What do the Kick Max leg drills consist of?


I can't seem to get into the leg drill section of Kick Max, because I get really bored during the very first drill. I'm not a big fan of floor work in general, and the first drill kind of makes me think of standing floorwork, if that makes any sense.

Could someone describe some of the other drills? I'm sure it would be in my best interests to try the drills all the way through at least once, but I could use a little motivation!

I can't think of them right off the top of my head, but wanted to say that since doing Kick Max for the last 6-8 weeks, once a week, my outer thighs/buttocks are more toned than they have ever been. I'm an hourglass shape and my jeans are finally looking/fitting so much better.
Thanks, Kelley.

Hearing about your good results might just be the motivation I need! I think I'll try the drills at the start of a workout, rather than at the end (which is the only way I've tried them so far). There will be less chance of me bailing out early that way!

Shelbygirl- when I do the drills, I usually end up remembering early ballet and jazz dance classes I took as a kid- so there must be some kind of training connection my brain makes! The first drill is just like all the other drills, just different types of kicks and leg angles and movements.

If you aren't sure, can't you just watch that section with your remote in hand, FFing through the reps, just to see what she's doing?

Have fun!! }(

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