What do you do for breakfast?????


I am trying to find some healthy breakfast Ideas besides oatmeal. and an egg. any suggestions?????
My usual go to breakfast is an ezekiel english muffin with a tablespoon peanut butter and
some organic apple butter and some cottage cheese...yum!!!
I have 1/2 cup of Kashi's 'Go Lean' and 1/2 cup of Kashi's 'Heart to Heart' cereals. I put a ton of fruit on...bananas, strawberries, blueberries, whatever I have. I also have a side of 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese w/ a couple slices of canned pears. This is very filling, has a lot of protein and fiber too!
Lately, I've been having a cup of Barbaras Shredded Oats with milk, 1/3 cup fresh organic blueberries on top and a side of either 2 eggs or 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites.

I also like Tosca Renos Cottage Cheese pancakes with fresh berries on top. Those are also tasty.
I was looking for a change today too, so I made a toasted sandwich. A multigrain "thin" bun toasted, sliced tomato, baby spinach leaves with tzatiki spread. It was glorious and a nice change from the traditional breakfasts I've been having.
I am also a fan of Kashi Go Lean with fruit but I find cereal is not enough for me in the mornings anymore - I need something more substantial so I save cereal for a snack instead.
My usual breakfast is either steel cut oats or 1 whole egg, 3 egg whites scrambled with red pepper and turkey bacon cut up in it.
I love a very filling and quick and easy "pb and berries bowl" (I call it)....simply take one tbsp of almond butter or natural peanut butter (or for lower fat version sometimes I use PB2 Powdered Peanut butter mixed with a smidge of water) and melt in microwave for about 30 sec (no microwaving necessary for PB2), then add a handful of chopped almonds (or walnuts for omega-3s) and 1/2 cup of blueberries and 1/4 cup of cut up dark bing cherries (with the pits tossed out of course). You may also like to add a little golden flax meal to it for some more omega-3's. It's such a rich, and decadent and filling bowl. You can also try the berries and nuts in nonfat greek yogurt with a pinch of stevia, for a good dose of healthy probiotics and calcium.

But if you are hungry for something a little more fun, and you can stomach some more eggs try making your own "breakfast pita pizza"! Take one whole wheat pita, scramble some eggs and throw them on the pita with a little low fat shredded cheese and diced mushrooms and spinach leaves and maybe even some low fat turkey sausage if you eat meat and then throw it in a hot oven until the cheese melts. Voila! Breakfast pita pizza! Try another version with feta cheese, basil leaves, a few olives and sliced tomato!

One more! (And I got a million of them if you need more, I love to cook healthy)
Healthy Quick and Easy Blender Banana pancakes!
Put all these ingredients in your blender:
1 cup oats
1/2 cup of milk (I use Almond milk unsweetened)
a 1/2 scoop of your favorite vanilla protien power
2 egg whites, 1 whole egg
dash of vanilla
a little stevia if you want

Then blend. Make sure the batter is thin-ish but not runny or watery. Then add to that chopped 1/2 banana, mix that in by hand. Throw in a pancake griddle or non-stick pan and cook just like any other pancake. The above should yeild three pancakes! I like to top mine with almond butter or PB2 powdered peanut butter. Yum Yum Yum!!!!!!!

Let me know if you need more, I could go on for days....
Usually I'll have a quart of green smoothie for breakfast.
If not, then I'll have some sprouted buckwheat cereal (homemade) with nutmilk (also homemade) and sometimes dried fruit.

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