What are the funniest websites you've visited?


I'm in need of some laughs today.

Some of my personal favorites.

www.mulletsgalore.com- a most amusing tribute to all things mullet related. Some parts of this site do contain offensive language and pictures. I personally am amused by the mullet classifications and some of the stories on the 'mullet hunt' section, especially the Quiet Riot concert sighting.

www.beansaroundtheworld.com- an offbeat site documenting the world travel of a can of S & W Black Beans.

Please share!
Sabine....I have to agree with the Mullet one. I got that from the Fashion Pet Peeve thread and about laughed my head off. I am a manicurist and told all the hairdressers I work with about it...thanks...Carole
>I got a kick out of this one. Check out her workouts!!}(
>Susan C.M.

WOW, Did u ever look at the photos? The Creatine ones were really interesting. I've always wondered if creatine would make a difference.
She's a hoot too!

And that circuit workout, look at the lbs. she uses!

Thanks for posting the link!


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