Well, the new dog has been a disaster.

It took our pointer months to accept our Yorkie. I never thought the pointer would mind. She's just so laid back. Well, her nose was out of joint for a while and now they play together!
Hi Laura,

Did you take Cherry back to the shelter already? Thankfully, it's not a shelter that kills unadopted pets! Our dog, Baby, was slated to be put down. Her previous owners had gotten a puppy. Since they didn't get along, they got rid of the dog they had for 6 years and kept the puppy. They told the shelter that she didn't get along with other dogs. I was outraged when I found this out!

Anyhow, I have to agree with Carola. I know you disagree with her. As a 38 mother of six very different personalities, who humanizes my children:), I wouldn't take a new family member back to the hospital over sibling fights/rivarly. LOL And, believe me! I've had my share of nasty fights with my three boys when they were little!!! I know it's not logical to compare children to dogs when it comes down to it.

Then again, I don't intend on getting another dog. I don't have the energy to deal with dog fights and the whole dominance/submissive issues.

Have you considered contacting a dog expert to help you through the process if you decide to get another dog? I would hate for you to have to go through something similar if you decide to get another playmate for Max.

Laura, I'm so sorry to hear this one didn't work out and all the drama it created. Scary stuff to deal with. Each situation is unique and since you and Max are the ones dealing with it, you have to go with your gut feeling and make the decision that works for you. If you feel Max would enjoy or still needs a companion, continue looking. A different dog with a different personality may work fine with him. Not all dogs are meant for each other even if they get along at the first meeting. And some never settle in with each other even if you work with them. Temperments clash sometimes. We took in a stray male once and at first he got along fine with our 2 female aussies. Then the older aussie (very dominate female) started to be grumpy and snippy with him. He was afraid to confront her so he started attacking my submissive female. By the end of the week I couldn't keep them together and had to turn him over to a rescue. He was a really sweet dog, but I wasn't going to jeopardize my other dogs health or well being to try to make him fit.

If you decide not to look at others, I'm sure Max will be fine.

Good luck with your decision. Our pets are part of our families and we want them to be happy too.

Oh, Laura, that is so sad. I know that you've made your decision on this, but I just had to be one more person to beg you to reconsider. I volunteer at animal shelters, and it's awful to see dogs who think they're ending up in a loving "forever home" to be brought back within a few days... even if they are no-kill shelters.

I'm sorry, I know you're definitely annoyed with all of us on this subject, but I just can't help how passionately I feel about this matter. You definitely got the WORST possible advice from the woman at the shelter. Obviously she had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

Again, I know you're tired of hearing it... but I really am pleading with you to consider giving it another chance with poor Cherry. Have Max and Cherry meet at the park for an hour a few times and then bring her back in and see how he reacts.

I know you and Max have been through a lot with losing Cosmo and then the move, and I am very sorry for you guys, but I just cannot, in good conscience, tell you that I agree with your decision.

Please don't be upset with us. We want nothing more than for you both to be happy, but it seems so utterly unfair to poor Cherry.


I'm sorry it is such a difficult situation with the dogs. I have 3 dogs and one is a Doberman Pincher that absolutely acts like she hates other dogs when we are walking. My DS girlfriend got a Chihahau (sp) (4lbs). I couldn't bear having to have gates to separate them constantly. I'm the alpha in my house and this little dog seems to know his limits. I think that the combination of the two helped for everyone to adjust.

Maybe part of the problem is the temperament of the new dog. Maybe that dog is trying to establish dominance over Max.

If you are so stressed over the situation, I'd take the dog back and start again with another dog and different techniques to introduce them. Dogs are pack animals who function on a heirarchy. I think we have to be careful about projecting our emotions on these types of situations and look at them from more of a behavioral perspective. JMO.

I am sorry you have to give Cherry back, but when I get a new dog I always do it with the old one on a pen and let them check each other out through an x-pen takes a few days doing that but they have all gotten well together, I also don't let the older dog have his/her way, when you let a dog do something you have let the dog train you, you have to let him/her know you are the pack leader, dogs don't think of themselves as pets, they think as a pack and pack leaders and consider you part of the pack.

I'm sorry this happened but you have got to know, this is what territorial dogs do. I know from experience because I went through this about five years ago.

First, if you really want to add another dog, you need to do some internet surfing on introducing dogs into your home. It's always on neutral ground or it can get really ugly...like it did for you, Cherry and Max. Secondly, your dogs were establishing hierarchy. I don't know who attached who but I bet it was Max attacking Cherry. That was his home and he was estblishing who was boss. Thirdly, if you can't handle what happened, I can pretty much guarantee you there will be no addition to your household.

I sent a Charpei mix back because of the same reaction from my dog. Then I got smart and did a lot of research on dog behavior and talked to people at work regarding the subject. About five years ago we added Sophie, same mix as Hillary and there was another bad reaction...but, because I did my research and faced my fears, we have been able to make it work. It was not easy. As a matter of fact, it took about a year not to have any scrapping going on.

Not all dogs are territorial by nature. You can pretty much bet two Labs or two Goldens are going to hit it off immediately but there are territorial breeds or just territorial dogs. Max might not mind being an "only" dog.

My dogs now recognize me as the alpha but it was not easy until I learned more about dog behavior and put what I learned into practice, which was difficult for me because I wanted to humanize them as well. Bit like Carola said, dogs are not human and have their own set of behaviors. When you learn what they are, it will be a much easier transition.

I know this has been extremely difficult for you and to tell you the truth, if it wasn't for my husband helping me out during the dog fighting, I would have given up myself. Good luck on whatever you decide.

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