What do y'all do for a living?

so interesting to see what everyone does. :) I'm insatiably curious, so I like to know.

It's great to see so many people liking what they do too! :)
I'm a former personal trainer who decided she could make loads more $$$ as a communications engineer with AT&T. I love my job, I love the hard work and the great pay! I'm very fortuante because I do look forward to going to the office; and I do get the opportunity to work from home every now and then...life is good.
Hi! What a great topic! I really enjoyed reading about every ones professions. I also work in a major trauma center here in Seattle, as a Diagnostic Medical Sonogapher/ CT Tech. This is my primary job, but I also have my own business with AdvoCare. This is very rewarding. I love to help people, and both my career and my business does, just that. With AdvoCare I help people earn money, lose weight, have more energy, and achieve overall wellness. It’s great!

Hope, Health and a Future
Good to see a fellow UNIX nerd out there...sorta...more like I am an aspriring Linux nerd..
After 5 years and large money making few years in real estate, I'm back in retail management...The first year back (1/1/06) I wondered what I was doing...Now I'm with a company that I love, am bonusing (BIG perk!!) and STILL don't have to have my cell phone or fax machine with on a weekend out of town...LOVE the stabilty!!! LOVE my staff! LOVE my company!
MJ in MN
Interesting, Beavs. How does a library director get interested in Linux? Wish I WAS a nerd. I'm a nerdlet. Half a nerd and half not a nerd. Don't really fit in anywhere...hehe.
I admire all the SAHM's. I wish I had had that honor and choice. You have the hardest jobs out there.

I am now retired but I used to program voice active and touch tone integrated systems. I also recorded the prompts. If you ever thought you couldn't get tired of your own voice, think again.

I got a ticket for a traffic violation a few years ago. When I called the number to clear the ticket, I heard myself giving me instructions to press one to clear the ticket. My cop friends thought that was pretty funny.... hahaha.
I do SEC (financial) reporting for one of the biggest toy companies you can think of...

I really wish I loved my job/career as much as everyone else here seems to but I am still in the long process of trying to find something that I love.
For a new poster, this sure is a fun "get to know you" topic!
I am a full time student, having returned to college after a 7 year "break". I am completing my BS in Education to become certified to teach secondary (7-12) history and social studies. It's more fun than it sounds...really!!! I also work part time at a ballroom dance studio (I can't tango, I'm just the receptionist), part time sales at J Crew and a full time wife and stepmom. Whew. Just writing it all makes me tired!
I suppose I should answer my own question :p
I am a records specialist for an orthodontist. I do all of the diagnostics, x-rays, intra-oral photos, etc...

Thanks for all of the responses, it's fun to learn more about each other in a perspective other than how far we ran or how much we lifted today!
I'm a freelance editor/publisher working from home. I get to work out during the day when I can fit it in and then I pick my 5 yr old daughter up from school and spend time with her. Best of both worlds!
I run Linux at work and home. One time I explained to a person what I did with computers. I told him I worked with Unix, he didn't know what that was thought I meant "eunuchs". The conversation went downhill from there.
Hi Dawn, I was a real estate agent for awhile (in Chesterfield Twp.), and the market drove me out. Where do you live?

Hi Dave, My husband and I are Co-Leaders for our Wolf Scout den. It's a lot of fun, but a lot of work. The boys are camping (in a cabin) this weekend. It's going to be COLD!

I'm very suprised to read all the posts for homeschooling parents. What a challenge that must be. I've kicked it around a few times, but my son seems to be doing well where he is, so no need just yet.

I am an Operations Analyst in the utilities industry. Sorry, no I love my job story here. Minute by minute, it is sucking the life out of me :(.

"Where there's a will, there's a way."

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