What "different" foods do you love?


I thought since we were on the subject of food...and since I posted a potential "flamer" yesterday-again, perhaps this forum is not the place for subjects like that, and I apologize-we have had enough "negativity" lately, I certainly do not want to contribute...anyway!

So what weird, strange foods do you like to eat?

Here's mine:

Hearts of palm-I love these things right out of the can!:9 Plus they are low cal and strangely satisfying.

Light tuna in water-drained and mixed with 1 packet of Equal.:7 It's good really!

Kimchee-that fermented cabbage you get in Korean restaurants or in some grocery stores. Its so good, but it stinks.

Broccoli and tuna mixed with lowfat parm cheese and slopped on top of a plain rice cake:9

Hominy: You Southern gals probably know what this is right? I love it right out of the can, sprayed with "I cannot believe its not butter!"

I am sure I can think of others, but now that I have ruined everyone's appetite! Your turn.:7
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*note to self - refuse all dinner invitations from tneah* :p

I don't really like anything weird. I guess I'm boring.
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Wow, tneah! All very interesting faves! I'm more of a pizza, ice cream, lasagna kinda girl! I wish I had the eclectic (and healthy) tastes that you have!

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Shelley, I actually cook "normal" stuff for guests :) ! While I go sit in the other room and enjoy my stinky kimchee!

You guys don't have any foods (or food combos) you like that others would find odd? :p I bet you do, oh, dear, am I the only one?:eek:
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How about putting potato chips on tuna sandwiches? Does that count as strange? I don't actually eat that anymore, but I loved it when I was little. Something about the crunchy saltiness of the chips mixed with the tuna. Oh, yeah, and it has to be on squishy white bread. That could well qualify as the uncleanest thing ever, couldn't it?:p
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Um, well I guess I have a few. Let me think...

I'm not a vegetarian but I LOVE tempeh! I posted in another thread about how much I love it slightly toasted and then added to spaghetti sauce.

I also love baked tofu with apple-cinnamon glaze.

(this isn't that strange--but it was a big step for me!!) Raw little neck clams with a touch a cocktail sauce! yum!

That's it for now. As I said, I'm a pretty "basic foods" girl!

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OOH, yes, those qualify as very strange!:) I actually love the potatoe chip/tuna idea, gotta love the Wonder White squishy bread too.:D
The clams? Oh boy, I could eat those with a shot of whiskey maybe!}(
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"How about putting potato chips on tuna sandwiches?"

Oh my god, Shelley! I used to eat that all the time when I was little! I used to put Doritos on my tuna sandwiches (of course they were on white bread too)! How's THAT for weird!?

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Almost anything Korean-kimchi, soondubu, seaweed, all the side dishes...
Sushi-all kinds including salmon roe and octopus
raw oysters
tofu-all kinds

Honestly, I have pretty wide-ranging tastes. I will try alomst anything once (except for red meat, pork, venison, basically anything with fur). DF makes fun of me because of all the weird stuff we have in the fridge.
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I don't eat anything that's really "different" -- I'm not that adventurous, but my DH grosses me out with the stuff he'll eat -- lol!

I always put 3 or 4 potato chips on my sandwiches. I love that salty crunch with every bite, and it satisfies my crunch/salt craving so that I'm not tempted to put a whole handful of chips on the side.

ETA {{{{{Tneah}}}}} It's okay;)
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I found very thinly sliced Alaskan wild-caught salmon at Kroger. I put several slices in a small whole wheat bun and have it for my lunch at work. My co-workers are disgusted because it looks like raw pink meat on a bun (it's precooked!)but it's soooo yummy and it's one way to get a few omega-3s in my diet.
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>I found very thinly sliced Alaskan wild-caught salmon at
>Kroger. I put several slices in a small whole wheat bun and
>have it for my lunch at work. My co-workers are disgusted
>because it looks like raw pink meat on a bun (it's
>precooked!)but it's soooo yummy and it's one way to get a few
>omega-3s in my diet.

Yup. I'd call that "different"...... ;-) :) :D

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My guily pleasure is Dulse. It's an East Coast thing. I can eat a big bag in no time!
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I do enjoy black eyed peas with a dab of mayo swirled in on rare occasion. I also like fried okra. These are very weird things for a chickie to like as much as I do north of the Mason Dixon.
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Yeah, hearts of palm are delicious, I have been known to open a can and not have any left after five minutes. Along the same lines, I love capers straight out of the jar. lol
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When I was pregnant, I used to go to subway and order a 6 in with cheese and banana peppers. That's it. At first the workers thought I was crazy. After awhile they got used to it.
Nothing really weird now!
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Oh boy, I'll try anything once so you might want to read with caution if you have tender tummies.

I've had - sushi and sashimi which I love. Octopus, eels, snails (I don't love snails but I do love garlic butter! ;) ) Steak tartare - raw hamburger (we used to eat this when I was a kid, my folks would add a raw egg to theirs and I passed on that - I can't imagine eating it nowadays).

I love cheesy things so I would add cheese to anything that slowed down long enough. That was then - before clean-er eating.

When I was a kid my favorite "salad" was a bowl with iceburg lettuce, cut up deli roast beef, cut up cheese, and a gallon or two of that Hidden Valley Ranch dressing (made with regular mayo and whole milk I'm sure!)

Kinda makes me shudder now.

I'm sure I've eaten other weird stuff but this is what comes to mind right now. :p

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