What happens to your body at 30?

I didn't notice that. I had heard that, but don't think I experienced it. I actually began exercising regularly at 30, so my body was the best it ever was. You do start losing muscle if you're not careful.
You might notice some slowing down of your metabolism if you are not strength training or doing some kind of cardio and not watching what you eat. Otherwise, I would say at almost 38 that I am stronger than ever and have the energy of a 2 year old most of the time! LOL! It really helps when your eating every 2 1/2- 3 1/2 hours too to keep your body fueled and keep it burning the fat. Drink alot of green tea too and you will be glowing like your still in your twenties. ;-)
So when you turn thirty...raise a glass and celebrate it!!!! It only gets better....

Carolyn, that was no fun at all! It said I'm really 34-37. Didn't give me an accurate reading due to the answer to one question I wasn't sure about.

Diabetes added between 6.4-9.4 YEARS. Ick! I'm actually 28.3 years old, when you don't factor in the diabetes, which I have had since I was 10.

Hey, maybe I can qualify for a senior discount in just a few short years... ;)
Thank you all so much for the posts! I didn't expect anything but positive responses from you dedicated, healthy, smart ladies! :)
I am actually 100% fine with the idea of turning 30, though some of my friends are nearly depressed about it. I am already starting to notice the effects of aging (see aforementioned body changes) - dark eye cirlces when I don't get enough sleep, "hangovers hurt more than they used to...", etc. But so what? I am in good shape, have been happily married for two years, and my husband and I just bought our dream house. I have a family and a long, healthy life ahead to look forward to! Age ain't nothin' but a number. :7
Sorry bout that amyg!!:-( I wouldn't believe it if I were you. If you can do Cathe I bet you feel and look 10 years younger than you are! Did you take the extended nutrition section as that took like 2 years off of my age. But then again, it's only an estimation! I feel bad that I made you feel bad about your age. Don't listen to me anymore I'm out of control anyway;-)
Sorry to Rose as well. The last time I took this I didn't get any spam. But at least you're still a teenager! How did you manage that one1?
Don't worry Carolyn!!! I kind of suspected, anyway. It's true, there are plenty of days I feel older because of my blood sugar! ;)

It seemed like a kind of arbitrary number, anyway. I've got a consistent result of 7.3, and the choices were "under 7" and "7-9" and let me tell you, 9 is out of control diabetes, and under 7, you're having seizures. The age difference between the two was 3 years according to the real age site.

I'm using it to my advantage with DH... ;) as he's 6 years older than me and now I can tell him I know better than he does since I'm older than him!!!

No, I didn't do the extended nutrition part. Maybe I will!
This cracks me up. Depressed about turning 30. Consider the alternative...it brings you back to reality :)
My recommendation is if you don't have to turn 30 don't do it.:+ Actually, all kidding aside, the 30's are wonderful and so is your body. Live in the moment and enjoy it because if you think about it 40 is just around the corner. Anyway, anything that is going to happen to your body doesn't magically happen overnight. I'm sure if you take care of your body it will take care of you!! Have an absolutley wonderful birthday!;-)

Nothing happened to me at 30. I had never been a hard core exerciser but between 36 and 38, I gained about 10 pounds without changing any of my habits. And my boobs got bigger.???(WOO HOO!) No, I don't have any children.

I'm 39 now and I really have to watch what I eat and exercise to the max to stay in shape but I think I look and feel better than I ever did in my 20's and I LOVE being in my 30's. If I only knew then what I know now...

What's the term? 40 is the new 30? Bring it on!!


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