Weird Dreams


I don't know about the rest of you, but 99.99% of my dreams are strange, and strangely stupid.

Recently I dreamt that I was in the attic hallway of a very old house, and a sheriff's deputy opened a door and beckoned me inside. I went through the door and found myself in a courtroom, and knew I had to testify in a case I'd investigated. I went up to the two attorneys sitting at a table and whispered, "Who's the defendant?" They both said, "Robert Poston." I whispered back, "I don't know what I did on that case!"

One of them said, "Well, in the supplement you did 30 minute karaoke tunes!"

In desperate hopes that your dreams are as weird as mine . . .

Annette Q. Aquajock
Needing To Get Her Meds Adjusted
That is hilarious! You should keep a dream journal and publish it! I am jealous because I never, ever, remember my dreams. Too funny!!! And I am sure the jury was grooving to your sweet karoake jams!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-02 AT 02:16PM (Est)[/font][p]I have really bizarre dreams which I can usually remember the next day giving my friends much entertainment. Unfortunately, it's been years and years since I remember having a good dream but I think Cathe may be helping to change that....

I was a competitive swimmer through college. I had a horrible senior year swimming-wise which still must bother my little psyche because I have recurring dreams about going back to swimming in college and not being able to lift my arms out of the water while attempting to swim butterfly.

At any rate, a few days ago I had my swimming dream and I remember thinking, "I CAN do this because I've been working out with Cathe!" I still didn't have a successful race in that dream but I do think it's a good sign!

Shelley :)
OK...I admit it,I've been having some weird dreams lately. I confess that I watch American Idol, not for the show or the contestants for that matter but to watch that dreamy judge Simon Cowell. The heck with dreaming about exercise, I'm having strange, exotic dreams about Simon.:)
I too have weird/stupid dreams, but I'm loving the ones I've been having the past few months.

You know the dreams where you're somewhere in public and suddenly your naked? Well I have those a lot, but dig this! I'm not embarrassed in the dreams, I'm prancing around like a friggin reindeer smiling and looking into mirrors at myself in the dreams! (Do you think my self esteem has risen enough? :))
I use to dream and never see myself in my dreams, but now I see myself in living color!

Oh, and every now and then I have the "bag of french fries" dream, where I'm walking into McDonalds to order a meal and they run out of french fry boxes, so the guy fills up a "to go" bag full of hot, salted fries, and I'm just standing there in the dream smiling the "Grinch smile." :)

I'm a vivid dreamer too. My DH loves to recount this one... a few months ago I was dreaming I was being chased by vampires and I was saying the "Our Father" prayer at top volume in my dream to keep them at bay. Well, in my dream I couldn't remember the last verse, and the vampires were advancing..well, I rolled over in my sleep in real life and shook the heck out of DH screaming "YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP. IT"S A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH!!! WHAT'S THE LAST VERSE TO THE OUR FATHER?"""" He told me, and I went back to sleep. THe next morning he was talking to me about it and I laughed so hard I almost peed. I couldn't believe I did that to him!!!!
My most common dream is the one where I'm back in college and for some reason I haven't studied or attended class and now I'm sitting in class and the prof is handing out a final exam. Total panic on my part!!!! I think this is a classic anxiety dream.
Ok, I have 2...

I had this one when we were in the midst of a move from Europe to Arkansas (military move). We had spent the night in a really dirty motel in NC & I was very upset that I had to have my 2 year in those conditions--moldy bathroom, baby didn't get a bath that night! It was the only place with a vacancy at 11 PM on a major highway. The following night, we were in TN & had decided to drive over to whereever Dollywood is (I can't remember the name of the town). We went into one motel, they were booked but sent us to the nice HOTEL across the street with a coupon for our room to be at the lower motel rates. We were given a beautiful suite. Went right to sleep & dreamed there were spiders climbing all over me--I woke dh up screaming "get 'em off, get 'em off." DH thought this was the funniest thing ever, still likes to tell this story.

The other I just had last night. I dreamed that I was at my current place of employment, sitting at my desk when all of a sudden it turned into a McDonalds. People were coming in & ordering HUGE orders of big macs, fries & extra large drinks. We were killing ourselves to accomodate these freak sized orders!

Was I hungry when I went to bed last night or what? I don't even like big macs!
Yes, I think that 99.9% of my dreams are weird, too. And those are just the ones I remember!

One of the strangest included the Simpsons (yes, Homer, Marge, Bart & Lisa) playing basketball in my old high school gym....

Still feel YOUR dreams are weird, Annette?


You are so funny. But just this morning I was telling my DH the weird dream I had last night. I can't even explain it, it was all disconnected. Usually I can figure out why I dream a weird dream from something that happend that day but this one I can't. Oh well.

Lately I've been dreaming a lot that I am an actress and I am in a movie. But the movies are somewhat improvised and I have to decide what to do while I am acting. The last one that I remember was a movie in which I was a lady in the 1950's and I had two girlfriends and one of them got married, the other decided to work as waitress in an airport, and I started to use drugs and do crazy things as the 60's came. We separated and then, about ten years later we get together again, but I waked up by the moment we got together. Strange dream, uhh?
I have those dreams too. I also dream that I am back to high school and I am the oldest student and everybody asks me why I am repeating high school.
When I was VERY young, I used to dream over & over the same dream. I dreamed that a monster/boogieman was chasing me around the outside of my house (which wasn't really MY house). I was sooo scared and so I decided to run FASTER then him and I got a whole lap ahead of him and quickly dug a hole. The next time he came around, he fell in the hole and I buried him! END of monster! To keep this fitness oriented, I guess my "running" paid off!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I have some of the most odd, detailed dreams! In fact, it's one reason I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. When I've just woken up from a particularly interesting dream (um..usually erotic), I'd rather return to it than get up!

I used to keep a dream journal, but I'm such a messy writer anyway, that it was hard to read the scribbles I made when trying to get the dream down as fast as possible.

I also have a lot of dreams populated by actors and actresses (shows how much TV and films I watch). Just this last week, I had a dream about Scott Bakula (as a sherrif) saving me from Peter Boyle, who had dragged me into the water of some underground sewer type area (I HAD thrown knives at him when he was trying to use mind control on someone else in my "group"). P.B. used a knife to cut the skin off of his head by making a cut from one side of his mouth around to the other, then he pushed me under the water. Hmmm...this is probably more than you want to know. No freudian interpretations, now!

Last night, I dreamed that I was dating both A Martinez (I asked him if the A stood for "Alexander" and he said almost, so I guessed "Alejandro" and he said and I was right) and Alec Baldwin.
Many years ago, I used to work at the greeting cards 'n wrap desk at a department store.

There were a few nights I would dream that little old ladies were rapping on my bedroom window at 3 a.m. wanting me cash in their cards. And get this -- I ACTUALLY got out of bed in a huff, went to the window and told them we weren't open yet and to come back in the morning. Then, as I was standing there, I realized I must be dreaming and went back to bed. Was I sleepwalking or was that just part of the dream? Don't know to this day.

Another dream had my bed wired for explosion -- I even remember the wires were insulated with clear plastic and wrapped around the mattress. I woke up with a start, bolted out of bed, reaching in blind panic for the lamp, and broke it in the process (and yes, I had the broken lamp the next morning to prove my "awakeness"). Crash, boom, bam (oh, the sparks, the sparks!!!!). So, there I was in a dark room pawing for the wires to dismantle the bomb. My heart was going a mile-a-minute and I was sweating more than a Cathe workout.

So . . . who would hotwire my bed? Maybe it was the little old ladies seeking revenge 'cause their dog didn't get a birthday card. Who knows?

Tres crazy, oui?

This thread is so funny. I also have weird dreams and I also have had the dream about my teeth falling out. I also have very vivid and detailed dreams. I used to have dreams about someone trying to murder me and I'm just running during the entire dream. He is murdering other people, which I see happen, but he never catches me. These are normally dreams I have during my PMS week. They have pretty much subsided now which I'm really glad about. I have woke up in a sweat from being scared with my heart racing.

Just the other night I had a dream where I went shopping with my son at the mall and I was naked. Why would I dream that?

And I've also recurring dreams that I haven't had in a while. One was being in a huge house with lots of doors and I can never figure out which room I'm supposed to be in. I just wander through the house from room to room. The other dream is that I'm back in school and I forget my locker number. Therefore, I can't get my books and make it to my next class.

I would love to know what all this means.
RE: Imagery analysis

You might want to check out It has a dream dictionary for common dream imagery. This site is pretty close to many of the books I have on the subject. Just for funs, many times dreams are very particular to the person and common themes don't nec. apply. Here's what they say about teeth:

Teeth {Most req. word}

Teeth was the most requested dream word of all so here goes... If you dream of having false teeth this indicates that you will have unexpected help on a problem. To dream of rotten teeth shows that you have been telling someone a lie or using your smooth words for getting your own way no matter what. If your teeth are rotten, crooked, and/or falling out this means that your lies are hurting someone very badly and that you will soon be found out. If you dream you have swallowed a tooth you will soon have too 'eat your words'. It becomes much easier to interpret this kind of dream if you think of teeth as representing words. When the dreamer is not the one with the bad teeth you will naturally have to watch out for someone lying to you.

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