what happened to our other men?

L Sass

Anyone remember Dave (dlavie) or Bill (0pushups)? I really miss seeing them - and their wit, wisdom, and perspective - around here. I always love seeing things from Jerry and Chris (both Chris's) but I do miss these other gentlemen. Anyone know?
Lorrie, I've been wondering the same thing - especially about Dave as he had posted some great things his son had accomplished. I hope they're well and I hope they return.
Anyone remember Dave (dlavie) or Bill (0pushups)? I really miss seeing them - and their wit, wisdom, and perspective - around here. I always love seeing things from Jerry and Chris (both Chris's) but I do miss these other gentlemen. Anyone know?

Chopped Liver just chiming in to say hello, Lorrie!
Now, Jerry, you know we love you! :D It's just that gentlemen are rare birds around here - we like to check in.
I was just wondering about Dave the other day! I always enjoyed reading about his son too! Are you out there Dave?!?!!?
Don't know about Dave, but Bill was out of the country for awhile. He just returned recently.
Yes it certainly is hard keeping the men around however there are a few of us still roaming the forum.See you all this summer !

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