What do you love about Cathe?


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-02 AT 04:46PM (Est)[/font][p]Okay folks -- I've been thinking about this and I'll take the plunge and start this thread --brilliantly suggested by Shelley (dogonyx) under the thread "ATTN: AQUAJOCK" -- because I think it's a fabulous idea. Think of this thread as our collective gift to Kyle and Eric. :)

Kyle and Eric, you guys have a great Mommy and I'm her fan because (in no particular order):

(1) She talks the talk. Her mission is all about personal wellness -- not just about building great cleavage, or tight buns, but about building a strong, healthy body and within it a strong, self-loving spirit. What a great message for women (and men) of all ages, and how contrary to so much in this thinner-is-better, botox-obsessed society.

(2) She walks the walk. This is a little woman who isn't too thin, who hasn't enhanced her body, who loves a good Devil Dog and some good German food once in a while, who isn't afraid to let video permanently capture a less-than-perfect hair day and a little mascara smear -- BUT who also very publicly practices the self-discipline and self-love necessary to treat her body and her self with respect, care and admiration. A model of balanced wholeness and wellness. All good things in life in nourishing moderation. She practices what she preaches.

(3) She has a generous and loving spirit which extends not just to her family and circle of friends but to a huge community of strangers. How many of us can say that? All of us benefit from Cathe's generosity and example every day on these wonderful Forums, which, as Aquajock has said, are a great lovefest that we don't owe anyone an apology for. And think of all the good done by the puppies Cathe's raised who go on to live their lives in service to the disabled. That's just two examples we know about, but they are evidence of a commitment to the idea of "giving back," and I'll bet there are lots of other examples of this kind of generosity in Cathe's everyday life. Most people believe in the idea of giving back some of your good fortune to those around you; fewer people actually follow through with truly selfless actions. In Judaism this is called a mitzvah -- a deed done for the good of others, without any thought about or focus on personal gain. Those puppies, these Forums, and I'm sure much more in Cathe's live are mitzvahs.

(4) She's one great teacher, on video and here on the Forums. She's likable and funny, sometimes endearingly goofy, always smart and informative, always positive, upbeat, encouraging, always professional yet personal all at once. (And she's real cute, too. ;-)) You can't help but think that if she lived next door, she'd be a great neighbor and a really fun girlfriend.

(5) She reminds us, by example, that when you're feeling down in the doldrums for whatever reason it's almost always possible to pull yourself up and out to a little better place. Sometimes there are little hints in Cathe's posts that she's had a crummy day, or doesn't feel well, or is under a lot of stress. But it's also obvious from her posts that she makes an effort to rise above the negative and look for the positive.

For all of those reasons, Cathe is a wonderful example to all of us of how good a human being can be, and how much influence just one fine person can have in this world.

There now -- Eric and Kyle, that's what I think about your Mom. You are blessed little boys (and she's a blessed Mommy to have you, too!) -- follow your Mommy's lead in life (and Daddy's too -- he seems to be just as terrific as your Mom is!) and you surely can't help but end up as good, decent, kind, likable, productive young men.

Kathy S.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-02 AT 09:57PM (Est)[/font][p]Kathy, that will be hard to add to what you've already said. I know for me, FITNESS has always been a love of mine. I have been into fitness for about 25 years now and it just gets better every year! I guess the real reason I started was because of heart disease in my family history so I decided to nip it in the bud at an early age and was just doing what I had to do to get by. Finding Cathe just jump started and kicked my fitness level up a few notches and I can't thank you enough, Cathe. You have made my whole attitude about fitness just seem sooo much more like fun then work. Thanks for all you do for all of us, for taking the time to care, even in your VERY busy life. Thank you for personal lil' notes you have written to me. They mean so much. I could go on & on but I'll save some space for all your other fans. THANKS, CATHE!!!!!:)

BTW, Eric and Kyle, thanks for sharing your Mommy with us all. You are two lucky fellows!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Wow!

It's the special way she communicates her own inner vision to the audience. She knows we're doing the routine with her and she knows we're tired- but she's right there with us.

It's the many subtle and direct things she says that let us know she trusts us to become as educated as she is- no air of superiority. No nagging. Funny! Very easy to work out with!
RE: Wow!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-02 AT 11:38PM (Est)[/font][p]Wow - you ladies said it all, and then some. So eloquently put - how can that be matched? You are right. Cathe is the utmost in inspirational fitness. She is SO fit and SO encouraging - obviously my favorite. And it's wonderful how she answers individual questions.

I remember once she replied to someone's login name of "Sexy Mama" and said something like "That's what my husband calls me." Working with Cathe, THAT'S what my husband will soon be calling ME! :)

Thanks, Cathe, for now and always!

Cathe's down to earth style is what I like best. I also like that she is a mommie like the rest of us and has the usual, everyday stresses that we all have (plus running a business!)

She just appears so very friendly and approachable! She makes it fun to work out and for that, I am so thankful.

If I don't feel like working out, and have no motivation that day, I pop in Cathe and as soon as she says, "Let's warm up" I'm ready to go. Something about her voice and smile.

I have never pushed myself as hard as I have with Cathe. She helps me pump out the last few reps, or stick with it for 5 more minutes.

She is a role model to me in teaching my own classes.

And even though I live on the other side of the continent, I WILL meet her someday!

1. She knows the value of high intensity in a workout, knows how to achieve that intensity, and doesn't compromise that value in order to appeal to a broader market;

2. She is extremely creative and effective with her choreography, and with her strength training design;

3. She is not afraid to be blunt with her cueing; she doesn't tapdance around words like "no" and "don't", which tells me she believes her customers are adults;

4. She is not afraid to cater to the seasoned exerciser, and gives seasoned exercisers a place to go;

5. She created these forums, and a zeitgeist that has absolutely no room for troll-talk, trash talk, shock-talk or rudeness;

6. By the same token, she created these forums where it's okay to offer support and be altruistic (there's that "lovefest" thing again!).

This is only a partial list.

Aside from all the lovely things about Cathe already mentioned above, I have to say I really like that she is close to my age and in such excellent shape. That in itself inspires me to stay in shape and to stay young! :-jumpy
Cathe is the best!

Cathe is my favorite fitness person because she is a real person, not some hollywood personality trying to get rich on a an exercise fad.

Cathe sets a great example of living fit, as was so well put in previous replies.

I have stuck with Cathe's workouts for several years, (although I am new to the forum) and find them motivating and comforting- like having a visit with a true friend. Some day I'd like to meet Cathe and some of the others on the forum who support a healthy lifestyle!

God Bless Cathe,the forum, and all who are dedicated to living living a healthy life.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: Cathe is the best!

It's hard to top what everyone else has said, but I'll add this- I love Cathe because she's made it possible for me to help me help myself to become a healthier, happier person. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
RE: Cathe is the best!

What captured me first was the fact that Cathe never even hints that her workout isn't fit for "certain" people. When I was at my highest weight, and reading previews of aerobic workouts, it amazed and angered me that "some instructors" felt that obese women could only "sweat to the oldies" and/or do a "walking" program. Cathe's way of reminding me I could "modify" always made me feel like she wasn't saying, "you're too fat to do my workout!" but rather, "it's okay to build slowly, you'll get there!" That attitude is what made me come back day after day, and shed pound after pound. The fact that she felt I could do it made me feel like, "I CAN do it!"
Cathe has a very special way of motivating, that is unique to each of us. We each seem to hear what we need when we need it. :)
RE: Cathe is the best!

I have always been impressed by Cathe's workout style and choreography. I was even more awed when I met her at the October 2000 road trip. She tried to meet and greet each one of us and learn our names and there were a large number of us attending. I am a huge fan of Cathe's and she has managed to be with me during my weight loss of over 60 pounds safely and effectively.
As an instructor, I am attempting to model myself after her by using kindness and consideration for all participants while emphasizing safety, variety and effectiveness of my own classes. She is an inspiration to me!
RE: Cathe is the best!

1) She gives me a good, solid workout which can't be beat. Even my guy friends admit that aerobics aren't for sissies anymore.

2) She gives us a variety of workouts (step, hi-lo, kickboxing, weights, circuits, intervals, etc.) all of which are the type of workout described above.

3) She breaks things up into sections so you are not overwhelmed (at least not usually ;-) ).

4) She puts smaller sections together into a "summary big one". I think this makes the workouts go quicker and gives me a bigger sense of accomplishment.

5) She puts "her moves" into more than one video so if you're intimated by a move, you can learn it better on a video where it might not be used for as long. (I hope this makes sense.)

6) The people in the video wear coordinated clothes. I know this isn't important. I don't really care when a video has a variety of clothes, I just think the coordination looks more professional and classy.

7) The people in her video are fit. I understand the philosophy of putting "less fit" people in a video but I personally like to see people with bodies similar to what I'm striving for.

8) Her cueing is excellent and she makes up some pretty fun and creative moves and combos.

9) When she tells me (on a video) that I should be proud of myself, I know she isn't lying because she knows what type of people are doing her workouts (and we have a right to be proud!).

10) She'll sweat and admit something is burning or making her tired even if it's the warm-up! That keeps me from getting discouraged thinking I'm getting too tired/sore too fast.

11) She's provided great website forums where we can get to know her a little more personally and have a superb fellow Cathe-ite support group made up of a bunch of diverse people with common/similar goals.

12) She seems to really care about feedback from her fans.

13) She's provided us a website with a lot of tools which we can use to improve our fitness regimen.

14) She has a great body at 37 years old after at least one kid (I'm sure it still looks great after the second!) which makes me think I have a chance. (I have a feeling she'll have an awesome body forever.)

You cannot believe how quickly I came up with the above. I'm sure I could add more with no problem.

I will say one thing that I used to not like about Cathe videos, not because I want to encourage anyone else to list negative things but because my thing is so silly, it might make you laugh: I couldn't stand people in the videos working out with their hair down over their necks. I personally can't stand it; I have to have my hair up or else I get really really hot. Seeing them with their hair down used to make me squirm. I don't notice it so much anymore. I'm not sure why not. Maybe because all the positives are so overwhelming!

Hi Kathy S.
What you wrote about Cathe is so very true. It brought tears to my eyes. Cathe has made such a difference in my life. I look so forward to not only doing her workouts (with her great personality) but also visiting this site. She is the BEST! (and I'm finding that her fans are pretty great also.)
RE: Cathe is the best!

I don't post very often but I couldn't resist this one!

When I started working out after having my children (6yo and 4yo)I was stuck as to what to do - my experience of fitness related activities had been limited to the pool, having been a competitive swimmer until my late teens, but I now had to do something from home. I borrowed some aerobics videoes from my sister (didn't want to invest in my own in case I didn't keep it up) two of these were step - Kathy Smith and Cherfitness. I discovered I liked Step and so started to research.

This site was the first fitness related site I found and from that point on I was hooked on Cathe - despite the fact that I had none of her workouts. I would watch the clips over and over again (here and at collage) planning which tapes I could get when I became advenced (I was still struggling with the Kathy and Cher tapes)Also during this time I would visit this forum and sometimes I would think "come on, these tapes look good, but these women are obssessed!"

Well, now you can count me in as an obssessed, lovefest Cathe-ite to the point that when anyone says they don't like her workouts I start to feel myself bristle and get defensive! I have to give myself the talk - "it's ok for people to have different tastes"

So, what do I like about Cathe? What is so great? EVERYTHING!

The workouts themseves are excellent - hard, fun to do, effective, easy to follow (Cathe's cuing, that is)

I love the quality of the production and the 'Cathe Crew' - they are part of the workout and they look like they are having fun as well as working hard.

My favorite thing though has to be the Cathe-isms, little things that she says that make you smile and motivate you. The ones that come straight to mind are - during the wedding tape when Cathe says 'Oh I know now I'm getting corny' after she has told you to put on sunscreen for motivation. The bit in BMax circuits when she says 'So, how is your endurance' And the bit in Imax (that actually brings tears to my eyes)when she teels you to pat yourself on the back and be proud of yourself. Sniff.

Oh yeah, and all of the above too :)

RE: Cathe is the best!

I loved Cathe upon doing her first Step N Motion tape. She is energetic, has fun choreography and she never gets boring. She is soooo personable, challenging & professional too. I love every workout that she has made and will continue to buy whatever she sells. She makes me look forward to my next exercise day. She keeps me in shape mentally and physically. There isn't anything negative about the woman. Cathe, you're great!!
She has this incredible way of being both believable and unbelievable - and that is a compliment! I cannon believe her energy and strength during, say, IMax and MIS and yet, she's believable, because you've seen her body progress and change over the years. I didn't like the 'cookie cutter' plasticity of some other videos, but Cathe keeps it real. Like in "Step Works," where she goes, "Turn, I mean, shuffle," I love that! That is how a real club workout is and that is what I like about Cathe. She is a believable person with an unbelievable amount of talent, energy, wisdom, and stregth.
My goodness, what do I love about Cathe? Well for starters, ALL of the above! Little Eric and Kyle are 2 blessed boys.

I love that I love to go home and exercise now when prior to discovering Cathe, I would plod home and force myself to workout.
I love how she can always motivate me at the moment I need it most... and it seems to me that she does this for so many of us. Why? Because she knows! She's been where we all are, making herself a better, healthier and happier person and she is sharing her talent and experience with all of us. I've made great strides in my fitness level with Cathe. I can do things now that I wouldn't dream of doing even a year ago because I am so much stronger. Srong is good, fit is good, healthy is good - it seeps into every other aspect of my life and makes me a much happier person. I love that she's helped me do all of this! Thanks Cathe. ;-)
One other thing that I would like to add is, now that I feel so much stronger physically, I can even enjoy doing other workouts besides Cathe. It just took a great teacher and motivator to get me to the frame of mind where I love to work out because I have accompished so much.
I respect Cathe both professionally and personally and I think it has a lot to do with her character.
I trust that when I purchase her workouts that they will be safe, effective and challenging.
Also, I appreciate that she gives a lot of information in her videos about proper form and technique - I think this contributes to body awareness and general fitness knowledge.
I find her personality as an instructor to be incredibly motivating and inspirational - this pushes me to really give my best to each workout.
I am amazed that Cathe takes the time to answer our fitness questions on the forum. This has been so incredibly helpful to me in so many ways and I truly appreciate the fact that Cathe does this.
I find Cathe to be a great role model - a feminine woman who is strong, fit and healthy. Also, she is able to balance her life between work and family successfully.

Thanks so much for all you do, Cathe!!


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