What is a good total body workout to use with the 4 day split?


Hi Cathe! I just started using your new series and I have a question. If I did the 4 day split Monday thru Thursday, what would be a good total body workout for Saturday that would round out the week in a rotation? Would it be best to use lighter weights and more reps? I already own (and love) Muscle Max and Muscle Endurance. Should I do one of those or is there another DVD you would suggest?

Also, would it be good to alternate the 4 day split with another series like Gym Style and do each every other week? Sorry to ask so many questions!

Thank you, Cathe, for giving us all such great workouts. I never saw a change in my body until I found you.

I would think that a good workout to throw in during the 4 day split would be some kind of cardio that did not involve weights because you are suppose to give the muscle group a break and I don't think you would want to work one muscle group more than the others, might look a little off balance. But if you are doing the four day split Monday - Thrusday I think muscle mx or endurance would be a good idea for Saturday.

I usually work out Monday - Saturday taking Sunday off, so my four day split I throw something new in on Wednesday and Saturday (cardio only)

I threw in Low Max and I think other good choices might be Step Blast, any Imax, a run, a bike ride, swimming, I think anything that is cardio related.

When I alternate so much weights like Gym Style two weeks or more in a row I start to bulk up a little more than I care to. Not like a guy but just a little more than I would like. People start committing that I look very musclar. Which isn't at all a bad thing, I just don't want to look like a body builder or someone in a body competition, at least not until summer anyways. So I try to only do Gym Style for a full week once every other month.

But this is just my thoughts.

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