What do you think is the hardest ab workout


Hi Gang,

What do you think is the most challenging ab workout of Cathe's? I mean one that is at the end of a workout -- not Ab Hits or Coremax.

Thanks for your input! Have a great day!!!
PUB abs. I've started to do these before the workout so I'm not too drained to get them done.

Try the one at the end of PUB. It is pretty tough. Only I try to remember to do it first before the rest of the workout. If I do the ab section AFTER working my upper body, my arms are shaking with planks on the ball!

I'll vote for Muscle Max. All those bicycle maneuvers are KILLER. And then she does jacknifes!!!

My vote is the workout at the end of PUB - the ONLY ab workout that I struggle to complete. The second toughest - ME's abs.
I used to think it was Muscle Max, but now I have to say that it's PUB. I've never thought to do the ab portion at the beginning like so many of you mentioned - I'll have to try that. Anyway, they're both tough ab workouts!
ME abs!!!! Gets me every time!! I do like using the medicine ball to work my abs though. The next hardest for me is Muscle Max abs. Tough, but effective.}(
For me I think it's BM2. Mainly because I am so worn out by the time I get to the abs. Maybe I'll do them first next time.
I think PUB's ab workout is tough too!

I also find the premix ab workout from Bootcamp to be pretty challenging as well.

Lynn M.
I think PUB is not that bad except for the pikes. With ME, on the other hand, I think Cathe and crew must have necks of steel. If I did all that stuff I'd be in the hospital in traction. Ouch.
I find PUB core tough due to the arm fatigue during the pikes. I typically take a quick break after the roll-ins, and then after the first round of pikes/leg lifts. I keep my form better for the pikes that way.

The hardest end-of-workout ab workout, IMO, is Muscle Max. The bicycles straight into 16 jacknifes, straight into 16 oblique crunches just about kills me. In a good way :)

PUB is tough, but which one is it that has those explosive crunches where you're supposed to reach the soles of your shoes? I think it's MM. It destroys me.

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