What do you wear around the house?

The first thing that comes off is my bra then my shoes. Then I get into my comfy sweats and big T-shirt. It doesn't matter if they match or not. :)


~Straighten out, fly right~

Cathe Friedrich
It depends on the day....

Most of the time, though it's my sleep shirt and super comfy Nike yoga pants that I got on sale for about $8! If I'm warm, then the pants come off and it's just the sleep shirt and underwear, but more often than not the yoga pants are on and lately a sweatshirt as well (it's been cold in the house lately!)

Even when I'm out and about, errandizing, I change into the comfy clothes as soon as I get home!
I get up in the morning do my hair, put on my jewelry I have a nose ring so I also match that with my clothes, put on makeup. My husband wants me to look nice when he gets home. But it is hard when I work out in the evening and have so much house work to do. I will tell him sorry I look like a boy, but I have so much to do today. My sister will tell me you better change before he gets here. So when I get through working out I will redo my hair and makeup. And my workout clothes always match, and low cut. My pjs always match. If I wear off the wall pjs he will say oh that is real sexy. He will even tell me if we are going somewhere dress sexy. He sounds bad but he is the best guy in the world and a great provider and spoils me rotten. So I figure it's the least I can do for him. I have so many clothes I need another closet.....
I only wear my PJ's if I haven't gotten ready for the day yet.. or plan to :p
I wear my workout clothes for hours if Im not doing anything (like on sundays) or I like to wear tracksuits (also on sundays) :)
Honestly, I will lounge around the house in jeans if I plan on doing something at all that day (I only wear the "comfy clothes" when I do nothing all day or plan on retiring for the night).
I do wear jeans, and my jewlery sometimes too.. like I am right now.. and I still have my shoes on from work earlier too lol.. I don't wear skirts though..
being a derby girl I even roll around the house in my skates sometimes ;-)
In the summer I lounge around in casual shorts and t-shirts. In the winter it's jeans or cords. I don't really do loungewear at all. I don't know why. Probably so I don't have more laundry :).

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