what 2 do if i skip a day



my perfect week is if i can workout 5 days (fridays and saterdays off) BUT sometimes due to things i cannot control i must skip a day or 2 so what kind of workout should i do the next day shell i continue in my routine like i didnt skip or shell i do more "light" work?

I have noticed that if i for some reason didnt workout for 2 or 3 weeks which is a long period not to workout and i start again it seems that my body remembers the level fitness i was when i stopped and it starts form the point where i stopped. is this happened to you can anyone explain me in simple words (english is not my native tounge)

thank you
sharona :7
Hi, Sharona - in my humble opinion if you skip only a day you don't really need to go to a lighter workout. If you skipped two or three months that might be a bigger deal, but not one day.

Regarding your question about how your body remembers its fitness level after 2-3 weeks off: as you work out consistently, you increase your fitness level, and it takes quite a bit longer for you to lose that fitness level. You have become more physically coordinated and skilled, and your body remembers the moves in your workouts because it has built new nerve/muscle pathways as well. Both of these are good things, because if there is an unavoidable interruption in your workout schedule, you don't have to feel like you're starting back at the very beginning.

Keep up the good work! And let us know how you are doing!

thank you for the simple explanation i understood it all.
my kids finished their school and kindergarden only 4 days ago and i will have to workout in the evenings i hope i will have the willpower to workout after spending the day with 5 kids.but im happy and have been waiting 4 this vication a long time. also good news is that the paradise lasts until august 24 only 3.5 weeks.
short and sweet.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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