What are your pet peeves?


The other day my in-laws came over. And i was talking to my step father-in-law. Well i don't know if he's losing it or not, but everything i said to him, he repeated back to me in the form of a question. I HATE THAT!!! x( It was really aggravating! And they're always trying to tell me how to raise my son. They say stuff like "When i was growing up....." or "you shouldn't let him do that....." I wanna yell "STOP TRYNA TELL ME WAT TO DO!".... Sorry, i had a moment. :D

I know that we all have one thing or another that just urks the S@#T out of us.. What's yours? And please, don't be afraid to share. :)

RE: Don't you hate it when?......

Anything passive/agressive...hate it! My DH does it to me, says something in a "tone"or whatever, come right out and say what you are feeling and what you mean and stop being an arse about it!;)

My DH takes out a can of soda, drinks half and then it sits on the counter for days if I don't empty it and toss it. They guys from work we have over for business every other week? Well, they do the same thing, only with water. They take out a little bottle of water, take a sip and leave it there, never finish it, but will go get another bottle of water and open that, take one sip, and let it sit there....drives me batty, and its very, very wasteful.

My other pet peeve is not having toilet paper stocked in the bathroom.x( Hate that. How hard is it to change an empty roll, or stock extra rolls in the bathrooms so no one gets caught with their pants down so to speak? I am lucky enough to have housekeepers help with the cleaning, and they always forget to stock the toilet paper, and they leave the paper towel holders empty.x( Drives me insane!
Of course I wind up doing it,and follow behind them with my 12 rolls of tp, frantically stocking all the bathrooms! I leave toilet plungers in all the bathrooms too after seeing the movie Dumb and Dumber where the poor guy gets stuck in the bathroom with a clogged toilet!:7 I would hate for a guest to have to come out and tell me the toilet is plugged up, how horrid! So even though its unsightly, I feel its very considerate of me. Oh, and our plumbing is "moody", so believe me, this is very considerate of me!:p

I'm kinda strange huh?:7
RE: Don't you hate it when?......

nothing strange about that at all. i HATE when i go to a bathroom, use the toilet and when i look, No toilet paper. then i'm stuck there until my husband brings me some. It's super annoying. And i HATE when ppl are sarcastic wit me. Although i'm very sarcastic at times, u never like it when others are the same way with you. :7
RE: Don't you hate it when?......

My biggest pet peeve, is when someone tries to jump on the elevator before you even get one foot out the door. x(

¸ .• ♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥

Smoke free since: 2/05/08
RE: Don't you hate it when?......

Mine is people who are not punctual. I hate that, especially when I am the one waiting on them.

I absolutly hate it when your driving along at a decent speed and the car in front of you suddenly swerves over to the next lane and your suddenly faced with a car slamming on their brakes in front of you and then your suddenly slamming on your brakes....(hope that made sense) lately my pet peeves have been people on the roadx(
RE: Don't you hate it when?......

>Anything passive/agressive...hate it! My DH does it to me,
>says something in a "tone"or whatever, come right out and say
>what you are feeling and what you mean and stop being an arse
>about it!;)
>My DH takes out a can of soda, drinks half and then it sits on
>the counter for days if I don't empty it and toss it. They
>guys from work we have over for business every other week?
>Well, they do the same thing, only with water. They take out a
>little bottle of water, take a sip and leave it there, never
>finish it, but will go get another bottle of water and open
>that, take one sip, and let it sit there....drives me batty,
>and its very, very wasteful.
>My other pet peeve is not having toilet paper stocked in the
>bathroom.x( Hate that. How hard is it to change an empty roll,
>or stock extra rolls in the bathrooms so no one gets caught
>with their pants down so to speak? I am lucky enough to have
>housekeepers help with the cleaning, and they always forget to
>stock the toilet paper, and they leave the paper towel holders
>empty.x( Drives me insane!
>Of course I wind up doing it,and follow behind them with my 12
>rolls of tp, frantically stocking all the bathrooms! I leave
>toilet plungers in all the bathrooms too after seeing the
>movie Dumb and Dumber where the poor guy gets stuck in the
>bathroom with a clogged toilet!:7 I would hate for a guest to
>have to come out and tell me the toilet is plugged up, how
>horrid! So even though its unsightly, I feel its very
>considerate of me. Oh, and our plumbing is "moody", so believe
>me, this is very considerate of me!:p
>I'm kinda strange huh?:7

If u stand for nothing, you fall for anything.
No, u know wat i hate? I hate ire when ppl drive slow in the fast lane. LMAO! or when ppl try to jump in front of you but then realize they're cutting you off and try to jump back in the lane they were in. i HATE that!!!
LOL i know what you mean...or how about when the car in front of you brakes for a yellow light when you were trying to make it through.
Lol! i know!! And you can't get around them cuz u know if u try to go around them and a traffic cop sees you, you're getting a ticket for about $115. (I live in NY. everything is more expensive here). Lol!

Or what about when traffic cops stop up traffic just to give a parking ticket? Lol! they have you believing there's some kind of emergency, when they're just giving a ticket! (No offense to any cops out there) ;)
LMAO!! its funny when you think about it but when your in that situation your blowing your horn...rolling your eyes...and saying alot of F words :eek: lol
I hate it when people try to parent my children in front of me. My mil does this and it drives me batty.

I also hate chewing and other oral noises. If I were queen of the world I would outlaw gum--all those squishing and popping noises--makes me want to tear my hair out.

I hate it when the neighbors play their music so loud, that I can hear it in our house/yard, especially when all I hear is bass.

I'm pregnant again and I gain lots of weight each time (I do lose it afterwards) and I look like a house and I hate it when people feel the need to comment endlessly on my size and how I look like I'm carrying twins and how I look ready to deliver when I have 16 weeks to go and how they know this person who is as far along as me and she's barely showing.....shut up already!!!

I have a son with down syndrome and I hate it when kids are mean to him. Oh my, I'm fairly reserved, but mess with my Malcolm and you and your ignorant parent/parents better watch out.

Okay, I'd better stop bitching and moaning now. When I'm pregnant, the whole world bugs me more than usual, which is why I'm spending extra time on the forums. Less aggrevating than real life}( }( .

very hormonal and extra sensitive
You know my husband decided to hop on board with this whole get fit thing...he started out at 200lbs...and in one month...ONE FREAKING MONTH this man has lost 15 pounds! He's not even eating as clean as I am...and his workouts consisted of WALKING!!x( Im so jealous...It seems like the weight just falls off him but I have to sweat like a pig and lift heavy to see 2lbs come off me. I hate that. He just recently decided he wants to start lifting some weights and join a gym. He's gonna reach his goal in no time...pisses me off}(
Housework! :7 LOL



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Oh my goodness! I know exactly what you mean. Me n any hubby decided we were gonna lose weight around the same time. January 1st. I was going hard wit my workout and diet and he was eating chips, cookies, cakes and all types of junk while i'm counting calories. just a month and a half ago, he decided to get serious and has already lost 25 pounds! and he only gets to the gym about once or twice a week! IT'S NOT FAIR!! ;( x(
>I know that we all have one thing or another that just urks
>the S@#T out of us.. What's yours? And please, don't be afraid
>to share. :)

If you do a search on this, you'll find a very long and detailed thread on pet peeves (we were not at all afraid to share!).

I'll just mention one of mine here that is current and that I haven't mentioned before (I have so many!):

One of my colleagues has a habit of finishing other people's sentences. I just started noticing this a few weeks ago at French table (where she was doing it to someone else, and I thought maybe it was just a 'teacher' quirk of hers), then when I was talking to her the other day, she did the same thing to me.

I then remembered that I'd met one other person who did that, years ago (but I can't remember where or when!) and that it had annoyed me so much that I started sabotaging her 'efforts' by always contradicting what 'she said I was going to say'.
One main thing for me....when I drive the max speed limit..my biggest pet peeve is tailgater's...PERIOD!!!
When I am talking to someone on the telephone & they chew/swallow/eat in my ear. This drives me INSANE.

A very close second is when people walk by me and just openly comment concerning something on my person. It's usually "you're tall" or "how tall or you?," but I seem to get an awful lot of comments from people that just feel free to openly comment and it irritates me.
Kathryn, I work with one of those too. Finishes everyone's sentences. Drives me nuts.

When you answer the phone, and the person says "Who is this?" Ummm, you called me.

Questions on how to get fit, then a roll with the eyes. Geez, then don't ask.

Anything that makes my kid cry because her feelings are hurt.

My bagless vaccuum. I thought it was a grand idea at the time, but I look like PigPen every time I have to empty the sucker.

Spending money on hateful things like roofs, driveways, or exterior paint...really cuts into my workout DVD/equipment budget.

And then...OK I'll spare you the rest....did I mention the toilet paper, no one turns off the lights but me, please empty the dishwasher, the laundry should go from the washer into the dryer before it turns into a putrid moldy stink, Please don't run your shopping cart into my heals, The empty milk carton could be in the garbage as opposed to leading me into believing we actually own milk, Peanut Butter does not belong in the dog's ears, Who gave the baby a sharpie marker, Conference rooms with the guy who bought a case of Old Spice on sale in 1974,

And the fact that weekends dont last 5 days.


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