad AT ALL!! It's good carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats. It's the best nutritional guide out there, IMO!
You can not print it and read if off your computer. Another idea...save to a CD and take it somewhere to print. It prints pretty fast on a laser printer. it's about 400 pages.
Sounds interesting. Sarah, what makes it different from all the other stuff out there? Does this guy claim that muscle burns more calories and increases your metabolism? Recent studies show this not to be the case. How does it differ from, say, South Beach or the Somersize program?

Thanks Sarah!

Hey Sunny-D - I purchased it on-line, and then went onto the Kinko's FedEX website and did an on-line print order straight to them. I simply then uploaded BFFM and 2 hours later went to Kinkos and picked up my book. It was a little pricier that way, but no hassles at all.


Does it tell what foods to eat and how much or does it tell you need to eat x # grams of carbs, X #grams of protein etc and you have to figure up everything you put in your mouth? I need something simple. Like at 4 oz of chickend with green beans etc.

Any input would be appreciated.

Lala, it was a very sad day around the Cathe boards when we learned this. I still have not recovered. Let me try to dig up the info and get back to you, painful as it may be. :(

I went to the website and signed up for the free email mini reports. Maybe that will give me a better idea of what this is. A 400 page computer book sounds a bit daunting; also I pay for the book but then have to pay to print it also at Kinkos? NOT.
I gues I could read it on computer though.
Nancy, that was an interesting thread. I think the bottom line is that women have a tough time gaining muscle mass unless they are genetically gifted (like I think Cathe is.) I know I don't feel I've gained any mass at all and I lift as heavy as I can but keep getting tendonitis so I am limited in the weight amount and thus cannot really gain any muscle.
To reiterate what Sarah said - the entire book is worth the purchase. It is very motivational and it does give you great guidlines to work with. The best part, like Sarah said too - it is NOT a fad diet at all. It is a healthy way to maximize your metabolism and make your food work for you.

Some of the basics:

5-6 meals a day - 3-4 hours apart.
Healthy lean protien with each meal
calorie cycling

He also goes into great detail about different body types and how to work with your type. He stresses that it is not one size fits all eating....

It is WELL worth the expense....
Beth, I think the primary bottom line of the article is that all of the claims that state that muscle burns more calories than fat are borderline bogus. Muscle burns a bit more, but not enough to make a difference. I was depressed for weeks after reading that article. What is so frightening is all of the "experts" who keep pushing the bogus concept because it sounds so good. The truth has been completely lost in an avalanche of lies. It's like the old wives' tale that exposing yourself to drafts will cause you to catch a cold. It's a myth that will not die, and probably never will. Maybe we're better off just believing he myth?

Does it involve food "matching" like the Somersize plan? Or is it low carbs like South Beach? Does it perpetuate the myth that gaining muscle will increase your metabolism? Is it just common sense stuff? I really am curious. Thanks.
okay I had to investigate this book

I cant lose the last 10 pounds for anything...I tried BFL and it worked the first time I did it...but now it does not seem to work...

Can any of you give a sample menu of BFFM for a whole day? I am interested - I am this close to buying the ebook -


Some here thought it was all common sense but I actually gained new knowledge from the book. It is hard to say since we cannot crawl in your brain and see what all you know. If I could do that, I'd crawl in to see what you are doing to keep your skin looking so young. Another matter!

It isn't low carb. I don't know a ton about South Beach, I hear it is pretty darn healthy. I also here South Beach has "phases". BFFM does not. You mentioned another diet that I never heard of, so I cannot comment on that either.

He encourages whole foods as much as possible. Lot of water. Frequent meals. Zig zagging calories. Goal setting. He encourages frequent weigh ins and a best attempt at getting your body fat measured (this is assuming your goal is to lower body fat).

He does a good job at teaching you how to lower your body fat without compromising muscle mass. His whole motto is to EAT to feed the muscles and to exercise to BURN the fat...he is very against starving fat off the body.

I like it because it isn't "one size fits all". He teaches you how to track your progress weekly and then how to make the neccessary changes to your diet and exercise plan if needed. I also like it because there is nothing fadish about it...nothing. He teaches you how to figure your calorie needs based on your goals, how to figure out how much protein, carbs, fat YOU need. He encourages occassional cheats. He encourages you to EAT. I like that because I think too many eat too little. He does push the "no carb alone" thing...always eat a protein, too. I just love how motivating it is. He encourages you to talk nicer to yourself (I think that is a huge plus).

It's just an all around healthy eating and exercise plan.

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