What are the movies that really make you think?

One that I have always loved and really makes me think is "The Seventh Sign" with Demi Moore. Its an 80's movie I think, maybe early 90's, but I really love that movie.
Debbie in OH
I am an action flick junkie . . . my user name reflects that! (X-Men) Two of my favorites that haven't been mentioned are Gladiator and Braveheart. Fight Club is worth mentioning again. Memento is another one that trips my trigger.
It's interesting so many liked Shawshank Redemption. Many people don't know that Stephen King wrote the story. I read it in a book of his short stories years before the movie was made. It was originally called "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" because he used a poster of Rita Hayworth to cover where he was planning his escape.
Did you also know that Shawshank Redemption is currently tied for all-time favorite movie on IMDb, even though it wasn't a hugh box office hit?


It is my all-time favorite! If you have the chance, serious fans should get the 10 year anniversary dvd edition. The extra features are great!!

I also like Green Mile, Usual Suspects, Memento, and many others that were mentioned here. I'm also making a list of some that I haven't seen - it will give me something to watch this winter!!
Read the book "A Beautiful Mind" if you want to think hard! All of those math theories - I can't get my mind around them... He was truly a brilliant man.
Schindler's List (DH and I couldn't speak for two hours after seeing that film)

Dead Man Walking (See above; at least one person left the theatre during the showing we went to)

Hoop Dreams (one of the best documentaries ever made)

The Station Agent (before this movie I had NEVER thought of how people with dwarfism were treated, perceived and portrayed).

I thought this thread was about movies that made you think? Not movies that you loved?

Crash made me think.
American History X made me think.
Big Fish made me think "i wish i was in a marriage like that".
The one I can think of that affected me the most, for the longest time after I saw it, was Leaving Las Vegas. I won't even put it down as one of my favorite movies, but I was bothered for days.

The Passion was another one.
The Patriot with Mel Gibson - made history come alive for me

A movie I saw a long time ago on TV - I think it was a hallmark presentation with James Gardner and James Woods. They played brothers and Woods was mentally ill.
The Green Mile - SO intensely moving

The Notebook - this one actually made me sob more than anything

Open Water - makes me think I never want to scuba dive...EVER

Pay it Forward - this one gets me everytime

Crash - very interesting film about racial issues going full circle

Hi All,

The secret life of David Gale (I hope that is the title) staring Kate Winslet and Kevin Spacey.

Interesting thread. As for emotional impact, the movie that really gets to me is one that few people have seen -"Dancer in the Dark" (Bjork was the lead character). I never cry in movies, and this one has me bawling every time I see it.

Also, when I was a child, "To Kill a Mockingbird" really affected me.

Have to agree with everyone about American History X and Shawshank Redemption.

I can't believe no one has mentioned that deep-thinking film "Dude, Where's My Car?" (kidding!)

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