I am going to lather up in steroid cream and apply ice packs in hopes that this stupid all-over body rash will go away! Now, before you go thinking bad thoughts, I had a severe allergic reaction to something I ate (probably that all-natural oat and hazelnut bread I started eating last weekend......or chocolate.......or walnuts. I'm hoping for the bread, but it would be great if it was the chocolate so I'd be forced to stop eating it - it's one of my weaknesses). Anyhoo, two days ago, it felt like a million white hot needles were prickling my skin. It was on fire and itched all at once. Now that I've been on meds and steroid cream for a couple days, the itching has downgraded to what feels like a moderately severe poison ivy reaction. And now, instead of the itching covering 100% of my body, it only covers about 75%. Hey, it's an improvement!
Other than that, I am going to try to take a little me-time this weekend. The past two weeks have been an up-and-down ride full of stress, and I want to relax a bit. Perhaps I'll find a good movie on DirecTV or spend some time writing my book. That sounds AWESOME given what I've been through the past two weeks (frozen washing machine pipes that flooded the basement, a blizzard, the rash from Hades, a sick husband, a huge project at work with a tight deadline, shoveling about 5 tons of snow to get my car out of the garage, hearing that we owed on our taxes). Awe, sweet nothing, here I come!!!