What if it's eating time and you aren't hungry?


I've been trying to do this intuitive eating thing for a few weeks, some days have been better than others. Haven't lost weight, but haven't gained either. Stopped with the calorie counting.

But I still find myself eating when I'm not hungry because it's eating time.

The 2 biggies - Lunch time at work - it's scheduled and only comes once a day. Eat or starve later. Dinner - we eat dinner as a family except Tues and Thurs when I work late. I think family dinner is important. Sometimes I'm hungry, sometimes I'm not. Like now, dinner is in the oven and on the grill, but I'm not really hungry. In fact, I'm kinda full b/c its been a "bored munchies day" Like I said, I'm still working on it, some days are better than others.

A lot of the times I'm in neutral when eating time comes around. I eat b/c its time, but not b/c I'm hungry. But then I feel I don't enjoy it as much (and I love to eat) so I find myself digging thru the cabinets later looking for that happy food enjoyment. The flip side is days when I'm ravenous before these times roll around and when it is eating time, I scarf down everything and don't taste it, and then am back in the cabinets searching for the food happiness.

We can eat at our desks at work, but I'm a call center and I can't be chomp chomping and lip smacking when I'm on the phone. And if its not break or lunch time, I can't be standing at the microwave waiting for things to heat up. Oddly enough, that's more flexible than dinner time. Weekends are the worst though, with the bore munchies and then I'm not hungry for dinner. That's the problem when DH is outside all day, I've got no one to see me eat, and he's then starving at dinner time. Still working on it, some days are better than others.

So, how do you reconcile what your body wants to do, what your mind wants to do, what you know you should do, and what the world going on around you wants to do?

That's a tough one, Nan! I just listened to a podcast by Two Fit Chicks and a Microphone (free on iTunes) where they covered intuitive eating. You may want to listen or go to their website of the same name and check it out. They usually list links and other helpful information (books, etc) on the subjects they cover in their podcasts. I love this podcast! They suggest journaling as you start with this particular eating style to get a focus on what drives your hunger and how you feel, etc.

I would say that if you're not hungry, don't eat, then eat when you do start to feel the need for food, but, being a full time employee as well, I understand if you can't eat at your desk. Our office is pretty laid back, so all of us tend to do that. I have my mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks at my desk each day and lunch if I work through for an appointment or something.

Dinner with the family is important. Maybe just eat very light if you're not hungry and fix a plate for later when you are more ready for a full meal.

Other than that, I have nothing. Good luck with the intuitive eating!
Nan, Tricia had good advice. I don't feel like I can give a thoughtful response but I just wanted to say I've definitely been there at dinnertime & you're not alone in feeling that way!
Nan, I just had a thought about your "eating at work" dilemma. On days you aren't so hungry for lunch, you could keep some protein powder, healthy fruit/veg juice (I like V8 Fusion or Fruitables), maybe a little ground flax, and a shaker cup handy so you can sip on a protein shake throughout the afternoon and it won't be a problem when you have to answer the phone.

Also, if you find yourself munching out of boredom at home, can you find projects to keep you busy away and from the kitchen? Maybe even going outside for a walk or something could help?

Personally, I find that if I don't eat some food every 3-4 hours, I get crabby and ravenously hungry and am more likely to eat unhealthy food. Eating "mini-meals" that have a good balance of carbs, protein and healthy fat gives me sustained energy and keeps the cravings at bay. :) Quite often, I also eat different food than what my kids or husband are eating. We all have different needs!
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Normally I'd say if you aren't hungry, don't eat and don't worry about it unless it is after a workout when you need to refuel. However, it sounds more like you have an emotional/habitual eating problem which is the same thing I do. For you, additional structure (ie., decide you are going to eat 5 small meals today and won't snack in between and plan your meals out) might help. Also, I love the acronym HALT. Each time you get ready to eat something ask yourself, "Am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired?" In your case, I would add bored to that list. If you are truly, physically hungry, plan a snack, put it on a plate and eat it (not out of the box, bag, standing up at the counter or whatever). If you are one of the other options, walk away and do something else. Good luck. It's a difficult habit to break.

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