Weight Watchers ......**Monday**


Happy Monday Gang!

Today I'm going to do some mix it up workout.. Whats new?
:eek: Imax 3 Blasts Only
:eek: High Step Training Cardio & Upper
:eek: Imax 1 Blasts Only
About a 70 minute workout in all.
Next week is a recovery week so I'm going all out !

Amers: CONGRATS on your pump!!! LOL, if ya dont get the burn with SH you'll never get it I say! Great job. Sleep alot today so you can play all week! Good luck with picking up that truck.

Cheryl: YUMMY on your cheat day!! HEAVENLY - just heavenly! You made me salivate and already plan for next weeks free meal! }( Oh my- Have DH start with me on April first and he can check in with the X'ers!!!! Lea & I are both starting another round that Monday. I think he'd really love it!!!

Belinda: Happy 44th this year! Its a FABULOUS age if ya ask me- best shape of my life and happiest personally than ever. Life is good! LOl on Cardio Kicks! I think its actually my favorite Cathe Kick... alot of killer drills and yes I like seeing the guys come front & center! ;-) Enjoy DD's return! is she healthy again???

Thats it for catch up from yesterday! Have a great day all- Having my brows shaped today- thank heavens as I think they are lopsided these days.. I talk to people with a cute little head tilt!
Good Morning, Traci, and the other who follow!

Traci- Your workout sounds great!!!

Today is my rest day, although not on my rotation, but I don't think that I could do a day of cardio if my life depended on it!!!

Work has been busy, but rather uneventful. I am ready for the shift to be over and heading to the house.....and the bed!!!

LOL, Traci on your lopsided eyebrows! I need to call my lady and reschedule my facial from a couple of weeks ago! She does my eyebrows as well!
Good Morning Ladies:)

Yesterday ended up being a rest day for me. I was just so lazy and there were a few things that we needed to do. Before I knew it, it was 4:30 and we were going to my in laws house for dinner at 6.Then when we came home last night we watched a movie.
But I feel well rested today. I didn't get anymore sleep then I normally get but when I went to bed I died.And I think it helped that I didn't exercise.

Two really good things about my day was I went to DH's store and bought myself some new tops! Sooooooooooooooooo..needed them! Some were size small but med and lg was the norm...remember these "D" boobs;( I swear heavy chested people look bigger then what they are and now I am one of them.
And I rounded up enough people to have another baby group on the go. All of the babies were born this yr so its 6-7 moms who are all going through the samething right now. The other group I am involved with, their babies were born last summer so there is a big difference in their babies and mine. I am looking forward to this group and I think we are going to have alot to talk about. We are meeting here Tuesday afternoon. Thats the other good thing, we are gonna have it in the afternoon, so I can have my workout done in the morning...plus, if anyone as had a bad night with their babies then they can sleep in:)

Todays workout is gonna be a long run and chest and maybe back. This week is gonna be kinda busy so I need to get in what I can, where I can. I have baby group tomorrow, on Thursday I have baby group, BURPS and DH wants to go out for wings and on Fri night its DD;s b-day party and she is having a sleepover and the kids won't actually leave until Sat morning. My only free day is today and Wed.

Traci, your workout sounds awesome! Let me know how it goes.

Amy, have a good nap. I assume you are getting off now?

Sorry so long...but I had lots to say:)
Hi ladies,
Today is my "weigh in" day. It came up at -.8, hardly anything to jump up and down about. I'm expecting my TOM to come any day now, so maybe that has something to do with it. Haven't checked in all weekend, here is my last three workouts:
Sat - KPC
Sun - HSC
Mon - Imx2
On Saturday I had my splurge, it was my sons birthday Pizza and Cake. Sunday I was good. And after Imax2 this morning my Oatmeal has never tasted so good.

Traci - Your workout sounds outrageous! Do you not go anaerobic in all those blasts? I bow down at your feet!

Amy - Enjoy your rest day.

Lori- You snuck in there on me. Your busy life sounds like it's full of good things. So wonderful to have a supportive group of new mom's.

I'll catch up on personals later. Have a good day everyone!
Good morning lady bugs...i am very excites today..my mom should be coming home tomorrow and i just wi and i lost 3 pounds. i am sooooo happy because i only lost 1 lb. last week. today i am going to start a timesaver rotation with tm add ons. i hope everyone has a great monday!!!

traci: what a great workout!!!i may try that one. i feel like my body adjusts to new workouts so easily so i like to mix it up all the time.

gidget/lori:busy busy bee!!!that is great to have people that are going through the same experiences as you.

amy:enjoy your rest day and you nap

heather:OMG i had the exact same thing happen to me last week. i lost 2.5 pounds 3 days before my wi and than one the day of my wi it was only 1lb. ofcouse it was the tom for me too!!dont be discouraged wait until next week.
Hello Everybody!
How was everybody weekend! Mine was OK,I couldn't shake my ill mood that started after I went shopping saturday! To make a long story short,screaming kids and a standing around with arms crossed husband pretty much sums it up! LOL:)

Amy-Have a good rest day!

Lori-I think its great to have a supportive group meeting every week! Good luck to you!

Heather-Congrats on the -8 lost,thats great! On my TOM I usually gainx( !

Traci-WOW,what a workout planned!LOL,Im pooped reading about it!

Mary-Congrats on your 3lbs loss,nice going:)!

I'm planning on doing Low Impact Step today,gotta see how my kids feel,they were both up part of the night with fevers! I was up giving the tylenol and Ibuprophen,They seem to feel better this morning :) ! Well Its going to be 70 today so Im excited about seeing the sunshine! Hope everybody has a great day!

Great weekend! went to dinner with my friend afterwards we caught a movie, we seen the movie 300. I thought it was good but my friend had mix emotions

Tracie: I hurried up and ordered Janis KB DVD, after reading your reviews :D thank you. Your workout for today has flavor, you go :D I’m going to order Boot Camp on my next payday, my credit cards is on firer. I'm ordering from HSN to, save a few bucks. His style also reminds me of P90X enjoy your workout:9

Lori: I’m glad to hear that your mother is doing much better and coming home :) :) ((hugs)) 3 lbs down, great job, :)

Saturday, no I didn’t do SEggs x( x( I did hour jog on my TM and GS legs. Sunday, I was so busy that it turned out to be a rest day for me, that’s my rest day for this week gotta get busy :) :)

This morning, I did Low Max. Tonight, S&H & MIS Chest,and CM premix tc. Will chatter later


Amy3 - Having a scale at home definatly makes it tempting to step on it every day, at least once. Mine is kind of junky too, I'm not sure I truly trust it. Enjoy that weather, I'm up here in Vermont and we won't be seeing 70 for quite a while. I was thinking today while I was doing Imax2 about how when I first started with that one I had to modify and now I consider it an easier workout. It's so cool to see the progress you've made. So, keep up the good work on Cathe's beginner rotation!

Mary - You had asked if I ever have trouble sleeping after those pm workouts.... It's actually just the opposite, I listen to these hypnosis tape things when I go to sleep and I can soooo relax after a hard workout. Sometimes it's harder to be motivated at dawn! Thanks for the encouragement for my next weigh in, I sure do hope it's better. Not even a full pound, Ugh!

Lori - I haven't really looked to see if Cardio Fusion includes several premixes. I just did the main workout. I'll look next time I get a chance. Does Terminator have several premixes? I'm so envious of you having a hubby with a sporting goods store, you must be so tempted all the time to get the latest gadget. Is he an athlete type? Do you all workout together?

Belinda - I've never done Cardio Kicks, that's an old Cathe right? I'll have to add it to my list.

Tracix - Wow Traci, more reviews. I think one of the reasons I don't get into other workouts is that they're so often under an hour! That's just not enough for me. But, I see how you double up and use some of one and some of another.

Amy - I can relate to your car issues, it seems that I always have some car in the shop. When you work nights and flip flop your schedule and work days too, it must be hard to stick with a workout schedule, yes?

Teddygirl - Alright, I've seen several of you all mentioning Scrambled eggs and if it's not breakfast I have no idea what it is. Fill me in?

Have a happy workweek everyone.
Heather: If you’ve Body Max2, go into the premixes and there you will find SEggs :) I love this workout:) it's 80 minutes of pure bliss. I usually do it on the weekend when I have more time.

Today, I should get HSTA :9 :9 me happy, anytime I get a new toy it makes me sooooo happy. Tonight, after I pump some iron and hot bubble bath (Tracie:D) I’m going to watch, maybe I can put in this weeks rotation.

Good Morning again!!!

Well, the truck looks great, although they missed some paint on one spot. The guy was awesome, though and said that we could bring it back at any time and they would fix it free of charge! They really know how to take to care of their customers!

Just finishing up some nibbles so I'm not hungry when I lay down. I usually enjoy a protein drink, an apple, a small orange and 1/2 oz walnuts before heading to bed.

Heather- I don't work days, just nights, so I typically don't flip-flop. I try to get my body on a pseudo-day schedule when I'm off....usually ends up that I sleep until noon or so and stay up until midnight. But, hey, I'm up a portion of the day, right???

I'm off to nap! I will check in later!
I made a big boo-boo in first posts!!!!

That’s what I get for browsing so fast once I sign on my computer, at work x( x(

To Mary: :) :)
I meant to put your name there instead of Lori’s name. I hope, I did not offend you or anyone else.

Teddygirl over and out~
Hi Again Girls:)

I just finished a 7 mile run and abs. I got a shower but only have my hair in a braid with hopes of doing weights later. I did want to go out though and grab some fruit for tomorrows gathering.Most moms are probably still trying to lose their weight and I don't think cookies and muffins are gonna cut it. I thought a fruit tray might be nice.

Heather, the Terminator as 3 different workouts on it. They are all great workouts, 2 are circuit workouts and 1 is cardio & weights and Imax 2.
DH and I DO NOT workout together! LOL He is 5'9" and 147 lbs far from buff;) but he does like to play hockey. I do my own thing and he does his. DH's store as alot of sporting goods but not alot that I would be interested in but if I wanted anything he could order it in for me.
Don't get to bummed out about the weight loss. I usually do good one week and not so good the next so you may have a big loss next week.

Mary, thats awesome about your mom! You must be so excited and congrats on the weight loss! Things are looking up!:)

Amy-A3, sorry to hear about the kiddos. It sucks when they are aick. My baby is 10 weeks old now and hasn't caught any nasty bugs yet. I was so afarid he was going to catch my cold a few weeks ago but he didn't.

Alright, I should go get some lunch. I will check in again later,
Hi, everyone!
Heather, Mary - great news on WI's - and a low result the days before TOM is never a tragedy - it just means you've stored up extra results for the next week :) :)

Lori, good job on the run -

Amy, enjoy that well deserved rest day -

Amy3, gotta love that Low Impact Step

I did Step Works this morning. First half on the 8" step - woo hoo - and then had to switch down about 5 min before Cathe did. Wanted to do abs, but ran out of time. Will have to add those tonight.
Another meeting, another new account - woo hoo! Things are going well.

Have a great day, everyone, and I will check in later... I'm checking in from my wireless card at a Barnes & Noble in Salt Lake, waiting for my next new account meeting to show. Life is good :) Thank heavens for technology :7 :7 :7

Good afternoon ladies,

Traci great workout this morning:)

Amy enjoy your rest day! Amy congrets on your 9 pounds weight loss on Debbies rotation! Maybe I should switch to her rotations???

Mary I am glad to hear is coming home today :) Great job on your weight loss!

Heather great job on your weight loss!:) I love Cardio Kicks! I can't wait to do again this week !LOL! It is an older one!

Teddaygirl have fun with your new toy:D

Amy A3 sorry your kids are sick! Have fun with Low Impact Step!

Lori great job on your run!

Cheryl hope you had fun with Step Works! I don't have that one! Is it a good one? Your dinner last night sounds really yummy!

My workout for today is maximum intensity strenght!

Have a great day!
Belinda:9 :D
Of course i was not offended..thank you so much for you well wishes. i do have a question for anyone, when i signed up for ww they told me that my weight should not go below 142(i am 6ft tall)now i have a pretty small frame and have been 135 before. what will happen after i hit the 142 mark as i am now 149? will they still let me post my weight?
My sister cracks me up:7 she just got income tax check today and the money is burning a whole in her pocket. I told her a month ago when her check comes I'd take her to H H Greg, so she can buy a new stove. No problem, but now she's trying to interfere with my workout tonight. I told sis NO CAN DO }( just give me an hour and I'll be done, she called three times today acting silly, we just laughed, she's silly :+ :7

Belinda: Nice work ;) ;) MIS that's a goodie. I'm combining S&H with MIS, if sis lets me :7 I'll see how it goes :7

Well guys it's almost time for me to go home, just wanted to say good night and have a great evening ;) ;)

Belinda, hurray for MIS! The outfits look so old fashioned in those it kind of gets me - but a great workout.

I thought Step Works was fun. This was the first time I'd attempted the first 1/2 on an 8" step and that turned out to be more killer than I'd bargained for... may have just been a little tired this morning - but I liked a lot of the choreography and there were even sections of the music I really liked. It was a good one for today.

Teddygirl, gotta watch those shopping influencers! I'm laughing at you. At least make sure she lets you work out. Can't miss that!

Have a great night, everyone!

Well went to my WW meeting and lost (if U want to call it that;) ) .6! How sad is that! My kids,both have strepe(sp)throat! Were do they get this stuff? Anyways didn't get to finish all my Low Impact step,but did enjoy the 25 mins I did finish,I almost fell twice so said thats enough of that,I guess from lack of sleep! Can't wait to give it a go on wesnday though! Its just so much fun!

Heather-Yes it does suck when both kids are sick(or one;-) )Im glad your little one didn't get sick with that cold!:)

Lori-After my WW meeting today I was talking to my DH about giving the whole WW thing a go at home! Any suggestions! I saw the video clip of Imax2,the music sounds great,looks real fun! I was also thinking while doing Low Impact Step on how I know the moves before Cathe says them and I don't get quite as winded as I use too! Its neat how are bodys can improve with every workout!

And thanks everybody else,Maybe my Kiddo's will feel better tommorrow! Have a great night!
I just realized my avator is missing....weird!
Amy3, I did WW from home and loved it - but I did even better when I started tracking calories and nutrition on SparkPeople, and that's free. In fact I'd strongly consider doing that if I were you even if you do continue to attend the meetings at WW.

Your sickness may have affected your weightloss. When I was just coming down with mine I seemed to be retaining a little fluid - the body's response to infection, I think. So it may not have been as little progress as it looked. And even if it was - hey, .6 pounds is .6 pounds :) :)

Have a great night! See you all tomorrow!


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