What do you put on your oatmeal?


I've been adding wheatena, before cooking it, but there's no way I can eat this plain. I've tried brown sugar, maple syrup, honey, but keep going back to regular sugar. I'm trying to cut back on white sugar, cuz the more I have, the more I crave it, a very vicious cycle. So any suggestions re: adding some sweetness to oatmeal w/o using regular sugar???
My fave is a touch of brown sugar and raisins.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
Have you tried Stevia? It's an all natural herbal sugar substitute. Check your local health food store. That said, I just finished a bowl of oatmeal made with vanilla soymilk and a scoop of vanilla protein powder. I also like it with pureed fruit and a bit of chopped walnuts. I've also used maple syrup and peanut butter, too. Just some thoughts for ya. I hope you find a combo you really love!

I like a half teaspoon of raw sugar most days with cherries in my oatmeal & buckwheat mix. On days when I'm really puting an effort forth into avoiding sugar I use stevia instead. I've got the green and white kinds, and both work well. I tend to use too much and then the flavor gets a little bitter. Blech! lol

Perhaps you could just use a bit less sugar each day until you get to an amount you feel positive about...? Bananas are pretty sweet. Maybe if you cut up a banana that would satisfy your sweet tooth in the morning?

Hope my thoughts help! Good luck!

Connie :)
I looove oatmeal. I love adding fruit, right now that they're in season- cranberries!! Or blueberries, chopped apples, bananas, etc. Cinnamon is a must!! To get in some extra fiber, sometimes I add 1/4 c. of Fiber one cereal. And after it's cooked I add a couple scoops of cottage cheese for more protein. (sounds weird until you try it!) If you don't mind the artificial stuff, you could try some splenda or other sweetener also.

For the easy microwave packets, I love the Sturm's Flax & cranberry or blueberry oatmeal or the Quaker Weight control banana bread or cinnamon. HTH! I also make my whole wheat pancakes w/ oatmeal & banana bread too!

Also, try the steel cut oats, they have a totally different consistency than rolled oats but are really good too. It just takes longer to cook!
I cut up a granny smith apple, mix it with some natural apple sauce, cinnamon, splenda with oatmeal. I then cook it in my rice cooker for an hour. It comes out DELISH!
You can also use a slow cooker.
You can do 1 cup of steel cut oats to 5 cups of water and cook it in the slow cooker overnight. You wake up to the creamiest oatmeal!
I put 1 scoop of vanilla spice protein powder and fresh pineapple and fresh kiwi fruit and its wonderful!!

Just make your oatmeal with skim milk instead of water, add a little nutmeg and cinnamon. The milk sugars cause the oatmeal to taste sweet. No "sweeteners" needed.
I eat my oatmeal uncooked. I add protein powder mixed with vanilla soymilk. I put frozen berries on top. Let soak for 1/2 hr. It's nice and cold and very sweet . My favorite breakfast of late. :)
I agree, cinnamon is a must. I also top it off with walnuts, cranberries and a spoonful of vanilla yogurt. Peanut butter and bananas are also, good. But the vannila yogurt on top is a must for me.

cinnamon, mashed banana, raisins, vanilla soy milk, vanilla extract, almond extract

pumpkin is yummy as well! Try various extracts, they really lend alot of flavor without the calories :)
My "power breakfast" is one serving oatmeal cooked in the microwave with an extra 1/2 cup of water. You cook 1/2 cup oats in 1 1/2 c. water and a sprinkle of salt, covered, for 2 min. 30 sec.

Then I stir in 2 scoops of soy protein. Chocolate is best, but vanilla is a close second. So you get a big portion of protein, 64% of your calcium requirement and a big dose of fiber all for 240 calories. Yum!

I use this breakfast a lot when I'm working to eat really clean.


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