what do you eat?


Ok, here's what I ate today. I eat very healthfully on a regular basis and want to hear what ya'll think about my food choices. I'd also LOVE to hear a typical day from anyone willing to share, and meal and snack ideas are welcome!

1 Fantastic foods barley hot cereal cup, with 2 T walnuts
1 orange
1 c soy milk

1 banana, a Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt w/ 2 T wheat germ

3 oz canned salmon mixed with 1/4 avocado on 2 slices whole wheat bread with spinach and tomato
salad of mixed greens, brocolli, cauliflower, bell pepper, and nonfat dressing (Brianna's Santa Fe blend, it's SO good!)

1/4 c trail mix (raisins, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almonds and cashews)
1 apple

1 baked sweet potato with herbs and salsa
skinless chicken breast with herbs
10-12 small asparagus spears with herbs

For dessert:
1 pear

Give me your thoughts, ideas, and comments... HEALTHY REGARDS TO ALL!

Hi Sara,
Your diet sounds fantastic and super clean. I'm still working on cleaning mine up. I think I eat the right amount of calories and I keep the fat grams to a minimum, but my problem is diet soda and not enough protein. I swear I could eat nothing but carbs and be happy. But I do eat mainly healthy carbs.

I'm glad you started this post. I would love to hear what other people here eat on a daily basis.
HEY! I hope other people do write what they usually eat. We can all help each other out and get new meal ideas from each other. We can help each other with cravings, on the go snack ideas, etc, and I'm anxious to hear what works for different people. I find I do best eating 3 meals and 2 snacks, so I'm eating 5-6 times each day. Of course there are people who stick to a hearty 3-meals a day with no snacks. It's different for everyone, and I'd love to hear what the EDUCATED CROWD eats! :0)
I'll tell you what I ate today!!!! I think I did pretty good.

Breakfast- I c. Go Lean cereal, 1 Tbs. pumkin seeds, 2 tbs. raisins, 1/2 c. soy milk, with 1/2 sc. Designer whey protein.

Snack- 1 banana, and 3 muffins made with All-Bran cereal.

Lunch: 1/2 can of tuna, 3 Rye Krisp Rye Crackers, 1 c. gr. beans

Snack: 1 orange

Dinner- Oatmeal Pancakes: 1/2 c. slow-cook oatmeal, 4 egg whites, 1/4 c. cottage cheese, dash of vanilla. Green Bean stirfry.

Snack- Bag of Jolly Time Healthy Popcorn, maybe 2 sugar free fudgecycles.

I tried to eat good!!!! I think I did ok, what do you think???
Lori S.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-02 AT 06:43PM (Est)[/font][p]I've been using Perrone's book Hollywood's Healthiest Diets as a guideline to my food intake. Yeah, the title is very gimmicky, and yeah, alot of people have criticisms about the book, but I've found some of the info useful, and I've lost 2 lbs in a week and a half, dont feel fatigued and overall I feel I'm eating much healthier than every before. For those that arent familiar with the book, it takes you thru 10 mini questionaires and based on your responses it gears you towards one of the 10 eating plans offered in the book. The questions deal with your body make-up, your medical family history and your history. So, for me I'm "supposed" to eat only when hungry, only til satisfied, and of my meals, only one can be composed of carbohydrates, in a slightly higher proportion to protein. The other meals center around more protein. I cant comment on the other eating plans. I have found thru experimentation that my chemical makeup for lack of a better word does respond much better to a low carb diet. My GI system feels more regular and I dont feel hungry all of the time. I've tried alot of "diets", ie. Sugar Busters, Atkins, Protein Power, etc. but find this one to be the easiest to follow. I'm still seeing results even though I do eat carbs more often than at one meal. I too love hearing about what other people eat!!


HEY! I think you did well. The oatmeal pancakes sound great! I can't seem to find Jolly Time's healthy pop popcorn! I know it's like 220 cals for the entire bag, right? And loaded with fiber and some protein. Surely they sell it around here somewhere! (I live in Texas). DO you know if it contains any hydrogenated oils? I looked at Orville R's smart pop, and it contains partially hydrogenated soybean oil, so I won't buy that. Anyway, for my sweet treats, I LOVE Blue Bunny's NO SUGAR ADDED fudgebars and their orange cream and raspberry cream bars. They are so good, fat free, and 60-70 cals each. Good stuff (although sweetened with aspartame). And I like Kashi GoLean cereal, just had some this morning with banana slices, blackberries, and soy milk. Keep sharing your meals and snacks! Thanks!
HEY! Well, I am not a big fan of any "diet". I think the most healthful and permanent way to lose weight is to slowly make small changes in the way you eat that you can keep for life. I'm sure you know, carbs are our body's main fuel source, and are the ONLY fuel source used by the brain, so depriving yourself of enough carbs is really not a good thing, even if it does cause you to lose weight at first! Your body will start to depend on muscle for energy, and you surely don't want to lose any muscle! I think what matters is what KIND of carbs you eat. White rice, white bread, fat free cookies and crackers and those kinds of snacks don't so ANYTHING for weight loss. But eating whole grains (whole wheat breads and cereals, brown rice, oats, etc), and fruits and veggies fuel your body with carbs for energy, give you the nutrients you need, and have fiber to keep you feeling fuller longer. And they are low in fat and calories, too. (Unless they're slathered in oil or butter or heavy sauces, of course!). Just my thoughts. I've done a lot of research on diets, and most people who lose weight and KEEP IT OFF do it by exercising and following a low fat, high fiber, high carb, moderate protein diet. Just FYI. Thanks for posting... I hope you reach your goals! :0)
I eat lots of fruit and vegetables. I also am eating whole grains by the ton! I buy whole grain tortillas, breads and even pastas, though it took me a long time to let go of white pasta. I have happily been able to sneak whole wheat paasta and tortillas into meals for my junk-inclined family.

I love garden burgers and bean based soups and eat them for lunch most days. I am trying to learn to cook beans well, something I don't do yet. So any recipes would be appreciated!

I eat high fiber cereal in the morning or whole grain french toast or waffles. I add 1 tablespoon of maple syrup and some sort of fruit to the waffels or french toast. I often use soy milk on my cereal but I like cow's milk too. I have been trying to add more protein to my breakfast because otherwise I am ravenous by 10:00 am and on the prowl. I have been adding an egg or three egg whites or yogurt and it really helps.

I also eat nuts almost daily. A tablespoon or two of mixed nuts which includes almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts but no peanuts. I like peanut butter and eat it occasionally. We eat lean red meat once or twice a month; never more than once a week, lots of chicken and a little fish or shrimp.

I drink coffee and green tea daily and indulge in treats in moderation. I try to keep it in balance and to know what I am eating, when and why!
HEY! Thanks for posting! I drink lots of green tea, and since reading the Okinawa Program I have started drinking Jasmine tea and black tea, too. I don't eat red meat or pork, but I LOVE fish and shrimp, and eat chicken once or twice each week. I really love tofu as well. White Wave makes flavored baked tofu in several flavors. I use half the 8 oz package of tofu, cut into chunks, heat it in the micro and add half a 16-oz package of frozen mixed veggies, seasoned with herbs and garlic and maybe a drizzle of olive oil. Heat it all up and add a whole wheat tortilla on the side... it's one of my favorite fast meals. My morning snack is almost always a piece of fruit and fat free yogurt with wheat germ. My mid afternoon snack is usually an apple with either soy nuts, trail mix, or low fat cottage cheese. I have been thinking that maybe I need to add more protein to my breakfast too. Have you ever tried the Boca breakfast patties? I was looking at them at Whole Foods yesterday. I think one patty is 80 cals and has 9 gms of protein. I eat bkfst during the week after my workout, since I workout first thing in the morning. Bkfst is usually at 6:45am. Midmorning snack is somewhere between 8:30 and 10am. Lunch around 1-1:30. Midafternoon snack at 3:30-4:30, and dinner varies from 6-7. I try not to eat too late at night, especially 2-3 hours before bed, although dinner is usually my most filling meal b/c I work out first thing and don't want to go to bed hungry. I read so much about nutrition and seem to remember and pay attention to everything I see and hear about healthful eating. Thanks for sharing your meals and snacks... oh, and have you ever tried almond butter? I LOVE it! And about beans... not sure how to cook em, but one of my favorite lunches is 1/2 c mashed beans (such as black or great northern) on 2 slices whole wheat bread with low fat soy cheese (pepper jack flavor is so good!), spinach and tomato. It's REALLY good! Try it! Also, I use 1/4 avocado in place of mayo in sandwhiches... mix it with tuna or canned salmon or spread it on a pita and fill the pita with a boca burger and veggies. It's so tasty... and it's the good kind of fat. Ok, enough from me for now! Yikes!
Reading all these posts is very interesting. Just goes to show, different strokes for different folks. I stuck to a high carb, low fat, moderate protein diet and felt horrible! I felt bloated and had some serious GI issues. I used to work for a gastroenterologist and it was interesting to see patients that could tolerate high carb diets and others who just couldnt. I'm not one for low/no carb diets. It's important to get the right carb/protein/fat ratio. The secret is finding one that works for you and more importantly one that is healthy and also easy to stick to. I personally am a picky eater, despite many attempts to learn to like a number of foods, fruits and vegetables in particular. You're lucky that you like beans, tofu, soy, tomato, spinach and avocado.....they unfortunately make me literally gag! My husband cracks up at the faces I make when I try to eat those foods :) A typical day for me would be...

Breakfast...low fat cottage cheese or an Egg Beaters omelet
Lunch....salad with romaine lettuce, low cal dressing and a skinless, boneless chicken breast
Snack time.....nuts (I love almonds!)
Dinner....some type of protein, a veggie if I'm in the mood (I like broccoli, mushrooms, and asparagus)and some sort of carb either a sweet potato, rice or whole wheat bread.
Dessert....usually Diet Swiss Miss or Sugar Free Jello

I love green tea!

Happy and healthy eating to all,

Stacy :)
Oh I LOVE almonds, too! And pumpkin seeds and pistachios... have you ever tried almond butter? How do you fix your sweet potatoes? I eat one with dinner at least 4 times each week, and I usually top it with garlic, cayenne pepper, and salsa. But a new idea for my sweet spuds would be nice! I have also found Japanese yams at my Whole Foods market, they are shaped like sweet taters but are a brownish purple, and inside they are creamy whitish-yellow. Weird looking but taste similar to sweet potatoes.
No, I havent tried almond butter yet, and I usually eat my sweet potatoes plain......how about sweet potatoes topped with almond butter???

I sometimes mash some sweet potato into refried beans, also eat them with a tiny bit of butter, salt and cinnamon, or salt and Tabasco sauce. They make excellent hash browns. And I also mash them into a vegetable soup to make it thicker. I love sweet potatoes. And almond butter is great. They also have cashew butter, hazelnut butter, sesame butter (kinda yucky by itself I think), soy butter, and once in Ann Arbor I found pecan butter. All of these things are wonderful on toast, crackers or from now on, sweet potatoes!!
I was thinking about maybe cooking a sweet tater in the microwave, and about half way through cutting it into slices or chips and baking them in the oven. I bet that would be good... like sweet potato fries. I have tried cashew butter and I liked it... definetly different but it was good. Natural almond and peanut butter are regular staples in my kitchen. Does anyone incorporate flaxseed into their diet? Any tips on this are welcome! I know flaxseed has several health benefits, and was curious if you guys eat it regularly. Oh, and does anyone eat frozen meals? I try to stay away from processed foods but I know cascadian farms and Amy's brand makes a bunch of frozen dinners... recommendations are wanted! ONE MORE THING... :0) I was curious if anyone one uses the "cheat day" method for eating, where you allow one day each month or week and eat whatever you want. I don't do this and never have, but I read about a lot of people who do it so they don't feel deprived. Ok, enough from me for now!
I have one cheat day per week, and I live for it. Anyone can be "good" six days if you have that one day to look forward to. Even Body for Life promotes the weekly cheat day. I usually eat normally till mid-day on my cheat day, meaning that I don't wake up in the morning and start pigging out. I always work out on my cheat day, also. Works for me! Yes, you can lose weight with this regimine (spelling?)
I tend to cheat daily! One peice of bittersweet chocolate after dinner. And I am always happy when it's birthday time or any celebration that allows an indulgence!

I keep the seeds in the freezer, then grind about a half a cup worth, and keep that in the refrigerator. I put a heaping tablespoon on cold cereal, hot cereal, and mixed with yogurt. This means I get 3 or 4 servings a week. There's not much else I can do with it that I can think of. I guess you could put it on a salad, but I don't ever make salads as I hate all the washing, chopping, picking over vegetables. My daughter adds it to protein shakes.
Maybe only the people with really admirable diets posted! I eat too many processed foods I think. Really can't be bothered preparing food so much. A typical work day for me looks like this:

(immediately post workout) 2 scoops protein powder with water & a Vitamin

(1 1/2 hours later as I almost arrive at work, in my car) A lunchmeat sandwich on pita bread with lettuce and cucumber slices. (I tuck them in one side of the pita pocket.) I only buy the expensive lunchmeats, Healthy Choice or Dietz & Watson. No mayo, no cheese.

1 Uncle Ben's rice bowl--Spicy Beef and Broccoli or Beef Fajita. An apple if I need more food.

1 Kashi Go Lean bar. Strawberry is my favorite.

Dinner?? Could be canned soup or whatever meat I may have cooked over salad. I eat chicken, pork, and beef. I try and get the lean cuts most of the time. I probably should be more concerned for my cholesterol, but I'm not. Gosh, looking back, I suppose I should eat more vegetables too. Sigh. Jeanne
RE: Flaxseed

Another way to eat flaxseed is to ground a couple of tablespoons of whole flaxeed, and thoroughly blend into a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. I eat a serving almost daily.

An added bonus, my skin is smooth and my hair and nails are thick and glossy. Normally this time of year, my nails crack and peel and my hair becomes dry and brittle.

I was concerned about the added calories in my diet, but the fat is the healthy omega 3 and omega 6 kind. My body seems to be thanking me. And,since 11/30, I've lost 11 lbs.

Working out with Cathe helps a great deal.

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