Good Morning
How is everyone?
Im thinking about counting points this week....should I...or shouldn't I? Im pretty sure Ill be starved but according to the scale I am up 3 lbs today. I know its not fat but could it be water retention from the Indian food last night. I know there was a lot of salt and garlic in it! I didn't drink that much water though. I weighed before we went out and I was 121.6 and today I was 124.4 LOL I have to laugh at it though cause I know its impossible. My scale is also low on batteries so DH is buying me some new ones today.
I wonder how many points I would need per day. If I ate 25 (that includes my activity points) would that be o.k. What do you think? Anyone want to count points faithfully for one full week and then go from there? You know my original goal was 125 and Ive passed that. Now that I was down to 120...I was thinking of trying to get to 115. But when does it ever stop? I don't ever remember being 115 so why would I aim for that now? I can see how losing weight would become a sickness. I think I would like to get to 118 which was my prepreg weight before DD.
Not sure if I will get a workout in today. My MIL usually cooks on Sunday and with yesterdays post, you guys know how hard it might be for me to get out of it!;( If I knew that the weather was going to be crap tomorrow I would go for a run tonight after DS goes to bed, but if the weather is suppose to be nice, maybe I should just not do anything today and do 10 miles tomorrow. I should have the energy for it!
My workouts should be here sometime this week! Can't wait! I was gonna write up a rotation today but I forgot my workouts should soon be here.
Have a good Sunday everyone and I will be around off and on all day!
How is everyone?
I wonder how many points I would need per day. If I ate 25 (that includes my activity points) would that be o.k. What do you think? Anyone want to count points faithfully for one full week and then go from there? You know my original goal was 125 and Ive passed that. Now that I was down to 120...I was thinking of trying to get to 115. But when does it ever stop? I don't ever remember being 115 so why would I aim for that now? I can see how losing weight would become a sickness. I think I would like to get to 118 which was my prepreg weight before DD.
Not sure if I will get a workout in today. My MIL usually cooks on Sunday and with yesterdays post, you guys know how hard it might be for me to get out of it!;( If I knew that the weather was going to be crap tomorrow I would go for a run tonight after DS goes to bed, but if the weather is suppose to be nice, maybe I should just not do anything today and do 10 miles tomorrow. I should have the energy for it!
My workouts should be here sometime this week! Can't wait! I was gonna write up a rotation today but I forgot my workouts should soon be here.
Have a good Sunday everyone and I will be around off and on all day!