What are your favorite cardio moves?


Active Member
What are some of your favorite moves that you look forward to doing during cardio? Which exercises do you dread?

Some of my favorites are: the hip hop, power play, triples around the step, jump rope around the world, crazy crosswalk, figure 8s, peg leg pivot and mambo back, and the pony.

Some of the moves I dread are: the 6 count mambo on the step(I am always turning the wrong way), explosive lunges(ouch), tuck jumps, air jacks, and of course plie jacks. I just wish I had the spring in my step to do these moves the way Cathe and her crew does them. I am still working up to being able to do all of the plie jacks in Imax3...one of these days.
> explosive
>lunges(ouch), tuck jumps, air jacks, and of course plie jacks.

I dread ALL of those moves. Like you, I am not "springy" enough to get the height needed for these moves. I'm soooooo not a fast-twitch kind of girl like Cathe and her crew are.

I love all of the favorites that you mentioned - pretty much anything dancy and funky on the step is fun for me. :)
There are some cardio moves that make me wish I could turn the clock back and take dance lessons, they just feel so darned good.
In Cathe's hi-lo I love 'knees up and over' and 'over and back', so much fun. I also love the low impact move in Step Jump and Pump, hamstring curls then you hop on one foot in a circle, wheeeeee...
In step I love reverse-hop-turns, heel-toe-diagonal-over-and-jack and in 4DS Higher Intensity step reverse-hop-turn-into-a-ricochet. There's lots more but those are high intensity fun for me.
The hip hop move in Lower Intensity step is fun, hope to see that one incorporated in her next step workout.

I hate squat thrust terminatorsx( I can't ever get full range of motion on this move and I feel really clumsy. I don't like jumping onto the board from the side either, from the front is fine but for some reason I always feel there's too much potential for *crash* from the side.

Take Care
Like - kickboxing, bootcamp, athletic drills

Hate - squat/thrust terminators; most step; anything "jumpy" and "chearleader-esque" (think bouncy pony tail)
My all time favorite is two knee repeater, pony down, rock back. I love that move. I also really like the hip hop move in LIS.

¸ .• ♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥
I agree with almost everything the original poster mentioned...

LOVE--fast foot shuffle/repeater, cross-country repeater, any kind of repeater actually, ricochet, power box, box lunges, I could do on and on.

HATE--tuck jumps, plie jacks, power turning squats

I am almost ashamed to admit this, but.....I really don't care for all those outer thigh lifts either;(

edited to add -- I love the pony!
I love all of Cathe's moves EXCEPT air jacks. They are just LAME!! Haha!! I just can't do them so I am a sore loser. Probably why I never passed cheerleading tryouts - since they are a common cheerleading jump :(


Anything plyo (plyo jacks, vertical jumps, plyo/power lunges, plie jacks, air jacks, one-legged hops, bounding forward jumps or lateral two-footed jumps, power turns on step, ice breakers, sequential power kicks, sumo squats, you get the idea)

Anything squat-thrust (with climbers or tuck jumps)

Anything "football-runny"

High-knee runs

Forward bounding a la Drill Max blast #5


Mambo cha-chas, "scoops", drop-squat pendulums on the step, anything dancy - I can't get the footwork and even when I can my heart rate plummets

What A-Jock said.

In fact I did BC (original) this morning and LOVED every minute of it!! I can't get most dancy-step moves so I don't really enjoy them. I dread the words "mambo-cha-cha" in a workout.
some are my favs are the fast feet in drillmax,the third combo in bm2(reverse hop turn,charelston(sp)...) mombo-walk-back-shuffle,im sure there is more!

My least favorite-power turning squats,wide stance lounges off the back of the step(hate those)box lounge,power box knee thingies in imax2(including the jeanie hops :+ )
>some are my favs are the fast feet in drillmax,the third
>combo in bm2(reverse hop turn,charelston(sp)...)
>mombo-walk-back-shuffle,im sure there is more!
>My least favorite-power turning squats,wide stance lounges off
>the back of the step(hate those)box lounge,power box knee
>thingies in imax2(including the jeanie hops :+ )

Jeanie hops. I really don't like those. Probably my least favorite.

¸ .• ♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥
I like the ones in the newer Bootcamp, but cannot do tuck jumps or the genie hops, too hard on my knees and hips, and any move that faintly resembles those you might see a cheerleader do.x( Hate 'em.

I like figure 8's, mambo cha-cha-s and the hip hop thing in the LIS workout.

I also hate number 3 in Drillmax, the drill with the ball? Yuk. Feels like it goes on and on and it hurts my arms.:p
I was just thinking about this the other day while doing RS. My favorites are the "drop sqaut pendulum, squat, cha cha cha" move from RS combo #3, and jump kicks, ski hops and jumping on/off the box, lateral skates, power turn squats, sequential kicks.

My least favorite are tuck jumps or too many plyo jacks. :p
Laurie, if you like the dancy moves like hopping in a circle, you would LOVE Kari Anderson's Sweat Express workout. It is an absolute blast. She has that move on steroids! She is a fantastic teacher, too. She used to be a ballet dancer and you will feel like a dancer too. But you'll definitely get a good workout!

It's a Video Fitness Hall of Famer and here is a link to their review:

Sadly Sweat Express appears never to have made it from VHS to DVD, but you can buy the VHS on Amazon.

Sweat Express is one of the BEST floor aerobic hi-lo workouts ever made in my opinion. You're gonna laugh at the goofy workout attire the cast is wearing, but it is SO FUN.

I always look forward to it! Today is Sweat Express day for me, in fact!


Some of the moves I love:

Pump Repeater
Rhythmic L
Shuffle Down the Board
Fast Foot Shuffle
The Lunge-Rear-Squat-Side move from Rhythmic Step
Speed Skaters

Some of the ones I hate:

Scoops (Too easy... why do they exist?!?)
Box Lunge
Going across the board lengthwise

But, regardless, if it's in a Cathe workout, I can't hate it too much. :)


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