What Do You Find Harder - Strength or Endurance?


Hi Guys,

I am just interested to know whether you personally find "strength" workouts such as MIS/PS/S&H harder or easier than "endurance" workouts (ie, Power Hour/LL/CTX Upper)?

I've just finished an 8 week rotation using Power Hour twice a week, and can honestly say this workout did not get easier the more I did it, LOL!! However, I have now moved on to doing a rotation using MIS twice a week, and so far, this workout feels "easier" than Power Hour. I use the term "easier" VERY loosely, as none of Cathe's workouts can be called easy! Even though the weights are heavier, I think it may just be that there are more breaks and lower reps with MIS which makes it feel more "manageable"!!

Having said that, I am more sore the following day doing MIS than I was doing Power Hour. With Power Hour, my muscles would feel "tired", but with MIS, I actually get that good kind of ache/soreness. Does anyone else have this experience?.

Anyway, personally I find "endurance" workouts harder than "strength" workouts. What about you guys?


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Ditto! :)

I find endurance much tougher than strength, especially when you're using a weight that challenges the muscles, AND have to do endless repetitions! I feel the burn out big time when doing endurance, especially PowerHour, and you're right, PowerHour NEVER gets easier, you get more use to it, but it never gets easier! :)


P.s. When's your "due date" Kaz? I don't remember you posting a date, but I thought I remembered you saying you were due in January?

Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
I agree with Donna, as usual. I find Leaner Legs and PowerHour much more painful and dreadful than MIS or PS Legs and S/H is by far the easiest, in terms of how it feels and how much I dread it, even though I still reach failure and get results. Leaner Legs is the worst.

And I would say the same for every other muscle.
I agree 100% with Mogambo. Endurance is definitly harder for me. The lunges in PH are worse than the WHOLE LL tape though. Those are killer for sure!!!

Hi Donna,

It's good to "talk" with you again!! I'm due around 18th January, although I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm gonna go over - something tells me this little one is a bit too comfortable in here, LOL!

Hope you and yours are well!


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Endurance is much harder for me too. I'd done MIS twice a week for about a month and did PH friday (for the 1st time in over a month) and was surprised that it was so hard. My triceps are still a little sore. I still can't believe that my biceps get killed using a 15# barbell! Although while I find the lunges in PH to be just plain awful they don't make me sore the next day where MIS makes me sorer the next day.
Just like all of you, strength is my strength and endurance, esp. PH, kills me. Just between us, I do pause my player a lot between PH segments!
>Just like all of you, strength
>is my strength and endurance,
>esp. PH, kills me. Just
>between us, I do pause
>my player a lot between
>PH segments!

I'm not the only one! That's a relief.
I agree with all of you! I was doing an MIS/PS rotation prior to getting sick 3 weeks ago and was really enjoying it as I was regularly able to add weight to my barbell. Now that I am well again, I was thinking about a PH rotation, but think I'll return to strength instead. At 31 weeks pregnant, the "success" of strength appeals more to me than trying to conquer PH - especially those lunges!

Endurance is harder for me than strength. PH is sweet torture for me compared to MIS (my favorite strength ever so far)

Yet another vote for endurance. I did CTX UB on Saturday and LL on Sunday. Both of these workouts are killer. I'm not using as much weight as the crew does, and I've been known to skip a set here and there, if I feel like I'm overdoing it.

On LL, I eliminated the step ups and still had a tough time finishing the workout. Those low ends are the worst, but wow, do you see results!

I also find strength easier than endurance. After a 5 week rotation of MIS 2x a week, I switched to S&H with much heavier weights and I feel like I'm on vacation!
Hi Kaz.

Yep. I'm voting with the majority here: the endurance workouts are much harder than the strength workouts. Personally, I think its the mixing up of the counts ("2 beats up, 2 beats down" "3 up, one down", etc.) that makes it much more challenging. Also, you never know when Cathes going to stop the routine! In PS, you know its going to be 10 or 12 repetions. Then you stop, stretch, and move on to the next exercise.

I've really enjoyed CTX Upper Body and my new PH over the PS series, which seems so slow by comparison now.

> I agree 100% with Mogambo.
>Endurance is definitly harder for
>me. The lunges in PH
>are worse than the WHOLE
>LL tape though. Those are
>killer for sure!!!
> Janice

YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Couldn't agree more, Janice.
OUCH, lunge low ends!!!! :-wow :-wow :-wow

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