What do you think about what this therapist said?

Hey mariela,

I never thought about looking at it that way. I have friends and families that are overweight, but I would do anything for them. That was a good piece of advice. I will have to keep that in my head.

She sounds like a sales rep........ out selling for her plastic surgeon x( I would find someone new!! I think she should be reported!!
Take care, and GOOD luck finding someone that can really help!!

Kind of reminds me of the therapist in my favorite movie of all time, First Wives Club. The therapist (wonderfully played by Marcia Gay Harden) is seeing Diane Keaton as a patient and trying to help her work out her marriage issues while she's secretly sleeping with Diane Keaton's husband. The therapist you describe is almost as bad as that.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. I generally think therapists personally need more help than they can provide.

I hope we can support you in whatever you decide you need for yourself- trust yourself is the best advice I can offer!

Take care.
There is something seriously weird about a therapist who has plastic surgeons cards on hand to pass out! My eyebrow is hitting my hairline something fierce right now!

Do not go back to this lady...unless it's totally free, you have nothing else to do (which will never be your case since you have kids), and your not listening anyway.

She does need to be reported. She is playing off your insecurities for a buck...SICK!!! She is sick!!!!
I think it's important to remember that therapists are people, too, and just like people in the real world, some of them are just stupid and clueless. She should definitely be reported, and you should find another therapist. I wouldn't give up on therapy due to this situation - the first therapist I saw was a JERK who spent the entire session talking about his wine collection (I was drinking heavily at that time and trying to stop). I am sorry to this day that I did not report him. But afterwards, I found this woman who was AWESOME and I credit her with helping me get my head and my life together. The right therapist can make all of the difference.

Good luck!!!

Marie, you speak the truth! The right therapist can be an AMAZING positive influence on your life. It's worth the search!

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