What is a good rotaion for....


5-10lb weight loss and need to loose inches and tone overall need more tone look defination?

I was looking at the rotaions and there is so many to choose from.

As far as step...beg to cathe...but everything else intermediate.

I have

kick punch and crunch/legs and glutes
high step circut
basic step and body fusion

I'm looking to purchase more.

I can also do a body punmp class 1-2 times a week. I do have get ripped 1000 as well.

Any suggestions for a rotaion that would work for me?


I would head over to the Rotations Forum and check out the list...see what appeals to you. It has to be fun, right? None of them look easy, so I'm thinkin' you'll benefit from any one of them.

From personal experience, I can tell you that adding more weight training and watching my caloric intake really helped me. I ended up losing weight I didn't think I needed to lose (hope that made sense).

I've been looking at the different rotations...any in particular that stick out to anyone that you may have seen nice results from.

I'm thinking of ordering 4ds and the push pull??


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