Weight Watchers ......**Monday**


Morning WW'ers! Thrilled that today is start of P90X Round 2. Doing Doubles rotation this time using Cathe's Intensity Series & Body Blast Series on my non run / bike days.
My march vs february results are dim - 100% due to increased free food meals & less heavy strength work.
April 1 stats: *everythings up over x( February
WT: 128
BF% 23%
Chest: 32.5
Waist: 28.0
Hips: 36.0
Thigh: 21.0

New month- glad to be back on The Tosca & X Plan!

Back with personals & coffee
******** PERSONALS!!********

TeddyGirl: Hope you had a FABULOUS WEEKEND! Are you all ready done with Day 1 of X?

AMY: With your schedule change I will be all mixed up this week! Maybe I'll see ya at one of my 3am days! I've been meaning to ask you about your test results (hormone related)... Any word yet?

LORI: I SO understand about the day after a bread feast! I blow up instantly. I'm sure scale and bloat will all be gone today. Hope DS is feeling better and sleeping well. CONGRATS on awesome stats for last month! Your body must really like being smaller- its going back so consistently. LOL on the "no bum"... Thats what I lost with X last round... This round...HIPS .. please oh please! WAY TO GO on the 9 miler too! I hope I can run 9 MINUTES tomorrow!

HEATHER: Thats great that you are enjoying your new Bosu! Do you find your abs are sore all the time now? About working out while I'm gone... OH HEAVENS I HAVE TO! We are gone an average of 3 days a week 9 months of the year so I got in that habit long ago. I have the smaller step with 1 riser at bay... a pair of 9# dumbells and can always do Kick or Yoga/Pilates. No excuses for me! Its the eating at bay I cant seem to get a handle on right now.

MARY: Glad you got back to your own bed and that your mom is resting comfrtably. Hope your run was fabulous yesterday! I start back with running & biking this week Tuesday & Friday. If weather doesnt permit then I'll do the dreaded treadmill! Yes our storms have the whole enchilada- Thunder, lightening & flash flooding. We got 6" of rain in 24 hours at bay this weekend. "If ya dont like the weather just give it an hour" is our Texas saying. Another Bosu girl? Well you ladies must have abs & balance of steel!

Amelia: Oh GOOD! It sounds like that blister is finally healing!!!! So is the shoe situation all worked out? We are having the yellow pollen too. My car looks like I painted it from Silver to pale yellow! DH has garage looking like a flea market so my car has been evacuated!

CHERYL: YUMMY on the ice cream cake indulge! You are soooooooo good that a part of me just said YES! lololol. I'm sure IMAX 2 just ate up all those calories and you will not see 1 bit of residue today! How close is your new office to your home? You used to work from home a bit before- will you still have that luxury? Clapping my hands and doing the hapy jig for your first real day!!! Blessings abound! Again I am so inspired by your stats! Your BF% is so impressive! Clean living agrees with you!

BELINDA: Oh I do hope your tummy is better today! Perhaps a nice rest day was exactly what you needed yesterday... PLEASE take care.

Well gang... just waiting for DH to get up! My gosh ist after 3am whats he doing in there???? LOL. I shall tackle Ab Ripper X + Cardio & Weights this morning then do CHEST & BACK (X) in the afternoon.

Good Morning Traci and Gang:)

Sleep was a little better last night....or am I just getting use to it?:) Either way, I am always happy when the morning is here!

Im not sure what workout I am doing today. I think this month I am gonna try to get one UB,one LB and one total body workout in per week. Maybe today should be UB and something else. Im not concerned at how long my cardio is b/c yesterdays was 90 mins...although I am not sure about the scale....I still feel bloated from Sat night, and I didn't eat THAT much bread:eek: I would like to see 127 lbs on the scale at the end of this month, which is only a 5 lbs weightloss so I think that is possible

Traci, does your DH get up as early as you do? I can't imagine that. A few yrs ago I use to have to drag DH out of bed by his ankles! He worked from home so there were few days he actually HAD to be somewhere but he still needed to get up and WORK!

I will be back later, we are up earlier then normal so I have time to check in again before he takes his nap:)
Good Morning Traci,Lori and Gals!

I woke up with doms in my chest, top of shoulders and thighs,I love the feeling! I did decide to workout yesturday and do Lower/upper/abbs add ons! Im glad yesturday is over,I was so not myself feeling Ill and sad,Don't know why?

Traci-I did get the shoes situation taken car of,I took back those new ones and started using some easyspirit(ever heard of them?)shoes that my aunt gave me and I forgot about! they fit verywell in the heel and toes,and say "run/walk "on them,I've been using them for about 5 days now with no more blisters!I think the sport socks are really helping too! It sounds like you've got some great workouts planned,Have a great day!

Lori-Is the little guy feeling better? I'am glad sleep is better for ya! And I'm sure your goal will be reached before you know it,good luck!

I've got my fourth semester starting wensday and Im not happy about that,these breaks in between are so small it seems! Well gang,the kiddies are still asleep so, guess I'll go check out open dis.,bbl

ETA-I'm tring something new this week,I've heard that spicy foods jumpstart your metabolism so,Im eating medium salsa w/baked tostios(sp) as a snack,I'll let ya'll know friday if it helps;-)!
Hi, everyone! What a beautiful day! The first day of my new life with my new company. I'm so happy I can't believe it! Can't remember feeling this happy to get up and go to work for about the past 4 1/2 years


Traci - I bet you'll be back in P90X shape in no time. I think I told you I picked up the whole set slightly used from one of the YaYas for DH and was looking through the materials last night. Yowza! Looks really hard. Don't know if I'll ever get there. Anyway, glad to cheer you on for what I know will be a wonderful month.

I'll weigh in this morning and we'll see if the ice cream saga is gone... I am noticing on SP that my carbs tend to be on the low side - about 140 grams a day - and that's almost entirely low glycemic carbs at that. So that may explain why 1 1/2 cheat days can cost me a sudden 1 1/2 lbs }( }( }( It just seems like there's some kind of weird physics involved ;)

Lori, ;) sounds like you're set for a very good week. I'm sure you can lose that 5 pounds this month at the rate you're going. You are on such a good roll.

Amelia, hurray for the DOMS! Way to kick those Little Debbies right in the tail. I'm proud of you, girl!

I'm doing the Cathe April rotation this month, more or less, I've decided. I did Step Blast today instead of tomorrow since I have a run tomorrow.. so I'll pick up the GS Legs tomorrow after the run. Should keep me on track.

I'll weigh in a little later and report the results.

Have a great morning, everyone!

Good morning ladies,

My mesaurements for March:

weight: - 1.8 pounds
chest: - 2.25
waist: - 2
hip: -.25
thighs: - .25
bisceps: - .5
pf %: - .5

I didn't loose muchx( My scale went up and down last month!
I need to sew my mouth shot!!!!LOL!

Cheryl I am glad you have a new beginning:) Good luck!
I am also starting Cathe's April rotation!

Today I am doing Sym Style Legs Plus Stabitity ball abs from Butts and Gluts!

Have a great day everybody! BBL!
Hi Gals,

Workout complete and now on to do house work!x( I will wait until the baby takes his afternoon nap. I should be able to get two levels done and the other two floors will have to wait until tonight. The first two levels are the worst cause thats were the two bathrooms are, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and living room...the other two aren't so bad and not so lived in. Soooo, I did GS Chest and triceps (went as heavy as i could) and then I did Imax2. I had loads of energy for Imax and had no problem jumping or giving it my all on the intervals:)

Amelia, are you doing online courses or classes? I don't know if i could learn anything else! LOL

Cheryl, you sound very excited today! I didn't know that you started your new job this soon. That carb count is a little on the low side. I thought about cutting carbs out after lunch but i think I need them to make milly,milky....so I think I will just stick to what I know works instead of depriving myself of something my body really needs right now.

Belinda,don't be to hard on yourself...prehaps you will see a big loss this month!

I was a little happy when DH came home for lunch. He wanted to know if he could take some 'more' cookies to work. He said that he took alot of cookies to work yesterday and the girls ate the in no time. I didn't know this yesterday and I remember looking in the can and thinking..." I didn't eat all of these cookies,did I?" LOL Good to know I didn't eat as many as I thought:)

Lori-Im doing classes,partime student,Thats all I could handle right now! This quarter I will tackle Medical Term(*sigh*)What are you going for? I'm keeping it simple with med.billing and codeing!but considering going for a nurse lic. when the kidos get bigger!

cheryl-Thanks for the encouragement,I did kick those little debbies in the bootie;-):7!!!!I'am glad you are enjoying your new job!Good for you!Have fun!

Thanks guys ! I am feeling much better today:) I couldn't eat anything yesterday, which was probably a good thing. I sleept most of the day. Thank goodness it was my rest day!

Time to get busy! BBL!
Hi guys,
I did RS today and I had to drag myself through the beginning so I'm glad I did not aim higher. My daughter climbed into bed with me and so I didn't get much sleep, it's amazing to get so squished by someone so small! I'm planning on an ab w.o. on the bosu later. I was a bit more indulgent this weekend than usual. But, today is another day and so far so good. This month my goal is to include more strength training in my routine. 3 strength workout days a week. We shall see how my body responds.

Traci - Oh man the bosu is awesome, I can't believe how effective it is on the abs! I read your Texas saying and ya know what's funny we say the same exact thing in Vermont! I guess things are just not so different no matter where ya are. Good luck keeping your eating at Bay even while your at the Bay! I know how difficult that can be.

Cheryl - I am amazed that with all the stress in your life you are still so on target with your fitness goals! Way to go Girl!!

Amelia - Love those DOMS! I love working Chest, I think it's probably my fave because there are so many exercises that are so effective to bring on the DOMS. Being in school as an adult is fun but, so much work! This week I'm studying the Urinary system and wow I have a lot of studying to do to understand it! I'm two tests away from the end of the term, can't wait to have a break.

Belinda - You look like you made some good progress Yipeee!!!
Don't be discouraged you want permanent changes sometimes they take longer. I hope you are feeling all back to healthy you soon.

Happy Day everyone!
Wow, Belinda, you made some substantial measurement drops for just losing 1.8 pounds... that means you probably picked up some muscle as well. Congrats!!!

New office going great. We can't print yet.... but we're getting there, little by little...
Belinda-Im glad your feeling better today!Congrats on the measurement drops!

Heather-I agree,school is fun.I'm 28 and never thought I would 'like' going! I've got four more classes left! Then its time to go job hunting/interviewing! And I love waking up to soar muscles! What a great feeling,especialy in my arms!Enjoy Your break when your two test are over!
Good Morning ladies!

Yes, it's "morning" for me! Once again I was WIDE awake until 0545 this morning. I told myself that if I were still awake at 0600, I was going to get up, make coffee and start the day. Well, next thing I knew, it was noon!! I yawned, rolled over to wake up a bit more, and again, the next thing I knew, it was almost 3pm!!! Holy Moly! I'm not worried about sleeping tonight, though, because of the schedule change, I was planning on staying up late tonight. That, and I need to do some laundry for work so that I have real uniforms instead of "illegal" green scrubs! We are supposed to only wear white or purple pants and white tops. Yeah, right!!! How practical is wearing white in the ICU??? NOT! I always wear purple pants, but that's because I don't wear white pants....even after Memorial day (LOL;-) ) but on the weekends, I slip by with fun, colorful scrub tops and jackets. The patients and families have made several comments that they like the colors instead of plain white!

Sorry, for the rambling...

Traci- I am sure that Tony is welcoming you back with open arms!!! I hope that the hips take a hike this round! Have fun!!! Oh, all the hormones came back normal except my cortisol level was super low (they were drawn in the morning when it's supposed to be high) and my T4 came back low but a normal TSH. Standard of care states that you don't treat a low T4 with a normal TSH, but my doc is pretty laid back and said that if I decided to treat it, she'd have no problem putting me on low dose Synthroid. I actually feel really good and have been lately, I think that it's probably because of the other prescription she put me on (thank you, JESUS!!!)! I was thinking about the cortisol level, though, and wondered if I had it drawn in the late afternoon when I normally get up if it would be different because that's when I normally get up. I may just have my hormone levels flipped because of the night shift schedule. Who knows???

Cheryl- I can TOTALLY relate about being excited to go to work instead of dragging your a$$ there!!! It makes a HUGE difference, doesn't it!

Well, I'm off to find a workout. I never did get to CardioKicks on Saturday. I had forgotten that we were potlucking at work and had to finish up my donations. Today is going to be the first workout of April, as well as the first workout in a week!!! Man, when my body outvotes my brain, it does a doozy!!!

Oh, almost forgot, I rented a Rodney Yee yoga DVD from Netflix and I can't wait to preview it! I love that you don't have any late fees and can keep them as long as you like!!! It makes trying something before buying SO much easier to figure out if I'm going to like it!
Amy, did your doctor consider prescribing you a low dose of Cortef? Sounds like you have some adrenal fatigue even with your thyroid being in the low band of normal. Just wondering...

The first day of work at the new business was WONDERFUL. We all had a blast. My first two employees are thrilled with the change, and all is looking good. We're pretty excited.

I actually went back to check in with my doctor who prescribed the bioidentical hormones tonight. He said things were looking so good for me he sees no need to run another blood test - just kept me right where I am. He noticed immediately that I had thinned out and that I've gotten some muscle definition I didn't use to have in my arms. He told me not to lose any more than a tiny bit more weight. That felt good. I'll take it. It's been a wonderful day!!

Have a great night, everyone!

Cheryl- Congrats on the new day as well as the doc noticing! Actually, my doc didn't say a word about my low cortisol level, so no, she probably didn't consider a supplement.

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