WHAT Am I Going To Do?!?


I'm almost in tears as I write this. I don't know what to do. Or where to start telling you the story. I've always loved working out...and working out hard. I always jokingly said I loved to work out until I threw up, passed out or ruptured something. And that's why I love doing Cathe workouts. But lately, I've been having WICKED vertigo spells. And, while it hits me at random times...sometimes even when I'm sleeping or just sitting down, it has happened 5 times in the past couple of years when I've been engaged in hard core exercise (always during lower body workouts, never upper body).

Let me tell you a couple of things. First of all, I am 70 pounds overweight and have been overweight most of my life. Why? Because as soon as I exercise, I follow up with a plate of nachos. My diet is not clean...I'm addicted to the junk food.

But now I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and am blogging about my goal of losing 60 pounds in 6 haircuts or less. And I've been back to my hardcore workouts. But a couple of weeks ago, I was doing Cathe's Gym Series Legs and set the barbell down after doing lunges and BAM!!! The room was spinning. I dropped to the floor, crawled over to my cell phone to call my mom, who ran upstairs and held me for 30 minutes as I stuggled to stay conscious and keep from throwing up. And then I was miserable for the rest of the day. And I haven't worked out since...I'm terrified to even go back in the room. My mom says I have no business working out that hard but I just cannot imagine this condition getting any better until I shed some of the weight.

Let me also tell you that I don't have health insurance. I have it for emergencies but it's a $1200 deductable, so that isn't going to happen. But...when I did have better health insurance a few years ago and was dealing with these dizzy spells for the first time, I had it checked out thoroughly and even had an MRI and the doctor's couldn't find anything.

SOOOOOO...I'm just desperate to find someone who might have experienced the same thing as I and hopefully recovered from it. I have only experienced this the last 7 years (And I am now 36)...maybe it's hormonal. But I love strength training and so want to continue. Anyone else out there who deals with this?!?
I have veritgo, its horrible. When it flares up it makes me deathly ill so I know what you're feeling. I cannot take the prescribed meds for Vertigo, it knocks me out cold. I do keep dramine on hand at all times, in my purse, in my bedside table and in my horse trailer/camper. Dramaine is a life saver for me. I take it when I get a flare up of vertigo. It keeps the spinning from being so bad (it doesn't stop the vomiting completely though) Do you get sinus infections? I ask because vertigo seems to flare up when I get sinus infections. Mucinex D really helps too. I have had extensive testing and they cannot find any reason for my vertigo, I"ve had all the ear tests, MRI, CAT scan you name it and for some reason Drs can't find anything....
Connie...that sounds awful! Can you explain when you take the Dramamine? Is it once the attack hits? I mean, I'm never nearby a glass of water or my bag when it strikes but will definitely take if it has worked for you. But I can't imagine swallowing anything once it hits because I am always on the verge of throwing up. How long does it take to work?
I had some problems with vertigo last year (end of summer and fall). My doctor checked me out, and said she thought it was something where the fluid in the ear canal forms crystals (and it happens with age :confused:).

One suggestion she had was that if it happens, exaggerate what brought it on (which makes the brain adapt). So if turning your head quickly side-to-side does it, then do that motion.

She also recommended I ask my chiro about a special adjustment for the condition, so I did. (something like a Hicks-Pike??? manoeuver). I can easily do it on my own: lie on a bed with your head hanging off, then move your head to follow a rectangular path: right back, right forward, left forward, left back, hitting and holding the 'corners' of the rectangle. If there is a particular position that makes you dizzier, stay in that position for a while.

I only did the manoeuvre once with my chiro and once on my own, but I quickly got past my vertigo.
Thanks, Kathryn! I have been doing some research and have read about the cystallization in the ears. But my symptoms were not the same, and it was not brought on my head movement. It seems to be more like Meniere's Disease. I'm happy to hear that yours went away, though! Very happy...it gives me hope.
There was a very interesting article in Vogue magazine in December 2008 by a woman, Claire Dederer, titled "Free Falling." I think she found some way of dealing with her vertigo so that she could exercise, because that was when it was really hitting her. You might want to look it up and see if it has any advice for you. I only had spells of vertigo myself when I was very low in iron during perimenopause and my periods were impossible--heavy and longlasting and scary. I had to start taking iron.

I wish you luck in finding something that helps!
Have you tried drinking an electrolyte beverage before your workouts? I get vertigo when my sodium is low, especially if I'm working out.

Great job on the weight loss, I've visited your blog, very inspirational.
My dh started experiencing spells of vertigo at the age of 36 (4 years ago). He has sinus problems which is thought to be what brings his on. He would take sinus medication which eased the symptoms. He still has mild spells but not bad. He also quit smoking about two years ago which helped his sinuses which in turned helped with the vertigo. His sister and his father had the same problem with vertigo. Sinus and alergy problems runs in his family. Hope you find relief soon. There's usually nothing the doctors can find to relieve the symptoms.
I was wondering about Meniere's when I read your first post. On a sort of whim, I read Kristin Chenoweth's (Wicked) biography sometime in the last year. She suffers from Meniere's Disease. One thing that helps her is to have her bed on an incline. She has to have hotel rooms set up that way or she could have an attack on stage. Something to look into, maybe. If you're a reader, get her book from the library -- it's a quick read and somewhat entertaining.

good luck!
I am so sorry that you are suffering from vertigo. I have been for the past year and a half and it is not fun at all and scary as hell! After extensive tests, my ENT just seems to think that I have a viral infection of my inner ear that is taking forever to heal. I have been put on beta blockers and they are seeming to help. I have found that everyone's vertigo is different. For instance, mine doesn't respond to dramamine and it's not really triggered by anything. I just basically feel like crap.

Anyway, I am struggling with exercising right now. I have found that riding a stationary bike is a good way for me to workout because I can't do step or KB workouts anymore. Also, a TM is a good way to get a workout too because there are railings if I start to feel weird. I have to say that I have toned down the intensity of my workouts and just try to do something every day. I have added in more yoga and pilates and such. I am just really scared that I am going to hurt myself if I workout too hard :eek:.
I have a form of migraines called vertigous migraine. My worst symptom isn't head pain it's severe vertigo. I take a prescription version of Dramamine for it...usually knocks it right out.
I developed vertigo a few years ago, and while it was awful and scary at first, I am happy to say that it doesn't concern me much anymore. My doctor said it was not anything serious or life-threatening, and Miss Lee of these boards told me about Bonine, which is sold over the counter and works like a charm. I just keep Bonine tablets with me everywhere I go, just in case, and I'm good to go. The Bonine stops the vertigo completely, and doesn't make me drowsy. In general, I know I have motion sickness and I cannot move my head around quickly, watch trains go by or ride on boats, and I try to avoid car travel to the extent possible. I can't do workouts that move too quickly, but I'm fine with any of Cathe's weight workouts. HTH.
Connie...that sounds awful! Can you explain when you take the Dramamine? Is it once the attack hits? I mean, I'm never nearby a glass of water or my bag when it strikes but will definitely take if it has worked for you. But I can't imagine swallowing anything once it hits because I am always on the verge of throwing up. How long does it take to work?

My vertigo ususally striked first thing in the AM the moment I wake up...hubby has seen what this does to me and I just holler WATER and he gets me so water so I can take the dramine, it is hard to make myself swallow but its so worth it! Within about 15-20 mns the spinning and nausea stop. I just keep very still until that happens. I feel like crap but I can at least function when I take the draminine. I still move slow, don't move my head a lot but it beats the alternative...puking all day! TMI I know, but thats what happens if I don't take the dramimine
A big hug and thanks to all of you for all the kind words! So...have any of you had dizziness when working out too hard...or with the lower body workouts? And how have you handled it? Do you take a break from working out completely...or just use lighter weights or other modifications? My mom says I have no business working out so hard but I know I have to get healthy if I'm ever going to beat this. :)
Some more suggestions (depending on the cause of the vertigo):
Make sure you are hydrated (and sip water during the workout).

Make sure you are breathing at all times (strange as it may seem, many people hold their breath when pushing heavy).

Get some kind of nasal rinse device (like a Neti pot, though I find the squeeze-bottle devices found in drug stores to be more convenient) and rinse your nasal passages and sinuses with saline (the salt/baking soda packets that are sold with the squeeze bottles) before your workouts. If this is related to sinus problems, that could alleviate some of the symptoms.
Response to Vertigo

Just wanted to reply too because I think the more information you get the better your resolution will be: There are also a few other possibilities that you may want to consider as your source for having Vertigo. This may or May not be the reason you get this condition, but I figured if I told you what I have dealt with it may help. I am a sufferer of Asthma/Seasonal Allergies. My Allergies, cause a very high level of anxiety due to me having shortness of breath often. I also suffer from muscle tension and headaches. ( here's where you may be having a problem )
This in turn ( the anxiety & muscle tenion) lead to frequent anxiety attacks and also leaves a person with the feeling of being 'detatched' or unreal, and sort of in your own world, hense the term Vertigo. When I work out really really hard and end up with sore muscles, sadly this triggers the muscle tension, which triggers anxitey and that's when side effects like vertigo and etc. set in. Case in point: sometimes, it can be a series of things put together that lead to another condition. I dealt with this constantly about two years ago, but what really really helped me was relaxation techinques. I started scheduling in yoga at least two days a week ( an hour each time ) and started to get massages and stopped stressing so much. ( Stress can REALLY make a person sick in thier own original ways ) I made constant trips to the Dr. but it wasn't until I started to listen to my own body is when I started to come out of it. If you can't get to a Dr., track your sympoms and then look them up online. The Mayo Clinic online has been a godsend for me. In the meantime, I really do hope you start to feel better and get back to your work outs without any trouble.

Hope this helps anyway.

Thanks, Morgs! My friends think it's stress, also. I will definitely look up the Mayo Clinic online. Thanks to all of you for your support and kind words!

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