What healthy snacks do you eat?

>You've gotten some great suggestions for the food, but I
>wanted to add something that has helped me greatly.
>A lot of companies have 100 calorie snack bags that are handy
>but expensive. I've gotten into the habit of creating my own
>as soon as I get back from shopping. This way if I want to
>have some triscuits (which might not be "clean" but are still
>decent) I just have to grab a bag out of the box. This way I
>know the calories and it stops me from eating more then I
>should. It also helps when packing snacks to take to work or
>if I'm going to be out running errands all day. I do this for
>trail mix, veggies, and even peanut butter.


I love this idea. Thanks for posting it. It is so easy to pull out a box of something and not realize how much you've eaten--like mindless nibbling which I tend to do sometimes when I'm preparing a meal.


Are wasabi peas spicy? Is the texture chewy/crunchy? I saw them at my local farmers market over this past weekend. I was going to buy them, but wasn't sure what they would taste like.
I like pears, apples, cottage cheese, 2% sharp cheddar snacking sticks, and the blue label yoplait (blueberry, peach, key lime).

Umm . . . not together though.

Let's see, different healthy snacks I eat...apples w/ Adam's Natural PB, cottage cheese w/ fruit, egg whites (boiled), edamame (boiled, I get this at Trader Joe's), sweet potatoes, pears, plain yogurt with a little honey and a some nut-trail mix stirred in.
>Are wasabi peas spicy? Is the texture chewy/crunchy? I saw
>them at my local farmers market over this past weekend. I was
>going to buy them, but wasn't sure what they would taste like.

They are crunchy as well as hot and spicy (they have a slight "kick" to them and they clear your sinuses as an added bonus...hehehe) :p ;-)

I love...
Light n fit raspberry smoothie yogurt.
Hummus with rice crackers.
Cottage cheese.
Tofu pup (a soy hot dog), I just eat one raw.
Whole grain english muffin with a thin spreading of Neufchatel cheese
A protein shake.
A grapefruit.
Carrot sticks dipped in salsa.


Here's how to make them...you can make them as hot as you like (I like mine really hot):


The amount of wasabi in this recipe can be adjusted to make the peas more or less spicy. After coating the dry-roasted peas with the wasabi mixture, the peas will cluster. This gives the snack a nice homemade appearance.


2 cups dried whole peas

2 tablespoons olive oil

Wasabi Coating

4 teaspoons wasabi powder, or 3 tablespoons wasabi paste (comes in tubes)

2 tablespoons tahini

2 tablespoons rice vinegar

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard


Soak the peas in water to cover overnight.

Preheat the oven to 200°. Drain the peas, then cook them according to instructions on the package. Mix the olive oil with the cooked peas until well coated.

Oil a baking sheet and spread the peas evenly across it. Place in the oven and bake for 5 hours, until the peas appear dry and are crisp when bitten into.

Combine the wasabi powder, tahini, rice vinegar and mustard in a mixing bowl.

Combine the wasabi mixture with the hot peas making sure that all the peas are evenly coated.

Using a rubber spatula, spread the peas on the baking sheet, separating as many as you can. Increase the oven temperature to 250°. Bake the peas for 10 to 15 minutes, until the coating is dry.

Yields about 4 cups

PER 1/4 CUP: 135 calories, 7 g protein, 19 g carbohydrate, 3 g fat (1 g saturated), 0 cholesterol, 22 mg sodium, 3 g fiber

Hi Kathryn and everyone-

Wow, I got a lot of great ideas from this post, thanks all! Kathryn, you mentioned cereals in the snack bags, which are the healthiest you'd rec? Also, the Larabars and Vega Bars--are those pretty healthy for you as well? I always hear bad things about protein bars, etc!


Kristen :)
What a great thread!

I like to eat nuts, carrots with homemade hummus, string cheese, lots of fruit (mostly fresh, but some dried), dark chocolate, FF plain yogurt with a drizzle of honey.

Thanks for all the great ideas, ladies!

One of my favorite healthy snacks to eat is soup. I love to make a big pot of homemade veggie or bean soup and microwave a cup as a snack. I'll throw some grated cheese in it if it's a veggie soup for added protein. I sometimes have a hard time getting my 5-6 servings of veggies in a day and soup really helps in that area.
Shelley, my thoughts exactly. Edamame may be good for the bod, but cookies are good for the soul.
I will have to try baby carrots with onion dip. sounds good. My favorite snacks are peanut butter, yogurt, oatmeal, handful of almonds or pecans .
>Kathryn, you mentioned cereals in the snack bags, which are
>the healthiest you'd rec?
Some Kashi cereals, for example.
Also the "Chex" types ones from the health food store.
Just look over the fiber (should be 3 gm or more per serving) sugars (should be on the lower end) and compare. Of course, they should taste good to you as well.

It's not the healthiest, but I like "Panda (something)" which has peanut butter in.

> Also, the Larabars and Vega Bars--are those pretty healthy for you as well? I always hear bad things about protein bars, etc!

These are not the typical protein bars that are just glorified candy bars (I avoid those, for this reason, and also because I prefer whole foods and don't want to eat most protein isolates or concentrates). They are all natural ingredients.

Lara bars are just raw dried fruits and nuts (some with added spices). My favorite, "Cherry Pie," is just dates, almonds and dried cherries. My second favorite,"Cashew cookie," has just dates and raw cashews in.

Vega bars are nutritional meal replacments that were created by a vegan Canadian triathlete. They are a very balanced, mostly raw, healthy snack and probably the healthiest meal replacement bar you can find. They contain dates as well, and sprouted flax and quinoa and hemp protein and dulse, among other ingredients (Vega also makes a meal replacement powder that is very nutritious, but tastes like it as well:-(. Kind of like dirt! Fruity or chocolately dirt...but dirt! The bars are SO much better!)
>Vega bars are nutritional meal replacments that were created
>by a vegan Canadian triathlete. They are a very balanced,
>mostly raw, healthy snack and probably the healthiest meal
>replacement bar you can find. They contain dates as well, and
>sprouted flax and quinoa and hemp protein and dulse, among
>other ingredients (Vega also makes a meal replacement powder
>that is very nutritious, but tastes like it as well:-(. Kind
>of like dirt! Fruity or chocolately dirt...but dirt! The bars
>are SO much better!)

I don't know....but Vega Bars make me very thirsty. Do you think it is because they are so concentrated? Heck, I drink 16 ounces of water after a bar....and I don't like to drink extra water if I don't have too...lol.

Um....on the Larabars...yep, Cherry Pie is the best, but I think second best might be the Apple Pie or Chocolate Coconut Chew;-)....heck, I think I will have to try another Cashew Cookie or two or three only because I have to do some more research on this subject.

>I don't know....but Vega Bars make me very thirsty. Do you
>think it is because they are so concentrated?
They are based on dried foods, so it makes sense.

I just ordered Brendan Brazier's book "Thrive" from Amazon. (He's the creator of Vega). Should have some good info in.

>Um....on the Larabars...yep, Cherry Pie is the best, but I
>think second best might be the Apple Pie or Chocolate Coconut
>Chew;-)....heck, I think I will have to try another Cashew
>Cookie or two or three only because I have to do some more
>research on this subject.

I haven't tried the chocolate coconut chew (how did I miss that?). I'll have to do some of my own research, LOL!

I just tried the banana one the other day. Really good! Like real dried bananas (not those "fried-then-dried" imposters that most places sell as "dried bananas").

In fact, there isn't a Lara bar flavor I've tried yet that I don't like! (I haven't tried the "choco mole" or whatever that one is, with chocolate and mexican spices. May not like that one.)
>In fact, there isn't a Lara bar flavor I've tried yet that I
>don't like! (I haven't tried the "choco mole" or whatever that
>one is, with chocolate and mexican spices. May not like that

I haven't found a Larabar that I don't like either, but I haven't tried 3 of them yet...the Cocoa Mole, Ginger Snap and Pecan Pie. It goes without saying that I'm going to love the Pecan Pie:9 . Of course, I will have to check out all three.....um...strickly, for reseach reasons:D:9


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