Wellbutrin question. Please help!


Anyone who has any info, please share.

With my doctor's moitoring I'm trying to go off Wellbutrin. I'm easing off very slowly so to make the adjustment as subtle as possible. I've been very tired lately and am wondering if that could be a side effect of going off the medicine. Any thoughts?
I'm not pregnant; I just went through menopause and am taking the lowest possible dosage of Estradiol and Prometrium. I've been on the Estra/Promet for 5 months. I began decreasing Wellbutrin dosage 4 weeks ago. It seems like the energy level has went down the last 4 weeks so is it coincidental, or is decreasing the Wellbutrin causing it?
I just want some thoughts/info from various sources, other than my dr. and other friends.

Thank you, in advance.
I don't have any experience with Wellbutrin, but DH recently went off of Paxil and had some wicked withdrawal symptoms. Since Paxil and Wellbutrin are used for treating similar conditions, it is possible you could experience withdrawal symptoms when going off of Wellbutrin too. You could ask your doctor if they think you are experiencing withdrawal, but chances are they will not know much about it. Many doctors just don't know about the intense withdrawal that many people have when going off of antianxiety medications. Doctors will often think their patients are relapsing and tell them to go back on the medication. It's one of those things you just have to try to get through and eventually it does go away (like quitting smoking - and fighting those cravings). Have you tried a web search on Wellbutrin Withdrawal? I know a search for Paxil Withdrawal brings up millions of related web sites.
I came off celexa last Summer, not Wellbutrin, but as SSRI's, the withdrawal effects are similar. Yes, expect fatigue! At one point, I was walking around London zoo with my kids and back to the underground train stop feeling like a little old lady, I had no energy whatsoever. About 4 weeks is what it took me to really get the drug out of my system. Hang in there, get extra sleep and rest up all you need.

hey! i took Wellbutrin for quite a while and i can testify that fatigue and a general "dragging of ass" are very common when wheening yourself of this med. Insomnia and weird food cravings too! Not good news, i know, but once it is out of your system, you will feel much better! i hope it' soon.

One thing that happened to me was a weight gain when weaning. I mean, significant. 7 lbs in one week. I was shocked and depressed! It wasn't my eating it was the medicine. I went back on it because I couldn't deal with the weight. My homeopath said that he wasn't surprised and helped me wean off much more slowly so that I didn't have the weight gain. However, I can say I'm not as lean as I was while on it. I was one of those that had weight loss with it. I think I went through the fatigue as well but my homeopath had me on other things to "prop me up" while coming off of the Wellbutrin.

Sue <><
Not to make light of your situation, Jes, but I can't imagine you ever needing Wellbutrin!!!! You are so "up" on the boards!!!:)

Can you tell me what Wellbutrin did for you and the dosage you were on? Why are you going off now?
I'm currently on a lower dosage of Wellbutrin as the higher amount gave me insomnia and incessant headaches. As I went down to the lower dosage, I remember feeling more fatigued (i.e. - reaching for Basic Step instead of Imax and my 8# weights instead of my 15#s). I think this is common. At least with me it was. Did this help? Probably not, but I hope it did!
Your fatigue is very likely being caused by coming off Wellbutrin.

Wellbutrin acts on norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake, the energy neurotransmitters, unlike prozac, paxil, celexa that work on serotonin the happy/sleepy neurotransmitter. I take prozac for PMS and have to take wellbutrin along with it so that I'm not a walking zombie.

So it's definitely coming off the med making you tired. Hang in there, follow your doctor's weaning advice to the letter - UNLESS the fatigue is so debilitating that you can't function. Then tell him/her about it so that you can slow the weaning process if needed.

Here's a great site with all kinds of info on psych drugs - and it's actually fun to read:


These are serious meds, and, in my experience, doctors often ignore the individual effects they can have on patients in favor of "the literature." I gained 100 (!) lbs. on Effexor and my doc refused to believe it was the drug. I weaned myself incorrectly and had a really hard time with withdrawal (including fatigue) - but, a few months later the weight started dropping off.

Another "latest/greatest" drug I was prescribed that hurt more than helped me was lexapro. That drug made me a walking zombie in spite of the addition of wellbutrin. But for one year (quarterly visits) I couldn't convince my doc to let me try something else because "clinical studies" did not show extreme fatigue as a side effect, so basically he didn't believe me. I finally switched back to prozac - and guess what? My energy returned to normal.

Sorry this is so long - but my bad experiences with these medications made me want to share my stories so that others are aware that the docs aren't always on top of things.

I hope you feel better soon!

Sorry, I cant help about the withdrawl....but they have just put my husband on it.....should we be concerned about it? Did you have any adverse effects while taking it? Just curious, not trying to be nosy or anything. I hope you feel better soon.

Wellbutrin can definitely induce jitters. As an extremly high strung woman, I know it's not the best choice for me but I have not wanted to deal with changing anti-depressants. I read that Wellbutrin is not commonly prescribed for women who have had eating disorders because it often surpresses the appetite. My doctor was unaware of my history of ED when whe prescribed it along with Lexapro and it indeed was an appetite killer.

What's your dosage? I take 300 mg of the XL and when I go off I will probably go to 150 and then 75 which may require a pill cutter. The lethargy you are feeling will pass but be sure to treat yourself with loving kindness. Exercise, eat well and take it easy. Going off anti-depressants can be quite an adjustment but, in time, your system will re-adjust and you'll feel energetic again. My neice went of Effexor and it was rough at first but she's fine now. Good luck!
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Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.-Charles Spurgeon

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