What are some things people do to irritate you?

I totally hate when they have one lane closed on a highway and telling traffic to move left or right. People move in the other lane, while others move all the way up front to get in front of other cars. That's when I don't let them in. they should of stayed in back and got in like everyone else!

What is it that people do to irritate you?

Oh I have lots too.........let's see.........I hate it when I'm entering/exiting a building & someone lets the door shut in my face. I hate it when people leave their carts in the middle of the grocery store aisle so no one else can get by. I hate it when people make loud noises when they eat or drink. I hate poor phone manners.

I guess I could capture it all in one sentence: I'm irritated by inconsideration.
Well you should be around my brother when he eats cereal. He smacks so loud that you could almost smack him!

Oh one thing is cashiers and retail workers who don't smile or say hello how is your day? customer service has gone out the window these days.

People can do everything just right...doesn't matter when I am PMS'n, everything bothers me. Mostly, I don't like slow people...in my way in the grocery store, slow drivers, etc. Slowness just really annoys me.

most other drivers irritate me! Too slow, too fast, or careless drivers bug me. For instance on my lunch break just now I was at an intersection getting ready to turn right and the light was green. There was the "No right turn" sign on because there was a train just to the right, so I waited. This man comes up behind me and wants me to go anyway. I shake my head no and point to the sign. He starts honking and shouting out the window to go.

So I turn around and say out my window the sign says no right turn. He pulls up to my bumper and started to SHOVE me forward into the intersection!! I put my car in park and got out and told him to get off my car. I had to tell him 3 times and call him a name before he did. He's lucky he didn't do anything to the paint of my car!!!
I would have to say when people LIE . Like for no reason . Yep I've been Lied to !!! It ruins things I think . I have a hard time getting past it !!! Darn it ...I guess cuz I'm as honest as they get !!!:) :) Any pointers !!
I have many as well. To name a few, I don't like when people leave their grocery carts in the middle of the parking lot when there is a cart return about 5 feet away. I don't like when people throw their cigarette butts out the window of their cars, espeically when they are still lit. What makes people think that the earth is their ashtray? I don't like when people are stopped in a line of traffic at a stop light and someone is coming out of a parking lot and wants to turn right, and no one lets them in.
I have to agree that I don't like inconsiderate people, and lazy people.x(

omigod brandi I think I woulda went nut buddy on that guy if he did that to my car!
I hate slow drivers too, especially when ya finally get to pass them and they suddenly find their gas pedal or they turn. or people that drive up real fast behind ya then tailgate to no end,:+
Oh, yes...Lazy! Have no patience with that, but then that is almost up there with "slow". LOL! I really despise laziness unless your on vacation or something. I hope I never end up in a hospital bed, I won't be able to stay put. LOL

Being behind someone who is wearing high heels or cute little shoes that go clippity-clop and won't stay on their feet. They are so slow because their cutesy shoes are holding them back, and I'm stuck behind them. It pisses me off because these women choose to disable themselves and I have to deal with it on escalators, stairs, or just walking down the streets of Manhattan. Is it worth giving up all your mobility just to look cute? Wanna guess what my answer is? x( x( x( x( x( Grrrrrrr.
I did want to hurt him just a little bit}( :p I almost followed him for a license plate but I thought he was obviously crazy, who knows what he would have done. I just counted to 10 about 100 times;-)
I did want to hurt him just a little bit}( :p I almost followed him for a license plate but I thought he was obviously crazy, who knows what he would have done. I just counted to 10 about 100 times;-)
Many things irritate me but lately being at the elevator, I am looking straight foward and the person next to me is giving me the look up and down, and I am like: what the hell? I can see them from the corners of my eyes, I think that is rude and ignorant, it could be male or female, young or old, no matter who, please mind your business and stop staring at me!!!!
The older I get the more I love me.


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