Good Morning Girls!
Lori-I know what you mean on shopping for cloths,I havent' bought anything new for me in months,im still not liking the way I look in stuff!I guess,in time,with more weight loss,I'll buy more!I do however, want to buy some more workout clothes
! And agian,congrats with all your weightloss and success!
Well,I've got some major working out going on today,I feel very guilty after eating pizzahut yesturday for supper! Body fusion or low impact step then totalbody scultping this morning then after class tonight some elliptical or some walking on treadmill!(working out twice in one day is major for me:7 )
My arms are just now getting over KPC on friday,wow,I could barely move them over the weekend!So,from now on,it will be included atleast once a week in my rotation!
And on a feeling sorry formyself notex( ,went to my DM's last night and took pics and was not liking what I saw of myself,isn't it funny how looking at myself in a picture made me realize just how much weight I need to lose! I just keep reminding myself,that it took me almost two years to get to where i am,it might take another two years to get to where I want to be!*sigh*
I hope everybody has a lovely day!...bbl!
ETA-just read sundays thread and wanted to add a very big THANK YOU for all the ^^fives and congrats on the weightloss,it does mean alot to me!You guys are great!