what do i need to do... to finally do even ONE unassisted pull up?

unassisted pullup?

i can do pushups on my toes... i can do pikes on the ball.... i can do all sorts of other things.. i cannot do a pullup unassited (without the chair!) WHAT do i need to do to get to where i can do even one... and then more????????????

i just finished week 3 of phase one... i can do more assisteds than i could week one (and more importantly in my mind.. more on the second set of each!) but they are assisted *pout* i want to do at least ONE unassisted!

help! what am i doing wrong!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
>You're not wearing a gardenia behind your ear, or holding a
>rose in your teeth.

okey doke! i'll try that! i think i get a break from them next week (but have to do yoga twice.. ick!)

but the week after that i will run outside and get a rost (removing any thorns) and see if that works! lol!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
No no! You have to leave the thorns. They concentrate the pain in your mouth, so you don't even think about the pullup and VOILA! Before you know you've done one or 15 and you're so happy you don't notice the blood dripping from your lips!}(
*sigh*.... i fear this may be one of those things i just never master! i mean... purposely.. on purpose... hurting my mouth and making it bleed! *gasp*


*hangs head in shame for not being able to do a pullup*

(you know if the day comes i can do one.. i'll be SCREAMING all over he boards!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
RE: what do i need to do... to finally do even ONE unas...

Last year I wanted to do an unassisted pull-up more than anything! I had my husband install a bar in the doorway. After many days I managed to do not 1 but 2 !!! Of course I was shrieking by the end of the second one :p The thing is, in the last year I have not been able to repeat it!! Don't know why that day was different. Also don't know why some women can do these and some can't. I have rather broad shoulders for an otherwise short/petite girl, so maybe having the body shape of a gorilla is the answer. :)

Keep trying!! You'll get it!
My gym has those assisted pull up machines, they really help, at least you can measure your progress a little. I can't really imagine doing a pull up without using that machine to subtract poundage.

I actually haven't been on that machine in a while since I mostly workout at home....seems like lat pull downs I could only do 60 or 70 lbs with 10 reps so I have approxmately.....55 lbs to add to that before I can do one unassisted pull up! :)

Hey Desertbriez, Have you tried doing the assisted version using the bands? I did for the 1st time today for Back & Legs and it was awesome! Harder but "do-able". I couldn't do as many as when I use a chair put the range of motion seems way better..like I will progress much faster...I HOPE!!! So far, I can only do 2 big girl pull-ups.
This must be why the presidential fitness test required girls to do the bent arm hang. I couldn't do that either, and it sure was fun to hang there and shake while the rest of the class looked on. Augh! Grade school nightmares!
I say, if I can do one, anybody can. I still can and I have been doing mere maintainance and rather weenyish workouts because life happens and interferes with schedules sometimes. Have you tried starting with your palms facing you, hands together? It's far easier than palms facing away, hands wide but it gets you up there and once you've been up there, the more difficult way seems infinitely more accessible. It's a process, but you will do it, I know you will. Focus on those shoulders and the knowledge that it's a goal you are going to meet and be patient with yourself. :) Also, I prefer a daisy chain to the gardenia behind the ear, but that's just me. ;)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
There was an article in a recent Fitness, maybe June's, that tells you how to reach fitness goals, and doing a real pull up was one of the goals. It recommended going heavy on a lat pull down machine until you could pull almost all of your body weight, and then moving to assisted pull ups, then going to the real deal. For me, I find it's actually harder to pull down my weight on the lat machine than it is for me to do assisted pull ups. I'm still hoping I can do an official unassisted one some day.

Good luck!
RE: what do i need to do... to finally do even ONE unas...

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Try negatives. Get to the top of the bar and go back down as slow as is humanly possible for you. Hang at that tough point as long as you can. This really does help. Once you can do one, do it whenever you think about it, I've gotten up at three in the morning and done one when that "urge" came over me. I think it was right after the reoccurant pullup dream. I'm just so sure I can pump out 30 and I have a NEED to go see.....but it's always a dream. BUT ONE DAY JUST MAYBE....:7 :7 :7

Chuck the roses.....wear army boots. }( }( }( }(

RE: what do i need to do... to finally do even ONE unas...

I went out to the swingset yesterday with my SO. He helped me up to grab the top bar (piece of wood, actually). I hung there. I strained, I tried, I pushed, I pulled, but there was no way on this earth that I was lifting myself, overhand or underhand grip. So now I have another goal to add to my list.

Daisy chains, eh, Bobbi? Interesting image that conjures}(
I can do two but that second one is a killer. The first one is easier because I have to jump to reach the bar and I think the momentum helps me to pull myself up. The second one is just a major fight against gravity, which always seems to win in the end!!


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
i guess i'll have to break down and order some of those bands! i can do more each time with the chair.. i just don't seem any closer to doing them (one) unassisted!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I bought my bands at Dick's Sporting Goods. They are by GoFit.net and the kit included 3 bands, light, medium and heavy, handles for the bands, ankle attachments and a carrying case...all for $30.00!

The sweet thing is, you have so many options with using the bands for assistance. You can use all 3 bands for maximum help or use 2...play with them to find the right combo or just one.

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