What are your pet peeves?

Beaves .. ITA ... thank GOD someone else feels that way.

Have a girl at work that gets TWO extra weeks off b/c she calls in w/a sick child .. but strangely enough it always co-incides on a Friday .. or some upcoming party they are having .. or a furniture delivery .. etc .. aahhhhhhhhhh!!!x(
"--people who always like to know what I'm eating for lunch or make comments about my food, good and bad"

Add this one to my list too, Drives me to drink. Especially the comments like "ewwww gross, how can you eat that". Um, that would be with a fork. I never asked you to eat it. In fact, get your nose outta my lunch bag.

Watch, someone's peeve is bound to be "people that bring gross lunches to work"
>"--people who always like to know what I'm eating for lunch
>or make comments about my food, good and bad"
>Add this one to my list too, Drives me to drink. Especially
>the comments like "ewwww gross, how can you eat that". Um,
>that would be with a fork. I never asked you to eat it. In
>fact, get your nose outta my lunch bag.
>Watch, someone's peeve is bound to be "people that bring gross
>lunches to work"

Melissa, you are hysterical!! Love it!!!! :D


Or my other favorite "Oh, you're so skinny! You don't need to eat that!"
So what should I eat....a big greasy burger with fries so that I can increase my girth enough not to have to hear those comments? Forget it! I have earplugs!
<Beavs I LOVE the cinnamon bagels at panera bread lol I see I'm not the only one enjoying their cheat meal>

I cheat frequently....does that make me a bagelizer..a bagels' woman? :7
Ever wonder why a parkway is something you drive on and a driveway is something you park on? lol yeah I know...too much time on my hands:D
Beaves ... >>>>Meanwhile you get to pick up her slack, right? >>>>

Exactly!!! I am pulled off my job to do hers b/c of a bogus excuse (note it would be different if it were not a fake excuse and so freaking obvious) and she complains and whines about everything .. and cheats on her time .. she tells lies about the illness then forgets what she said .. and never skips a beat .. takes extended lunch hours and breaks .. just any way she can eak out extra time from doing work .. DRIVES me NUTS!!!x(
another food peeve .. if I do "cheat" on my slightly clean diet .. then seems everyone in the office building decides to come thru the kitchen and have to exclaim "OMG I can't beleive you are eating that ..."

I want to scream .. I AM NORMAL .. If I want a burger and fries leave me the H### alone!!!
I'm going to post mine before looking at anyone else's:
[font color=red size=+2] CHEAPSKATES [/font] x( x( x( x( x(
I have ZERO tolerance. I'm not talking about people who are on a budget, or trying to make ends meet. I'm talking about greedy, ungenerous types. They really get on my nerves!
LMAO! NaturalBeauty i thought i was theonly one who paid attention to stuff like that! Like " why do they call it a freeway when u have to pay a toll to get on it?" Lol! :D
Poochy, you and Sparrow13 had me near tears over here from laughing so hard. The comment about people who drive slow until they see you're trying to get around them, then they wanna speed up. :D It's such a true comment and it happens all the time when i'm in the car wit my hubby. He always yells n curses. That irks me too. I have to tell him, "why are u aggravating yourself and screaming, when that person can't even hear you!" Lol!
Oh and the comment about ppl darting in front of you and then driving slow. I HATE THAT!!!!!! That's when i tailgate. :D :D
Driving is frustrating, period.
Thanks for the laugh guys.;-)
My biggest peeves (hoping not to offend)....cigarette smoke, litter bugs...particularly ppl who throw their cigarette butts out their own car window.....older toddlers still walking around with pacifiers in their mouths, every store always having to ask your "phone number with area code", telemarketers calling anytime but especially during dinner, and overweight pets!
People who leave thier carts in the middle of the aisle at the food store while looking for something and then act like you are bothering them when you say "excuse me" for them to move thier cart! x(

People who drive too slow in the fast lane.

People who tailgate you in the right lane when they have plenty of opportunity it get over a pass you.

People who let thier young kids run around like wild animals in public places.

People who don't say thank you when you open a door or hold a door open for them.

I could go on for days but I won't bore you...:p
I thought of one of my pet peeves last night while I couldn't sleep, but cannot remember it now!

I cannot stand it when people throw cigerettes out of their car or smoke in the car with children x( ;( .

My poor daughters get an earful when I see kids riding their bicycles either without a helmet or worse with a helmet but the helmet isn't hooked under their chins! x( ;(

I can go on all day too, but here's the short list: :+

People who do not use turn signals - hello! They are not optional equipment. I'd really like to know you're planning on turning, especially at a stop sign when I think I can go and you turn left in front of me.

People who talk on cell phones and drive. Or who drink and drink.

Gum smackers. Especially in places I pay to go - like movie theaters.

People who treat pets like they treat cars and think nothing of taking a dog or cat to the pound because they want a new one, or have a kid, or don't have time.

People who abuse children or animals.

I'm with Sparrow on the kids in restaurants. Control your kids, or don't take them out. I love kids, but not when they are tearing through the restaurant when I'm trying to enjoy a romantic dinner with DH.
The sound of chewing - especially gum. My husband thinks I'm the only person in the world with that pet peeve.

I also have a pet peeve about people commenting about the fact that I have chosen to have only one child. I get so many reactions -- sorrow, disapproval, judgement -- it's really unbelievable. It's akin to the judgement of people saying you'll never be fulfilled unless you have kids. People think I won't be fulfilled if I only have one! And when I insist that I'm happy and fulfilled I still get the sceptical looks.

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