What did you want to be when you grew up?


and what is your job now? Do they relate at all?

something light and fun, but of course ;)

Me then: I wanted to be a teacher for the longest time.

Me now: Professionally I'm a clinical social worker speciailizing in families & children. Currently I'm a sahm until my little guy starts school. I knew I was a "people person" but I guess the teaching thing didn't stick with me.

ETA: if you're not grown up yet, you can still play ;)


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
I think my #1 problem in life is that I NEVER wanted to be anything. I've never not wanted to do anything, but I never felt passionate enough about anything. Not even as a little kid! How boring am I???

So now I'm a perpetual student.........

Fun post, Deb!

I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was little, and then later a writer. Now I'm a lawyer who writes all day long and gives lots of fashion advice to anyone who will listen. ;) :+

Deb, what do you think of that Supernanny TV show? Do you agree with her methods? Can families really change that much?

So, Sara, maybe in your studenthood, you'll stumble across something to be passionate about.

I wanted to be a vet until I watched a vet give my cat stitches. Then I wanted to be Jane Goodall and become famous by studying the behavior of some kind of animal. Then I wanted to discover new plant species in some foreign land. I graduated from college with a biology degree and little likihood of finding a job. The I heard about Medical Technology and went back to school for a year and ended up with a job in a microbiology lab. I guess it's related, since it's still something in the field of biology.
Let's see....In my lifetime I have wanted to be a SAHM, an accountant, a zoo keeper, a vet and a journalist! LOL

I am currently a SAHM who is studying to take the PT exam in May to work as a part time personal trainer!

Before having my son I was a collector for a bank for almost 5 years. I never had a "career". I've just had an array of desk jobs...
>Fun post, Deb!
>I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was little, and then
>later a writer. Now I'm a lawyer who writes all day long and
>gives lots of fashion advice to anyone who will listen. ;) :+
>Deb, what do you think of that Supernanny TV show? Do you
>agree with her methods? Can families really change that much?

Nancy, I think the premise of the supernanny's methods are good. She works a lot with a reward system and open communication on the child's level. Discipline based on tangible rewards (or removal of said reward) works best with children. Their abstract thinking is just not fine tuned enough to get satisfaction from "doing the right thing" if you know what I mean. Kids like to be rewarded for their progress and feel like they have a choice. When the kids do well, I believe this is rewarding for the parents. Just like the domino effect. It is all about choices.

I don't think families realistically change quite as quickly as portrayed on the show. Ahhh, the beauty of TV montage. In reality it could take months, years..but yes, they CAN indeed change that much. Depends upon the motivation. In general, the show is good, if nothing else but to let people know they are other families out there just like them. Much more realistic then a lot of other shows out there.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
Fun question...

I wanted to be an airline stewardess but got married and had two kids instead. I eventually became an aerobic insturctor which I guess is kind of "related" since I "FLY" around the room! Ha!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Cathe Friedrich. And I still do. :D

Well, in my MUCH younger days I wanted to be a veterinarian. Then I realized I'd never be able to deal w/animals who are sick, suffering or dying.

Then I wanted to be a US Senator. Until I realized I'd have to compromise my principles just to get a bunch of uneducated schmucks to vote for me.

Now I want to be the chief of staff for a US Senator. That way I'd get to run the show & I wouldn't have to pander.
"Nancy, I think the premise of the supernanny's methods are good. She works a lot with a reward system and open communication on the child's level. Discipline based on tangible rewards (or removal of said reward) works best with children. Their abstract thinking is just not fine tuned enough to get satisfaction from "doing the right thing" if you know what I mean. Kids like to be rewarded for their progress and feel like they have a choice. When the kids do well, I believe this is rewarding for the parents. Just like the domino effect. It is all about choices.

I don't think families realistically change quite as quickly as portrayed on the show. Ahhh, the beauty of TV montage. In reality it could take months, years..but yes, they CAN indeed change that much. Depends upon the motivation. In general, the show is good, if nothing else but to let people know they are other families out there just like them. Much more realistic then a lot of other shows out there."

Thanks Deb! I'm really glad to hear that. I really admire what you do. I can only imagine how rewarding it must be.

Come to think of it, while my nieces and nephew were growing up, I saw my brother use so many of those techniques, and they worked beautifully. I have no idea how he always knew what to do, what tone to use, and how he managed to be firm but loving all at the same time. I'm in awe of people who have such skills. I just love Jo the Supernanny.

>Then I wanted to be a US Senator. Until I realized I'd have
>to compromise my principles just to get a bunch of uneducated
>schmucks to vote for me.

LOL Laura!


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
I always wanted to be a nurse and now I am a pharmacy technician.

I still wish I could have stayed in college to become a nurse but I am very happy how my life turned out and I do love my job.

Great question...I went through the same stages all little girls go through.
I want to be a veterinarian, I want to be a doctor, on and on. Mostly I wanted to be whatever the flavor of the day was.

I have served in the Navy, worked at a chemical plant and now work for the government again in aviation. Can't say that this is what I wanted to be but I wouldn't change a thing. Life experience is what makes your life robust IMHO.

I also pondered the Vet thing... I think just about everyone loves animals when they are younger. Then i was thinking excercise science when I got older. Or personal training. Then I was thinking a physical therapist... Now i am a nurse...But i love my jobs on most days. :)
I'm currently a Substitute Teacher, and going to Graduate School to be a licensed school counselor. I love kids and believe they need someone to be there for them, to guide them...

...when I get a chance, I want to open up a shelter for domestic animals. A safehaven...Although I deeply love kids, my inner passion has always been with animals. Maybe a program that incorporates helping children help animals. That be a dream come true...



I wanted to be a fashion illustrator or a college art professor. I got married and had kids out of high school and went to college later, but got a business degree instead. People always tell me to go back and get that art degree but I don't think it'll happen. I still "doodle" fashion models on everything though.
I wanted to be famous -- if American Idol was around when I was little I would have wanted to be on that.

I wanted to sing, act, dance in music videos - whatever.

I work in real estate...

Yay ;)

I wanted to be a geologist/earth scientist/archiologist. That is what my Dad does and i grew up traveling to weird places doing wild things. While other kids were riding blikes and swimming in the summer; I was playing in lava tunnels or in a diamond mine with safety goggles and a mineral hammer or digging for bones... or digging for geodes at the bases of volcanos and having them polished.
I always wanted to be a nurse. Even at aged 5, I remember telling my dad when he asked that I wanted to be a nurse.

Today, I am a nurse in a rather busy Open Heart/Trauma ICU. Eventually, I'd like to go back to school and become either a P.A. or a Nurse Anesthetist.

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