Weight Watchers ...**Thursday**


Happy Thursday all!
Thanks for all the anniversary well wishes... Sushi was terrific as was the Toll House Cookie we had afterwards... a little shop is right next door to our sushi place. That was the extent of excitement last night until at 11:30pm one of DH's servers housed here went down and blared an alarm type incessant beeping. Its still down so so in order to stop the "siren" all systems have to be unplugged. The dogs were so freaked out that they "needed" mom to stay up the rest of night with them. Its been a very looooong night!

I can hardly walk this morning my inner & outer thighs are so sore from yesterday... Must have been a great combo I put tother yesterday - Havent felt the outer thighs like this - well I cant remember! Major DOMS.

Today is Slim Series Tone It Up + that rented Pilates that has been staring at me for 2 weeks. Gotta get ab work in today so I may as well do that & see how good I can get in there!

More coffee... then its back for personals for the chatty Wed group!!!:7
~~~~~~~~ Back to yesterdays scoobies:

:7 Belinda:
HOORAY on scale & on lifting accomplishments! Are you feeling proud as a peacock these day? YOU SHOULD! For Low Impact Step I’d think you could do LowMax or anything with “blasts” but modify the blasts to keep them low impact. Hope you are getting a refund this year! It’s always a cra* shoot for us even with the house.

:7 Cheryl:
Well Soul Sister it sounds like we could be twins! Highlights & cut!! Wendell told me that “That hair stuff makes you look younger!” Well now… I guess there will be no more winters of going ala natural! Glad you got the meds coming! No need to torture yourself & those sinus infections can be brutal. You are so right- our little group is in the zone! How awesome … Success breeds success!

:7 Heather:
Congrats on the test! I commend you all that stick to higher levels of education. I never could bring myself to stay past Jr College. Back in the day advanced degrees just were not the stepping stone in business that they are today. Awesome job on Imax3~!

:7 TeddyGirl:
Please let your boss know that you were kept way to busy yesterday! We miss hearing from you throughout the day!! Is that chocolate still in its original wrapper???? I’m holding you to your agreement not to open for awhile! Big hugs to you today… Hope the day is less filled so you can play a bit!

:7 LoriS:
So sorry about scale – hey--- Mines up 2 today as well! TTOM surely has something to do with that so keep it all in perspective. My job is to eat squeaky clean for next 7 days… will be hard with another bay weekend coming up but a girls gotta do…

:7 Gidget:
I humbly bow with Cheryl at your feet… Imax 3 on 8”! OMG that’s just not “normal”! lol ooooooh your hair at the spa sounds wonderful! Gotta get that planned right away! I find that doing my hair is just such an ego boost!

:7 Amers:
Did I read that your computers been down? I miss you when you aren’t posting a lot!!! Hope all is well and that you are getting some meds too. No time to get side tracked by sinus stuff! We need your motivation & daily funnies around here!!! Wasabi! Ah yes the perfect sinus buster!! I LOVE that feeling… crazy isn’t it?

:7 Mary:
So happy the snow isn’t bothering you! We are in shorts & tanks already (Houston) so I cannot imagine watching the snow fall! So nice that flex is working into your life! I always felt that I had to change my life to fit WW so I became overly obsessed with the whole points thing… That’s just my personality tho so I always like hearing when people keep it all in perspective! Hope PUB brings you some DOMS so you can get that muscle mass built up!

:7 Jane: Hope you and DS are still doing well!

:7 Claude: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

:7 Kali & Jessica:
Hope you are both well!!!

HUGS TO ALL!!:7 Make it a great day!! Now let’s go burn some fat!
Good morning...traci...you are wearing shorts, i am sooooo jealous. i can feel the effects of winter setting in but spring is right around the corner. yesterday i contemplated taking down my summer clothes but they dont fit the way i want yet so i am going to wait. i hung my bikini right on my closet doors as inspiration. today i will do kenpo x and clean my house. i hope everyone enjoys their day!!!!
Good Morning!

Well, sleep was an on/off adventure last night. I kept waking up to blow the nose, sniffle, cough, hack and go to the bathroomx( x( x( The sinus infection has officially become an upper respiratory one! No workouts for me until it's clear! x( I didn't do one yesterday either....I am trying to save up the energy for work this weekend.

Traci- I totally understand about the noise the server makes when it goes down. DH has several battery back-ups scattered around the house that alarms at times. Yes, my computer is down, as is my email, but DH is kind enough to allow me to use his computer to post here so that I don't miss out on too much. I am glad that sushi was delish last night (as was the cookie!) I hope you enjoy your hard-earned DOMS today! I am still from PLB on Tuesday! I hope that you have a good workout today as well!

Cheryl- I hope that you get your sinus thing in check! I think that mine is a combination of several things that have all decided that they needed to attack me! Like I said earlier, it's become an upper respiratory ick now!x(

Gidget- I am on my knees bowing with Traci and Cheryl with you doing Imax 3 on the 8" step! (don't mind the snot on the floor there....) I am proud just to be able to get my butt through Imax 3!!!

Everyone else- I hope that you are having a good day so far and that it only gets better from here!
Good Morning,

How is everyone today, its cool this morning, ouch! but, Im feeling good:7 I purchased a new vitamin well new to me Advanced Formula Centrum/Multivitamin, going to it try after my breakfast.

Tracie: glad your yesterday was blessed don’t sweat the cookies you’ll work that off I have NO doubt. Yep, Chocolate and Girl Scott cookies are still unopened not ready for that yet. I tell ya my body is toning nicely I’m very pleased :)

This morning, hopped on my TM and did an hour jog & also did CM premix tough core. Tracie, you were right I prefer the premixes better, thank you. Tonight, Butts & Guts I’m going all out tonight. Saturday completes 2 weeks of GS moving on to Slow & Heavy hm……after I remove the dusk off the case. I had the 3 volume series since the beginning, probably used them twice. I am going to watch them over the week, who knows I just may like em :9 :9

Okay, gotta run for now, but I should have time to chat more today. We miss you guys tomorrow taking vacation day:p :p

Hi there Amy-Mary & Teddy!
Are we the only ones up today? :eek: CHERYL:eek: Are you working out or sick?:eek:

Stott Pilates: Secret to Flat Abs completed... Still have Tone it Up but that will be a bit later today. My abs are a burnin' gals!

Amers: NO NO NO ! You just cannot be sick sick!!! We cant have our Amy not on her game! You'd better pop some MAJOR drugs today, sleep, plenty of water.... We NEED you to feel better! Tell DH to leave you alone today so you can get better. {{{{{{{{{{{{{amers:-( }}}}}}}}}

Mary: Have a great time with KenpoX! Are you a P90X grad too???? Oh yes cleaning house is on my daily to do list... I just dabble in it tho;-) Thats the way to stay motivated- Hang a bikini front & center! ^^5

TeddyGirl: NICE you are seeing the tone body back! You crack me up tho with all the Scrambled Eggs you do... I swear I cant do a video that often! Glad the pmixes worked better for you... guess thats why Cathe does them... I always seem to like the premixes much better than as produced stuff. Shes a gem to do those for sure! Graet workout this morning lady! You are a morning machine!!!

GREAT MORNING TO ALL!!! Please do not cough, sneeze or breathe on computers today as we could all get sick!:eek:
Tracie: honest, SEggs wasn’t on my agenda that morning, it just put itself in my DVD player and said to me this is the w/o today ((Teddygirl)) I was like HUH, who said that x( x( :7 :+ Have you tried it yet?

You are so faithful too Pilates & Yoga, Nice work on your workout this morning ;-) ;-)
Hi, everyone!

Traci, so glad your anniversary was such a good one, and that the hair came out nice. What good timing.

Amy, sounds like you're feeling a little better today.

Mary, love the visual image of your bikini hung from your closet doors for inspiration. That'll do it!

I spent a terrible night. Should've taken something, but didn't other than the antibiotic. Decided to take a rest day this morning and slept a little, but now that I've taken some Advil Cold & Sinus I feel much better. May attempt a workout after all between client assignments I'm working on here at the house for today. Will only go into the office at 4 p.m. for one client meeting.

Hopefully I've gotten on the antibiotic soon enough to nip this thing in the bud.

I'm continuing to get good compliments from people I haven't seen in awhile - ordered some more egg whites and when I picked them up from my neighbor last night she commented that I have especially leaned out in my face - hurray!!!

So I feel like the leanness progress is coming even while I'm not seeing much loss on the scale... maybe it's taking up outdoor running again that will help blast off this last 5. The weather has suddenly gotten beautiful here. Such a welcome relief!!

I'll check back in later! Have a great morning, everyone!

Good morning ladies,

Amy and Cheryl get some rest!

Traci good job on Pilates!

Teddygirl have fun with SEggs:) FF (Debbie's( rotation is working for you .Nice job!!

Today I am doing 40 cardio!

Have a great day!
Hi Guys:)

Seem like everyone is in a pretty good mood...beside for the infected one!:+ LOL

Baby group was here today so I was up bright and early. I actually went to bed at 10:30 with Rylan, I was so happy that he went to bed before 12 but I knew that this meant he was going to have two night time feedings. He was up at 1 and 4. Then he got up at 7 to stay up so early to bed...early to rise. I never did get more sleep in the end.

I am going out after lunch to get Rylan weighed but I think it will be a short trip, in and out. I want to try and get my workout done and that totally depends on if he falls asleep while we are out. I am thinking of doing BM2 again, I really like that one.

The scale still hasn't moved but as I recall it was Fri last week before I showed anything and then another drop on Sat, its almost as if my body were holding on to my fat for dear life and then just let it go!LOL I am expecting my weightloss from here on in to be pretty slow. I can't expect to lose 4 lbs a week when I am 10 lbs from my pre preg weight.

I will be back later and maybe I can do personnals then:)
Cheryl...i know how you feel with those sinus infections. i use simply saline as soon as i feel one coming on(i used it this very morning) and i say it does help me. i give you credit for trying to still fit in a workout even though you are feeling under the weather. gidget..how old is the little boobie???
LoriG- I'm actually pretty amazed at your progress lately, and the comments from people and fit of your clothes is also pretty telling about the progress you've made. I suspect you're right that the last 10 lbs will move pretty slowly.

I know we're all different, but I nursed all 3 of my babies who were pregnancies (4 and 5 were adopted of course) and I was never able to lose the last 5-7 pounds no matter what I did until I stopped nursing. It was like my body was clinging to that last bit for nursing reserves. Once I stopped nursing, I dieted strenuously for a short time, but the weight dropped right off when I did.

I'm feeling so much better! I'm seriously thinking of getting GS legs in now that I'm back to the land of the living. Thank heavens I caught the infection fairly early as it completely set in.

Will check back in later -
Question, I am starting my third week into FF rotation. I’ll doing Slow & Heavy which do you think’d be a better complement with S&H UB (1)Pure Strength UB (2) PUB UB?

I’m still working one UB part a day.

Hi ladies,

I did Low Max premix 45 min.:D and abs from LIC.
I like this short workouts!
How can I work one UB part a day into March rotation????

Cheryl I am glad you feeling better!:)

Off to the shower!

Have a great afternoon everyone!
Cheryl, Im not sure which way I am gonna end up but I guess we will soon find out. I know people who kept on weight b/c they were Bf'ing and I also know people who lost all their weight and more besides b/c they were nursing. I have a feeling that I won't be one of the lucky ones who as lost so much weight that they need to wear a belt:) With that being said, I am very happy with the progress I have made lately and the comments do help. If no one was noticing then I would probably be harder on myself. But you know how you get up in the morning and you kinda feel smaller, then you step on the scale and it reads the same? Your heart kind of sinks but at this rate, I get over it pretty quickly.

I am soooooooooooo lazy right now and can't even think of doing a workout. I may be able to get a run in later but my inlaws will be here to see the baby....but they are here to see him and not me, which is the good part. So I may et on the readmill while they are here. He has'nt had a nap yet so I am thinking of lying down with him in a bit and getting some shut eye.

Teddygirl ,personnally I like PUB and I haven't done PS in ages! so I can't really comment. I also like CTX series as well. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Teddygirl, here's another vote for PUB.

I actually didn't buy Pure Strength, but from all I've seen and heard PUB is the nicest complement to S&H and that's what I did during my last S&H week.

Well, I broke down and did GS Legs. Heart rate quite elevated, but was able to finish the workout with good form. Tomorrow morning will have to meet the bus. partner at 7 a.m. again, so that workout will have to be short.

My employee accepted my offer!!! I am so relieved. He
s been a nervous nelly for a week now, but it turns out the dread of telling the other partner was his big fear. Now that that's out of the way, he's the happiest guy alive. I'm so happy that's worked out.

DH and I will be celebrating tonight!

Happy to report the 2nd workout of day is checked off.. Slim series Tone It UP. My abs were still burning from this mornings Stott Pilates! Good Day indeed!

TeddyGirl: have a great night tonight! Have not tried Scrambled Eggs yet… Just so dang many workouts & premixes… so little time! Did I dream that you said you were off tomorrow? If YES make it a great weekend!!!

Cheryl: So glad you got your GS legs done! You are just so committed to the program- ^5! I love Alieve Cold & Sinus… always knocks my headaches right out. Try & get some rest tonight so you are ready for the big meeting tomorrow. I’ll keep good thoughts. Congrats a million times on the employee news! Celebrate your little heart out tonight!

Belinda: Great job on getting w/o done! Havent seen March.. Is it circuits? When I do 1 part per day I do this:
M: Shoulders
T: Chest
W: Legs
TH: Back
F: Tri
S: Biceps
Add abs on any day you like (I do every other day).

Gidget: We all have those days when we just need a rest- take it and be OK with that! You’ve been doing so much maybe your body wants a break.

Amy: More hugs to you sweetie! {{{{{{{{amers}}}}}}}}}

Have a good evening! See ya bright & early.
Good afternoon ladies,

Traci this is the March rotation. I am almost done with week one. Do you still think I can 1 body part a day? I really want to add CTX! Thanks for all your help!


Mon: Low Impact Circuit

Tues: Kick, Punch, and Crunch

Wed: Pyramid Lower Body

Thurs: Low Impact Step

Fri: Pyramid Upper Body

Sat: 35 MINUTE WALK/RUN plus 5 minute basic stretch for muscles used

Sun: OFF


Mon: Cardio and Weights

Tues: 40 minute indoor or outdoor cycle ride

Wed: Push Pull

Thurs: Cross Train Express Kickbox (EVERYTHING EXCEPT BICEPS)

Fri: Body Fusion

Sat: 30 min. all brisk walk plus segment one from Stretch Max

Sun: OFF


Mon: Maximum Intensity Strength

Tues: Cardio Kicks

Wed: Cardio and Weights

Thurs: OFF

Fri: Step portion of Step, Jump& Pump right into SUPER SETS


Sun: Seg 2 Coremax plus Seg one Total Body Stretching


Mon: Kick Punch & Crunch

Tues: Power Hour

Wed: 40 minute indoor/outdoor cycle ride

Thurs: Low Impact Circuit

Fri: Warm up plus 1st step section of Step Heat followed by 1st section of Step Max, followed by step portion of Step Jump and Pump and fast forward into the S,J,P stretch.

Sat: Muscle Endurance

Sun: OFF
I woke up this morning and decided to take the morning off. Usually I plan my off days in advance, but I hadn't taken one in over a week and I was planning a big walk this evening so it made sense to be today. I enjoyed it thoroughly. My husbands' truck's engine blew last night and so I walked home from work tonight, and boy is it COLD!!! 10 degrees, reading your posts about spring weather and bikini's is just not adding up to my deep down chill at the moment. But, it was an hour long walk that increased my calorie burn. I am planning on doing an upper body w.o. tonight, I have to thaw out though.

Traci- Sorry to hear your dogs gave you such a rough time last night. I can't imagine, my kids are hard enough if I had needy dogs I'd jump off a cliff! Enjoy those DOMS, it means it's working.... I just love that.

Gidget- Good God women Imax3 on an 8" step! How long did it take for you to work up to that? Awesome!!

Amy and Cheryl- Sorry your sick.

Teddygirl - good for you doubling up on your workouts. I did that for a while and made such fantastic fitness leaps. I just don't have time for it now.

Lori- My nephew's name is Rylan, he's about 15 months old. He's up in Maine. Does ww give you extra points for nursing? They must, I remember being so hungry when I was nursing. When I stopped nursing I got a lot of comments from people saying Hey you look great did you lose weight? The funny thing was the only thing that had changed was my boobs were smaller!

I'm enjoying this forum very much. It's nice to have a check in. Thanks to all of you for being so welcoming.

Hi again!

I just bought from Super Target "The Step total Body Sculping Program "for 49.99$. It's on Sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It came with Cathe's 3 Workout DVDs!

-Total Muscle Sculpting DVD and Total Cardio Step (Low Impact Step)+--Total Body Stretching
-Stability ball w/Pump
- two 3-lb. dumbeels
- medium resistance band
- The Step (4" and 6")

I only have the org. Reebok Step!

Have a great day.

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