What are your pet peeves?

lol you know my husband works out of state (he's an electrican) and I hate it when we are on the phone and I'm talking and next thing you know he starts having a conversation with a buddy at work. Im like HELLO I was trying to tell you something...at least say hold on or something...oh god and dont let us start arguing...he always cuts me off and I can never get a word in. Hate that
LMAO! Natural Beauty, i swear it's like we're the same person! my husband does that same thing. he calls me and the whole time he's talkin to his friend at work! I'm like "why'd u call me if u were gonna talk to ur friend the whole time?!" Lol! And when we argue, he yells so much n talks over me, i forget what i have to say when i finally get the chance.

And we've been together so long that we usually know wat the other is thinking, but i absolutely HATE when i'm opening my mouth to say something and he says the exact same thing i was about to say, but before me! Lol! i hate that! It makes me feel defeated!:7
Mildred you are too much. Lol! but i have to say i agree with you. It kills me when people call me and ask me, "who's this?" Why would you call someone's house and ask that? Don't you know who you're calling?! Lol! I just hate for people to ask stupid questions, period. Especially when the answer is obvious. My son does that alot and it drives me INSANE!! }(

You guys were making me laugh at all of these because I share similar feelings on many of them! Like elevator rules...people just want to charge right in...so I stand right in front of the doors and just force my way out. I also loathe a tailgater - especially when I'm going the max speed limit (or...ahem..a bit above that). Here's some additional ones that I don't like:

I hate it when I'm in mid sentence with someone and they just turn and start talking to someone else like I wasn't even there. This is something that multiple people have done to me, but the biggest example is my m-i-l. Then, when I decide not to waste my energy talking because I won't be heard anyway, I'm a b!tch. Nice double standard there, eh?

Another thing that annoys me is my husbands snoring. Need I say more?

Another peeve is prideful people that can never be wrong, and expect things out of you that they'd never give. One of my relatives (BY MARRIAGE) is this way. He treats my husband like a servant. GRRRR!

I hate it when people complain for months and don't do anything to change the situation.

It's truly annoying to me when people pronounce words incorrectly; even after you correct them! My Mom is famous for this. For example: she won't say "umbilical" cord...she says "umbiblical" cord! She says "proSTRATE" gland for "proSTATE" gland. I just get off the phone with her when she starts. She's also famous for saying a word over and over and over if she likes how it sounds. We went to the beach one year and she walked on the beach with my father and ran onto some guys doing sand sculpting. She came back to the room and started telling us about them and I swear she said some version of "sculpt" (ie, sculpting, sculpture, etc) 100 times. It was so bad my younger sister yelled "quit saying sculpture!" and Mom just slammed the door. (Twas funny stuff!)

I hate it when I'm on the phone and people stop at work to listen to my conversation; and butt kissers that try to make themselves look better to the boss at the expense of others - and succeed!

But above all else, I think I hate dishonesty. I've gone through a pretty intense betrayal lately and it has stung me to the bone. That's definitely at the top of my list.

Intolerant people who think everyone should be exactly like them.

I guess that makes me intolerant of intolerance! ha.
LOL! I think you have a good point with this one. I live in NY and of course we take trains everywhere, and it urks me when i'm tryin to get off the train and people are standing directly in front of the door trying to rush in to find a seat before i can even get off the train!!! So i do what you do, push my way out like i don't even see them there. LMAO! Andi hate talkin to someone and they seem to be preoccupied with something else or rather engage in another conversation while i'm mid-sentence. My DH does it alot. Makes me just wanna grab him and squeeze. :)

And i'm sorry you've experienced that betrayal recently. I know how it feels to be betrayed. You don't know who you can or cannot trust. But sometimes, gettin revenge can be so worth it. ;)

I hope things get better for u.
My biggest pet peeve is any kind of eating noise - chewing, crunching, lip smacking, teeth clanking together, just the sound of food moving around in my mouth or anyone else's.
I have an irrational reaction to finding flyers under my windshield wipers in parking lots! I want to wad up the paper and throw it down. I can't because that would be littering, another peave. Why must people throw trash on the ground?????
One more. People with caller ID who check there missed calls at 11:00pm and call you with the dumb statement "someone from this number called me."
Man, I feel better:)
* people that refuse to get out of the left lane

* people that once you start to pass them (as they were going about 45) .. they speed up .. you have to get up to 65 to get around them .. THEN they ride your @$$ going 65 mph ??? I don't get it???

* someone who calls while surfing the internet and you know they really are not paying attention to the conversation .. but HELLO .. YOU called ME??? I dont get it

* people on cell phone in a business talking incessantly about absolutely NOTHING .. WTH .. hang up the phone .. do your business and leave!!!!

* people who think it is ok to make nasal sucking noises in public ...

* people who have kids and just b/c you don't ..thinks you don't know anything about kids or even like them ... uummm .. giving birth does not make you an automatic great mother ... just as not giving birth means you are a bad one or are w/o a conception of what mothering is or should be..

* people that come up and stand there listening in on an obvious PRIVATE conversation you are having w/someone .. aahhhh .. go away please!!

* popping gum (real loudly) in the middle of a fitness class .. BTW .. how do you not swallow the gum????

UUMMM .. I could go on and on and on and on!! sorry!!!:7
1.)When my SO leaves me the car on E...for empty!
2.) When I hold the door open for people and they fail to say "Thank you"
3.) People whom I let into traffic and don't offer "the wave" of thanks
4.)That booger snuffing sound some people make that sounds almost like a snort
5.)People who chew their gum...loudly that I can hear it
6.) When I order something in a restaurant and the wait staff correct me

Me (in Panera): Hi! I'd like a cinnamon sugar bagel
Them: You mean a cinnamon crunch bagel...
Me: (in my head ) !@@#@#@!#@#$!@
There are two that really bug me:

1. Adults who smoke w/ kids in closed spaces (the car or the house) - SHAME ON THEM!
2. People who talk on their cell phones and attempt to drive at the same time - it should be either one or the other! I can't tell you how many times I have seen someone swerving and almost hit someone - meaning me and my family - because they are are holding a phone to their ear not paying attention to anything else... grrrrrrrrrrr!

Where do I begin???

- people who whip out in front of me, causing me to hit the breaks, when there is no one else behind me for 3 miles. These people then almost always proceed to drive 10 miles under the speed limit.

- men with their shirts off anywhere but the pool/beach/resort. Yes, even the good looking ones...

- people who let their children leave their seats and run around restaurants. I was out the other night and there was a kid around 5 actually lying on the floor goofing around while his parents ate. :eek:

- lack of basic manners. "Please," "thank you" and "you're welcome" are always in vogue, as far as I'm concerned.


"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
Oh...and I forgot to add (I have LOTS of peeves)

--people who always like to know what I'm eating for lunch or make comments about my food, good and bad

--people who like to comment that having kids is the greatest thing one can do (I think we are all on our different paths for a reason and each lifestyle has its pros and cons) and people who think that only people with children have the right to be over worked, over tired, over weight...etc etc because single people must be home getting pedicures and eating bon bons and living the life of luxury....

No more ranting for me! LOL!
Oh, Beavs!! There we go thinking alike!

I told my boss the other day that I thought (since both of us were working on multiple projects) that another proposal writer who had twins about 5 months ago and works part-time from home, should be given some work to do for a guy in one of our offices near her (she's in another city). She's been back to work for two months now, and he really hasn't given her anything much to do. His answer? "She just had twins and she never knows when they'll be napping. It just wouldn't be fair to her."

>Oh...and I forgot to add (I have LOTS of peeves)
>--people who always like to know what I'm eating for lunch or
>make comments about my food, good and bad
>--people who like to comment that having kids is the greatest
>thing one can do (I think we are all on our different paths
>for a reason and each lifestyle has its pros and cons) and
>people who think that only people with children have the right
>to be over worked, over tired, over weight...etc etc because
>single people must be home getting pedicures and eating bon
>bons and living the life of luxury....
>No more ranting for me! LOL!

Beavs, couldn't agree more. I have a cousin like this, whenever I mention being tired and busy she sighs dramatically and says, "well you just don't know busy/tired until you have kids."

Also it doesn't stop at being busy. I've had people tell me I can't really know fulfillment, happiness, womanhood or sacrifice because I don't have children.


"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
People who talk to me when I am on the phone...can't you see that I am talking already? Its bad enough when DH does it but I work with a guy who constantly talks to me when I am on the phone. I ignore him and then he goes away!


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