What are you reading??

YAY Clare. I am definately a Binchy fan! I've read Tara Road, Sacrlet Feather, Copper Beech, Quentins, and Evening Class. Scarlet Feather is my favorite.

Its a hard pick but I think my all time favorite author is Barbara Kingsolver. Any Kingsolver fans in the group?
I just got finished with Alexander McCall Smith's The Kalihari Typing School for Men--he writes a delightful series about a lady detective in Botswana and this book is the 4th in the series.

I am currently reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin and am enjoying it very much. I have seen the A&E movie, but this is one classic that I had not yet read.

I am reading Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens) aloud to the family. But it is taking forever, because we are getting to bed too late at night and I am often to tired to read aloud at that point.

Before that we read A Tale of Two Cities and loved it.

This had been a fun thread.

I always have four or five books going at one time. Short attention span, I guess??? I finish them all, though, so what does that make me? Right now I'm reading The Love Letter, What Charles Dickens Ate/What Jane Austen knew, Jackie's Wild Seattle and Wild Man Island (to my students at school), Peace Like a River, and I'm rereading Jane Eyre. Oh, and I just finished The Dante Club on books-on-tape (on my bicycle) and started Wish You Were Here. Seeing it written down like this, I think, "what a nut!" I guess I got it from my grandma, who did the same thing. Thanks grandma!

I LOVED Cold Sassy Tree. You are so right about the characters being so real. The follow-up book is called Return to Cold Sassy and I didn't like it as well as the first. I can't remember which network did it but they made a movie of Cold Sassy Tree. It never fails that the book is much better than the movie.
What a Great Thread!

I'm currently reading Purpose Driven Life (Day 3) and I love it! I also just started Maximum Energy For Life. So far, so good, but I've heard great things about it so I'm very excited to get through it.
I'm currently reading "Called inot Healing" by Linda L. Smith. I'm a student of Healing Touch and this was on the recommended reading list. Just started it so I can't really review it yet.

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