I drive a green Beetle, and used to have "SKITTLE" as my vanity tag because one of the guards at my work entrance said "so what made you decide to buy a big green skittle?" It just cracked me up! Later, I got one that said "FIDL DD" because I love Scarlett and GWTW (Fiddle Dee Dee!!) But I got rid of both of those because my husband *hated* it when he had to drive my car, he felt so dorky, so I went with a plain tag.
Well, we got our tag renewal notices today, so I decided to do something fun again, but that wouldn't embarrass my husband. So, I got 4NZK ART because, well, I'm a forensic artist!
Now I'm curious: what does your vanity tag say, and why??
Well, we got our tag renewal notices today, so I decided to do something fun again, but that wouldn't embarrass my husband. So, I got 4NZK ART because, well, I'm a forensic artist!
Now I'm curious: what does your vanity tag say, and why??