We're STILL the Xers Wednesday ;-)


Super Quickie post.... My early client is bringing her 20 yr old son to see if he wants to start training as well............Hes not hot at all so no worries....:7

Wendell doing better today....hopefully he'll try to go to work later ...I slept in guest room as sleeping elevated made his snoring WORSE! - I slept from 8pm - 4am was wiped out from all the nursing duties.... He was up til midnight I guess.........Had to jump out of bed...feed dogs then prepare him a soft hot breakfast...take all the trash out.....Now I have to write athe training for this morning...running like a chicken with my head cut off!

Also...The washer stop spinning & starter "knocking" yesterday so Seaers repair will be coming out tomorrow! Thats it! Lets hope money sucking drama comes in 3's because we're done! Lets see in 5 days we will have spent approximately $1900-2200.(bay fridge, dentist,washer repair).... Well it appears that WE have tried to save the US Economy all by our little selves! x( BUT- the bright side is we have it in savings to do & a tax return coming to cover it..SERIOUSLY guys..Start a business & you too can have a tax return!.. :7

Back later - once I get my life back!}(
*note to self* Do NOT be a nurse in my next life

Finally back to catch up a bit! Have I said I’m EXHAUSTED???[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/coffee/4.gif[/IMAGE]

Todays workout (YES YES I WILL!) will be Jillian Michaels ShapeUp Backside (strength for: butt, back, abs,hamstrings,biceps) If I REALLY feel good I’ll add on 10-minute trainer lower I think.[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/whipping/1.gif[/IMAGE]

So happy you got yourself to torture-ville last night! Changing teachers from time to time is probably good for you!Add in Core Syn and you had a MAJOR workout day![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/wow/1.gif[/IMAGE] No fair getting in shape before the retreat! ~ ROF on the pureed food…I ALMOST bought baby food but KNEW he wouldn’t eat it.

ROF! Yes- my home needs a bomb [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/exploding/1.gif[/IMAGE]as well compared to all the clean gals we are surrounded by! ~No doubt you kicked booty on your ME/BC yesterday!

That was some grocery store visit yesterday! 300.00 for you & DD? WTH do you all eat???? LOL Wondering if those DOMS are even worse today…hmmmmmmmmm [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/poking/4.gif[/IMAGE]I think I have officially forgotten what DOMS actually feels like…SO VERY SAD!

Productive day!!!! YEAH! You’ve GOT to be almost done now? Hurry hurry!![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/signs8/3.gif[/IMAGE]

Howdy Hi!!!! Miss you![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/hugging/4.gif[/IMAGE]

So what did Kate want???????????????????????/ Its been in my brain all morning! ~~ HORRID about hearing the screams! I’d be running out that door real fast! ~ AWESOME job on ME! [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/wow/2.gif[/IMAGE] You really pushed yourself!!! Hmmmmm.what does pushing yourself feel like? Its been sooooo long for me.

Sounds like you are a 1-man show at work![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/working/4.gif[/IMAGE] QUICK: Ask for a raise! ~ If my SWOOOOSH brought ice maybe I should just talk a lot all over your part of the world…Hot air & all!

HOORAY on a pain-free tax appt! [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/surprised/1.gif[/IMAGE]Those could make you sick all too easily w/ no house deduction! ~ ROF on the Golf Advice! That’s PRICELESS! I just LUV people that feel the need to give unsolicited advice!!!!! If it had been Wendy I think the next ball she hit would have been an “oops”!

Thinking that Sandra is IN CHARGE of our name change…. Throw us a few possibilities & lets vote! I NEED a change!....Hurry hurry or I shan’t be able to workout til AFTER retreat! OY![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/signs8/4.gif[/IMAGE]
Good morning all! Sorry I never got back yesterday, but I got an unexpected visit from CBL last night and we hung out gabbing for a while. He stayed much later than anticipated!! Do you think he missed me while I was gone??? I was a busy bee yesterday....I have the spring cleaning bug, I guess. I changed the sheets and did lots of laundry....cleaned out the fridge and the kitchen cabinets really well, too. I also cooked a healthy dinner last night. Aren't you guys proud of me?? CBL and I will continue our mulching project tomorrow, so I have that to look forward to....not.

My legs are still feeling the pain from GS today. How much longer is this going to last??? Because of CleanMax yesterday, I didn't do all of the workout I had planned. I ended up doing SH chest...plus the planks and supermans from the back section and CoreMax2...I am planning on doing SH back and shoulders today.

Sorry to hear about the washer...Does it ever end??? At least there is someone trying to save the US economy, since it doesn't look like we are getting much help from your friend Bushie. I am glad Wendell is doing well....I am sure it is all of the wonderful nursing you are doing....lol. And are you a dirty old lady or what?? A 20 year old guy comes to your house and all you can think about is how hot he is??? I am ashamed of you for not taking his fitness goals seriously...LOL! Although, it would be nice if he were at least a little cute.

I promise to be back later...I am planning on continuing CleanMax today...and studying for my test on Friday...and working out...and chatting with you guys. No outside errands today....Although, CBL is coming over for dinner tonight. We are grilling out steaks...already sounding yummy to me!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

My legs are still feeling the pain from GS today. How much longer is this going to last??? FOREVER! I swear I had DOMS for 6 days before!
And are you a dirty old lady or what?? A 20 year old guy comes to your house and all you can think about is how hot he is???NO! I KNEW you guys would think that! I am ashamed of you for not taking his fitness goals seriously..FITNESS GOALS? He has none! He's in fine shape according to mama so this is all about torturing her son!.

STEAK!! YUMMY!!!! I am on Wendells soft food diet...icecream, eggs, potatoes, gravy, pudding! UGHHHHHHHHHH
Hi all,

Just a quick check in. I've been studying like crazy for my final, so I have no spare time. Things should be back to normal after tomorrow.

Debra - I don't like that kind of DOMS. For me it usually isn't good. I hope you get better soon.

Traci - Did the washer go too?

Have a great day.

Good morning,
Today was combos 4-7 of LowMax, then the first 2 combos of Amy Bento's ASCII. Hoping to learn the other 2 combos this weekend. Good cardio workout for me today.

Traci, glad Wendell is doing okay today. He's going to work? Hmmm, I thought he'd be milking it for a while, you know, wifey bringing the mashed potatoes and gravy, ice cream. Work it, Wendell, work it! Another new client, my gosh woman, your business is really doing well!!! Hope the washer is an easy and cheap fix. I've got a dryer that's been squealing for ages and ages, but keeps turning. Do you think that DH would take it apart and investigate? Not yet.... No chance to do one of Wendy's "oops" with the golf ball. That unsolicited advice was given at work, not the golf course. But next time....

Debra, the steaks sound yummy. Have a great time mulching! Only good thing about it is spending time with someone you like. How have you been feeling? Still fatigued?

Tracy, hope you do well on the final. Got a feeling you have that one in the bag.


Jeanette - I have a squealing washer too and I've mentioned it on numerous times. I'm sure it won't get any attention until it stops functioning. It's kind of like the welltroll. When we got to where there was almost no water, it got fixed. Oh well....

Morning Xers,

Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 3/Day 1
Workout: Imax #2 (changed to just blasts) / Ab Hits #2 (done)/ 3m Run (done)

We had a sleep over last night, and the little girl has asthma. I must have been sleeping light, because every time the girl coughed I would be listening. Wanted to be ready with that inhaler just in case. I have never delt with anyone that had asthma before. :) Apparently she talks in her sleep too. :D

Traci, I think that your swoooooosh really did work. They where predicting another storm for Thursday. The storm has now been taken out of the forecast. ^^^^^5 for the swooooosh! :D Again today it is just my boss and me. Already he has gotten on my nerves, because he is one that reacts instead of thinking with a logical mind. x( Sometime today he will explode I'm sure. :D Oh I think that Wendell would love the baby food! I really enjoyed the plums when my dd's where babies.

Debra, :9 Mmmmmmm Steak. Did that sound enough like Homer. Got to love a good steak on the grill. :9 Sounds like you are just the energizer bunny. Give me some of what you are taking, because my house needs an energizer bunny right now. I don't know how, but the DD's toilet overflowed yesterday! x( Probably too much tp before the flush! ;-) But of course I needed to clean their bathroom last night! x(

Tracy, I'm guessing that your test is tonight? Good luck, but I'm sure you will do just great.

Jeanette, Have to love Low Max! ;-) Had to LOL about the advice you received on your golfing. I once had a guy try to tell me how to swing a bat better. He had seen me hit home runs countless times, but had to tell me I was swinging up once. I looked at him, and said "don't ya think I don't know what I just did". :7 :7 He never gave me advice again. :7 Our faire starts the 2nd weekend in July, and I think we have a mini one coming up in May or June. I actually have a DVD that was made, so I can bring that along. Or is that too much like a slide show of vacations. :7 :7 :7

Wendy, I had the same problem with Tosca's book. I purchased her Clean Eating one, and just couldn't get into what she was saying. I need things simple. :D Don't have a lot of time to fuss with complicated recipes. :D I agree with you on the double workouts. That is one thing that was difficult sometimes. It was easier once I started working out in the mornings, I was able to do the weights after I got home from work.

Sandra, Yep I am going to be at the retreat. I am looking forward to my DH having to haul the DD's around for 4 days. :7 :7 :7 He has to pick oldest up from track practice, and that weekend my youngest has a b'day party to go to. :7 :7 I shouldn't be laughing so much. Evil Laurie is out! }( }( It sure is different doing Cathe weight work. The toughest thing for me right now is picking the right weight! GS is a little more endurance work, so I start out with a weight that is to heavy. Still like the burn that those green bands do though. Had to take some breaks during the push-ups too. x(

Nicole, How did the appraisal go yesterday. Hope all your hard work payed off. Enjoy Legoland today.

Have a great day!

Good morning,

I did all of Amy's first Advanced Step Challenge this morning. I didn't do so bad, considering I hadn't even previewed the 4th combo and the Power Up segment. I'm either getting used to her cuing and her moves, or this workout is not as complex as ASCII. It probably helps that it's significantly shorter than ASCII, so there just isn't as much to have to learn and remember. The choreography is certainly fun, although there are a few moves that if you don't nail them right, you're gonna hurt yourself. I can see people avoiding this workout for that factor alone. The main thing that bugs me about both the Step Challenge workouts is that she tacks the Power Up section on *after* the cool down and stretch.

After doing this cardio, I did the Butts 'n Guts floorwork. My buns are tooooasty now. They were already sore from all the ME leg presses yesterday.

How are you all doing?

Traci....You're going to train a male! That will be different! Oh geez, not another repair bill!!! Who needs to do laundry? Seriously. Clothes are so cheap these days you can just buy new every week. It'll be cheaper. I have no idea what Kate was wanting yesterday. By time I got around to helping her, she'd become distracted by something else. Have no fear! I'm sure your demons will come back to play soon enough, and you'll be crying booty DOMS along with me.

Debra....WTH are you doing cleaning out cabinets and fridges for?? You haven't been in the house for even a year! Those are once/5-years jobs, aren't they? And you and CBL "gabbed". Okay. If you say so :) Yes! I think you're right - it's the stiff legged deadlifts that get the hamstrings so good. I hope you got CBL to massage your legs last night, while he was doing all that....talking.

Jeanette....Did you purchase the second Step Challenge workout? Or did you mean the first 2 combos of ASCI? Either way, doing the LowMax premix first was a great idea. That was a nice workout! I think it's wonderful how the internet has allowed us to make friends we otherwise wouldn't have met. You all are so lucky to actually get to see each other in person. It'll transform how you think of each other, I'm sure. I did a meet up like this years ago, with another list I belonged to at the time. It was a fabulous weekend, and I don't regret it for a minute. That was extremely rude of the other golfer, commenting on your swing!!! I hope you made a likewise comment about his balls....

Tracy....Study well! Is this the end of that course work, or is there more to come? I agree with you about how awful our houses must look, compared to Nicole's. Oh well, I wasn't put on this earth to chase down dustballs. There's so much more interesting stuff to do.

Nicole....Have fun at LegoLand. I'm sure the boys will, at any rate!

Wendy....I have a ton of healthy cookbooks, but the ones I like best are pretty much anything from Weight Watchers. They use common ingredients, and stay pretty mainstream. My favourites are "Cook It Quick", "Simply the Best", and "Fast & Easy." There's one called "Take 5", where no recipe has more than 5 ingredients. Also, their "Take Out Tonight" book has recipes for all sorts of foods you normally pick up at restaurants. There's lots of ethnic recipes in that one: deli specials, chinese, greek, mexico, sushi, italian, thai, and india. About the lasagna: cinnamon/nutmeg combined in a meat dish, especially when ricotta cheese is present, is a very common Greek/Mediterranean flavour combination. I've come across it many times, and yes, I do enjoy it very much. I wish I could help you out with the dryness issue. The things I think might make the sauce dry would be if you baked the rollups in a pan that is too large, so the sauce dispersed and evaporated. Or, simmering the sauce on the stove top without a lid on the pot. Or simply using too small of a can of tomatoes, or not breaking up the whole tomatoes to allow their juices to escape into the sauce. Is any of this any help? I bought the Cook's Illustrated issue last week, and find it really interesting! I want to work for them!!! Their whole job, as far as I can tell, is to make each recipe a zillion different ways and report back on which version turned out the best. I'd like that job!! I haven't forgotten our math discussion, and will answer your questions hopefully today. You gave me some good suggestions/things to think about. Thank you.

About our name change: my preference is The Watercooler, but really it's up to whoever starts the thread everyday. Of course, we could go with CatheCats.....

Have a great day!
Lets VOTE! Get this ball rollin'!
Vote for 2 or 3 different ones (no stacking the deck Lea!) ok??? I'll try & keep the tally!!!! I voted for 3 just to get the ball rolling!! heheheheehehehe

I perused the last week of posts so if I left out your personal idea or favorite just add it to the list.... You can copy & paste the list & add your vote or you can just vote & we'll tally it.....

WOOHOO! Once we have a name I'll workout! ZIPPITY!

Le Cafe'=1vote
The Watercooler
Success Through Sharing
Supporting The Sista's= 1 vote
Sticking Through Stress
Stalking The Scale
Setting The Standard
Success Through Sharing
Supposed To Step
Supporting The Sisters
Shoot the Sh*t=1 vote
The Watercooler
Le Cafe
Working Smart

We're on our way to a facelift!


2 /Le Cafe'
1 /Success Through Sharing
1 /Shoot the Sh*t
1 /The Watercooler
1 /Supporting The Sista's
Sticking Through Stress
Stalking The Scale
Setting The Standard
Success Through Sharing
Supposed To Step
Working Smart
I am so glad I decided to take an additional rest week. My body really needed it for some reason. I'm so glad I went to Power Torture Yoga last night. For some reason, I just didn't push it with CoreSyn. I have ab DOMS, glute DOMS (from frog), and tricep DOMS, shoulder DOMS, hamstring DOMS (maybe leftover from B&G?) and my favorite... spinal DOMS!!! You can just call me DOMS today!:7

Let's talk about frog and eagle pose. Why is eagle pose so darn difficult on my arms?!?!?! I can do a ton of planks, crows, slow chatarungas, but halfway through a series of eagles, I can barely lift my arms above my head!!!! Then why does frog always leave me with glute/inner thigh DOMS? Are they true DOMS or are they stretching and tearing my body to stay in frog FOREVER! Did you know that at a Baron Baptiste Bootcamp, Baron made them hold frog for over 20 minutes!!!!!!!!!!! That's just crazy!!!!!!!!!! I just do not consider frog a hip opener. Sorry, but my fat and muscles get in the way of any hip opening!!!!

Oh! Traci needs to workout.:eek: Traci seems to be using us as her excuse today to delay pushing play.:p

I like these titles in the following order:
The Watercooler
The Winecooler
Supporting The Sistas
Success Through Sharing

Now, Traci, go push play!!!!!!:p

Gotta get some coffee and continue with personals.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Stuart is such a Cutie!!!! I think I'm gonna like doing Meso 1 Legs!!!}(

Traci: Moms have a tendency to torture their children. Case in point: Carol}( ;) How long before Wendell can eat real foods? Are you making him any spinach smoothies? Gotta take care of his heart.:+ I hear money pits come in threes. You should be fine for the next three weeks! ;) We get a Federal tax return every year from all the union dues dh pays. Oh, and having a half dozen children helps too!:7 Oooo, another workout I've NEVER heard of before. Will need to check out Jillian Michaels. You would not believe how hard this woman worked us last night!!! She totally veered off the basic flow pattern and added in lots of evil (perhaps Byran Kest inspired) poses. She loved to push us beyond the comfort zone... 40 minutes into torture and 1 minute into plank, she had us lift one leg high up in the air while going into a slow 4 count chatarunga! WTF! For those of us not adventurous to do head stands, she made everyone do a modification using the wall. Later she left the room for water and asked everyone to start bicycles. Of course those goodie two shoeless yogis started bicycles on their own while I waited as long as I could before she came back into the room! I'm no dummy! I knew she'd have us do more with some whacked out tempo!!!! She's evil I tell you!:+ ;) sigh

Debra: I feel your DOMS! Of course CBL missed you!!! From the sound of it, he's heed over heels in love with you!!! I'm so proud of you for getting back into the program... clean eating, working out, and thrashing about without a drop of energy drink spilling.:7 If you keep up with this cleaning, I'll feel like walking into a museum or hospital... afraid to touch anything in fear of leaving fingerprints!!! Why do I always have my mind in the gutter when I read about your mulching project. I'm a bad girl!!! }(

Tracy: You work hard, study hard and soon you'll get to play hard! Wait! What did I miss? Is there another Wendy you're referencing to about the golf balls? For the record, I own no balls, except two.:eek: }( :+ ;)

Laurie: Ahhh, you are such a good person!!! My eldest had asthma. He has horror stories of having an attack during recess and not being able to communicate it to the teachers or aides. I would get so pissed because he couldn't carry his inhaler with him. It was locked up in the principal's office. He's outgrown the need for medications. But, sometimes he gets a lingering cough and it makes me wonder if he shouldn't see a doctor again for a second opinion. Yep, yep, yep... That's how I felt when I skimmed over Tosca's book. Too much information. I felt like I was being talked into something she knew I wouldn't enjoy.:7 I like the idea of cardio in the AM and weights in the PM. I may try that and continue with the X for another phase and re-access.

Sandra: My you sound conditioned with tacking on B&G floorwork after yesterday's leg presses. Your a$$ must be sitting on your shoulders now!}( ;) Clothes cheap??? Apparently, you don't shop with me! I broke down and bought a CUTE pair of Lululemon roll down pants at the yoga studio for way more than I'll admit. Which reminds me....

I, Wendy DOMS, hereby declares that should I die in an unfortunately, untimely accident while at the Xers Retreat, all of my workout clothes bequeathed to Traci B. will become null and void!:p Hey, I can't take any chances should Stacy show up and smother me with a pillow!:eek: }( ;)

Continuing with Sandra personal... Do you think my opinion of my wonderful, supporting sistas will change for the better or worse once I meet them in person? Unless they're very good liars (Debra is really a man!:+), I think it will be for the better. My family and friends have gotten used to me. They are no longer shocked by my antics including flying to meet a bunch of women from the Internet. LOL I saw the Weight Watchers cookbooks on the shelves. I didn't take a close look at them. I am considering the America's Test Kitchen's cookbook. I love their magazine. My, aren't you worldly! I never knew cinnamon, nutmeg and meat was a common Greek flavor combo. I have no idea what I did or didn't do. That was last week! I can barely remember what I did this weekend! :7 However, I do remember that I prepped the dish the night before and heated it up in the oven after Bible Club. It took longer in the oven due to the roll ups being cold. That could have made the difference.

Jeanette: I've banned green straw from baskets years ago!!! Yeah, maybe my bike could do 30 mph on a downhill. I usually slow down on the back country roads. No telling what's on the other side of the bend. Funny thing, I don't have stretch marks from ANY of my SIX children. All my stretch marks were gotten from gaining and losing weight at 16 and in my late 30's. Yes, I know. I'm a freak of nature!:+ I think Christiane is in the states right now. She'll be home soon. Wow! I'd need a lesson in humility if that had happened to me on the golf course! Some people!!! Did you have to restrain yourself from "accidentally" driving a ball right through the golfer's window? }(

Okay ladies, off to check out the Black book to find out what's on today's agenda. Praying it's XStretch and not Kenpo.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!

Okay, I get it now. Yep! You ladies know me soooo well!!! Yep! My next ROUND of balls would have been OOPS for sure!!!!}( }( }(

I love being me!:7 :+

Leave it to WENDY to break the 2 or 3 rule! *insets rolly eyes*:+ Theres one in every crowd!

I'll Have ya'll know I WORKED OUT!!!!!!! The JM workout (Shape Up Backside was 24 minutes including w/u & stretch! I kid you not tho...I am an out of shape freak! I had no juice left to do the flip side of my body... I actually like Jillian as a DVD trainer but cant stomach her as TV Personality Bitch:eek: Guess thats why I dont watch TBL on TV!

I promise to catch up on personals at some point...

ANYWAY.... My head is pounding- took a migraine pill to nip it & am going to go take a nap (maybe)..... I'll stay in my stinky clothes "just in case" I feel up to do the flip side of my body later..

Here's the latest tally...
Still waiting to hear from LEA, TRACY, LAURIE, DEBRA, NETTA, & everyone who hasnt checked in the past few days....
Ya never know - we may be NEW & RE-FRESHED tomorrow!;-)
2 /Le Cafe'
2 /Success Through Sharing
1 /Shoot the Sh*t
2 /The Watercooler
2 /Supporting The Sista's
1 /The Winecooler
Sticking Through Stress
Stalking The Scale
Setting The Standard
Success Through Sharing
Supposed To Step
Working Smart
Hi all. A little birdie told me about the vote;-)

1. Supportin the sistas
2. Shootin the sh*t

That's my two cents.

Talk to ya'll later.

Okay...I'm here to vote...and then I will get to a few personals in another post...

in this order...

Supportin' the Sistas
The Watercooler
Shoot the Sh*t
The Winecooler

Back in a minute...promise!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Updated since Tracy/Lea/Debra votes..... Still out: Laurie, Jeanette + MIA Xers Kim, Carol, Christiane - If I missed your name sorry!

4 /The Watercooler
4 /Supporting The Sista's
3 /Le Cafe'
3 /Shoot the Sh*t
2 /Success Through Sharing
2 /The Winecooler
1 /Cheers
Sticking Through Stress
Stalking The Scale
Setting The Standard
Success Through Sharing
Supposed To Step
Working Smart

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