What are the movies that really make you think?

I always found "Meet Joe Black" a thinker. Also, when the Planet of the Apes came out, I was so confused by the ending that that one made me think for a few days trying to figure it all out! LOL :)
Mulholland Drive - this movie definately had me thinking....

Three Kings - It was out a few years ago with George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg.

Sophie's Choice

Spitfire Grill

Are you referring to the remake of "Planet of the Apes"? Because the ending of the original seemed pretty obvious what they were going for. Of course, when that one came out originally, you were probably just a child...
There was also a movie about gorillas with Anthony Hopkins, and this was the only movie where I have left crying.;( I just can't watch movies about animals.
Life is Beautiful
This movie has stayed with me since I first watched it. After it was over I got my son out of bed and sat and rocked him for an hour. The bonds of true family love is incredibly hard to break!

Many of the above, but the movie that really makes my synapses fire is "The Believer" with Ryan Gosling. I caught in by accident one night and couldn't get it off my mind for days. I've since seen it a few more times, and I'm still trying to decipher the message behind this movie. I think there are a lot of subtle nuances behind it. The one that comes in second for making me scratch my head is "Mulholland Drive." Still trying to decode that one fully as well.


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