Well Hardcore DVD's are all over Ebay....

The whole series all over Ebay. I wonder if some of these DVD's were stolen, which can happen easily and people are just putting them up on Ebay. I don't see why someone would purchase the whole series, after the descriptions prior and sell these on Ebay with the exception of Hardcore Extreme. Any thoughts?

because the first presale prices were GREAT and they can sell them for full price (or close to it).. making a decent profit..

i personally would only buy them from cathe or cksales due to the life long warranty! you don't get that with ebay...

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I bought the entire set because of the great price. I may end up selling a couple because I know I will never do them--IMax 3 for example. I can't do all that jumping because it hurts my knees & back. So, why keep it when I can get a little something for it.
If you preordered them when they were so cheap, you can make a nice profit on eBay by selling them now because people will pay almost as much as they would buying directly from here. I considered doing it myself, but didn't have the upfront money.
You make a good point. The presale prices were AWESOME...and if you bought 2 packages of the Hardcore, one for yourself and the other for EBAY, you will make a tidy profit. Something to think about for maybe nextime.

Do you think that it bothers Cathe that people buy her DVD's on ebay? Since any purchase of her DVD on ebay is one less purchase made from someone who would have purchased it from SNM. Just a thought.

Perhaps, but don't forget, when she gets our money up front she can invest it towards her workouts, so that's less out of pocket expense for her. I would think that the thought of people selling her DVD's has crossed her mind, but if it really bothered her she wouldn't have such awesome presales!

I thought Cathe had a lifetime warranty also but someone mentioned that there is something about having 90 days to return defective merchandise when they received Hardcore (I won't receive mine until Monday). So is there a lifetime warranty????
Yes and if people buy it to resell it on Ebay, then that is just one more way to have an another outlet for her DVDs. The DVDs were still purchased from her, they aren't copies. So that is more sales for her. A strong resale market can only help. I am sure SNM knows what it is doing.

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