What Do you Put in your Cottage Cheese?

Honeybunch, I'll have to try peanuts and strawberries, goodness knows I love a good PB&J sandwich, this may be a clean variation of tried and true 'unclean' eating:)

Mattea, I think that putting oats in my cottage cheese sounds fabulous, yummy and filling. Thanks!:)

Obviously I'm not the only cottage cheese fan here, I guess a lot of it has to do with it's versatility. Great suggestions everyone:)

Take Care
I love it with pears or, I also do the tomatoes, green onion, cukes, salt and pepper. depends on the mood. I buy ff cottage cheese.

Hmm...my cottage cheese and tomato mix doesn't taste like my mom's used to either, I'll have to ask her if she used mayo :eek:

I am so glad to see others here add yogurt to cottage cheese! I like to add vanilla yogurt (favorite is Stoneyfield organic) to cottage cheese (favorite here is Breakstones 2%) and cut up an apple and dip it in.
I sometimes mix it with flax seed oil, or just eat it plain.

I also have a recipe for cheesecake made with cottage cheese that is yummy! Still not good for you per se, but has to be better than cream cheese.

Thanks for making me hungry ladies!
I like mixing it into cooked spaghetti squash, with either real parmesan , or asiago, or gorgonzola cheese..

Sometimes I'll add some tomato (w/ italian seasonings) or spaghetti sauce to the concoction too.

Its pretty yummy and great if you are looking for a filling, lower calorie meal.

Take care, Lynn M.
I always like to put fruit in my cottage cheese especially grapes or pineapple. Haven't developed the taste for it on it's own yet.
I like it with cinnamon and lately I have added (don't anyone get grossed out) peanuts! Believe it or not, it's really yummy!:9

This thread just reminded me about cottage cheese and rolled oats nuked together for breakfast. Pretty good!

I like just about any fruit with cottage cheese, but sunflower seeds also taste good!
I love cottage cheese sprinkled with chopped walnuts and raisins, or with high-protein "cheerio" cereal (they sell it at Trader Joe's and it's awesome!)

By the way--do you have a favorite brand of cottage cheese? I think Friendship 2% fat is the BEST!!!

I eat cottage cheese mixed with yogurt every day. I like the Lite 85 flavors, especially blueberry and dark cherry.... Susan
This is even better when you freeze it in the summertime. (cottage cheese and lite yogurt) It becomes a yummy frozen treat. If you don't like the chunky curds, you can beat it in the blender first and then freeze.

There is a very popular Hungarian dish called "cottage cheese-noodle"
It is boiled pasta mixed with farmers cheese (cottage cheese just doesn't do it) w/sugar or splenda. You can add raisons too and some vanila extract. It is not bad at all. You can also bake it.
In an other part of Hungary they it it salty, cheese w/noodle, but with salt and pepper and fried bacon.
I like mine for a mid morning snack with just about any type of fruit - I really like cottage cheese.

Then if it is summer and lots of fresh veggies around, my fav is with red onion, tomatos, cucs and a little FF italian or balsamic dsg added in.

Gosh, just bought my veggie plants today and am hoping to plant soon. Y'all have me hankering for my "summer cottage cheese".

Who knew y'all were putting sooo many different things in your cottage cheese??!!! So many of us are loving cottage cheese in such a myriad of variations, perhaps we could come up with a 'Cottage Cheese Rotation' and you know we absolutely MUST have a 'Cottage Cheese Check-in':9 :7 :7 :+

Thanks for sharing everyone! I'm so glad I asked:) Could there be someone else out there putting something else in their cottage cheese........?? I know I'll stay tuned.... :D

Take Care
Who knew? LOL. Don't throw anything at me (like a blob of cottage cheese), but I've never tasted the stuff in my LIFE! This coming from a girl who ate her FIRST BANANA this week! LOL For me, it was all about texture...I'd gag on anything not smooth and the texture of fruit just got to me, as I assumed cottage cheese would as well.

But, I'm getting over it and eating fruit these days....and LIKING it!

Perhaps I need to try cottage cheese now? LOL

Good suggestions, by the way!

Here's a few of my faves:

I sometimes put a dollop of cottage cheese in my post workout protein smoothie. It gives a really yummy texture to the shake and you get an extra dose of protein to boot (and it's *very* filling).

Also I've mixed canned pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, and a little sweet n low brown sugar into cottage cheese. Tastes like pumpkin pie!

Another favorite is to mix in a smidge of orange SF jello, a drop or two of coconut extract, and some mandarin oranges into my cottage cheese. It's like a faux ambrosia salad.

Lately I've been loving it with fresh strawberries and a little splenda.
wow, I have never ever put anything in my cottage cheese. I couldn't. I guess I am a purist. Wow, this never even crossed my mind. I love cottage cheese and I love it plain. Yum.

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