Weight Watchers ....... **Monday**


Marvelous Monday to all! Wondering if Presidents Day gives some of you a day off from work? Hope so!!

Took a total REST day yesterday and it felt wonderful! Took my body til almost 4pm to stop feeling like I had chemically abused it.....

Feeling great today and ready to get back in the flow...
GS Triceps + KPC (40 minutes) + Abs (P90X + Pilates 20 minutes)

Got the house & bathrooms cleaned yesterday so I am free to go & enjoy some of the pretty weather today. May finish mulching project in backyard.

BBL with personals!
~~~~~~~ PERSONALS ~~~~~~~~~

Cheryl: So happy you made it home safe & sound! I could almost feel your fatigue in your post! Good sleep last night I imagine! Hope today you are feeling ready to take on the world!

AMY: Imax 3 sounds like a challenge more mentally than physically for you. Its not my fav because of music but cant beat those blasts! Have you tried doing the 10 blasts only? According to Womens Health this month... (who knows whats accurate)... HIIT at 20 minutes is much more effective for fat loss than a 60 minute HIIT. I know you have always done intensive cardio but just wondering if a week or two of less cardio minutes per day combined with all your strength training may be the ticket to breaking your plateau this time.... Just thinking out loud. One thing the X taught me was to stop spinning my wheels on things that arent producing results I want. BFFM, BFL, & P90X all insist that if a certain workout format is going to work for your body you will see results in the first 10-15 days and see it consistently after that. Just more thoughts. Enjoy your rest & recovery day girl! Time to get your body clocked changed again so get some rest!

JANE: Ohhhhhhhhh Tax Cut! YES we have had it ready to go since January 1! I think the last of all the banking & investments stuff has arrived so we too just need to stop procrastinating! DH is so bad about getting it done even if we are getting a refund... those years are few & far between now but last year he made a lot less because of lack of bonus's so we should be OK on refund. Glad you are starting to dig into Tosca's book. For some reason it all clicked for me. Maybe I was just really ready but the final transition to clean became so easy! Her Baked Chicken recipe is to die for as are her soups.... I really like how she writes as well. ENJOY! I told DH that those dang GS Monsters were lurking about town & if he brought even 1 box into this house he was toast! LOLOL I expect the next time I get in his truck I will see where they are hidden!

LoriS: So thoughts on Leg Blast Premix? I actually was surprised that I prefer Leg Blast Mixes from L&G much more. I thought this one was way to squat heavy.... More Firewalkers, more leg presses would have been my preference. Thats just me tho- I do legs 3x a week so I dont really have a need to do 4500 Squats all in one day!}( Hope LIC Cardio was a super blast for you!

GIDGET: Your Saturday dinner sounded so awesome! Glad you guys had fun. AWFUL about the figure skater.... Thats like a very large razor blade cutting across your face! TRAGIC. WOOOOOHOOOOO on scale victory! You are on a wonderful roll! How motivating for you! Getting back into Intervals must be fun too! You started with one of the toughest for sure! GREAT JOB!! You are helping motivate all of us!

Teddygirl has a holiday today.....

Claude & Belinda hope you are well and have great days planned!
Good Morning!

Last night wasn't too bad. I was about to strangle my patient by the end of the shift, though!! She would not quit! She was awake all night, wiggling, squirming, and fidgeting. She was like a worm in hot ashes and the Energizer Bunny in one package!!! She wore me out just watching her!!! And confused?!? Holy Moly, I lost count how many times I went into the room thinking she needed help only to find that she was "talking to her family" who was in the room with her!!! (there was no one there!)

Traci- I know, I know, I know!!! I keep telling myself that I need to cut back on cardio, but when I get going, it's hard to stop! It was such a battle for me initially to even *start* exercising 2 yrs ago!!! I will work on it, though! Sometimes, it's just fun, but also a challenge for me to see how many calories I rack up in the HRM. You and DH must have gotten bit by the same bug!!! I got home yesterday and he had cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen, this morning I found that he's cleaned out the fridge! Of course, that means he hasn't slept x(, and I can follow his trail throughout the house by following the stuff he leaves behind (blanket, jacket, cereal box, etc.).

Well, I am going to finish my yogurt and head to bed for a nap.

I hope that everyone has a good day!
Hi everyone....quick check in, very busy day today....All is well here in Mi. I have been staying on plan, which is good. I am going to do the Timesavers from the GS Ubodie workouts today, and NO Cardio. I will check in tomorrow...gotta go!!

Happy day everyone!!!
Good morning everbody,

I am still alive! My DD after work had to write some papers for school yesterday.

I took Saturday off and it felt great! My legs felt so sore from the run on Friday. Yesterday I did ME! OMG!!! I haven't done this one in a long time. Those Biceps almost killed me! LOL!

Cheryl welcome back! Get some rest!

Traci I hope you enjoyed your rest day yesterday!

Amy enjoy your rest day today! I am doing Imax 3 today! I am not looking forward to it either!

Hi to Teddygirl, LoriS, Jane, Gidget and Claude. Hope I didn't forget anybody

Have a wonderfull day!
Hi, everyone!

Traci, sounds like a great morning!

Amy - sorry about the patient from Hades! Yuck!!!

Lori, good job for staying on program -

Belinda, love that ME! Congrats!

Yes, the rest day yesterday left me feeling 100%. I did MIC, with two risers on the step portion (This is the only one I need 2 risers for to maintain heartrate) and followed it up with PUB. Very fun!

Have a great holiday, everyone - I'll check back in later -

HI everyone!:)

How is everyone? Ready to start another week?

Ugh, I couldn't get the baby to sleep again last night and I was home alone. If that wasn't the case I would have passed him along to DH and crawled into bed. When DH came home from hockey at 1...Rylan just fell asleep. Im so glad this cold is over though b/c as soon as he fell asleep, i was right behind him. He then woke up at 5 and 7, that wasn't to bad.
I also think DH is well aware that I was a little ticked last night b/c I haven't really been talking to him all day. So he brought home some catolouges from work b/c I need new sneakers and he was very concerned with what ones I should order....think maybe he was sucking up???

I did my workout in the A.M...glad to have it over. I was kinda dragging my feet and wasn't in the mood.
I did GS B,S,&B and a workout from the Hardcore extreme dvd.More intervals!:p And if I get time tonight I may do a 30 min run. This week I am going to try and get as many good workouts in as possible.

Hope everyone as a good day. I will be back later. Rylan just went for a nap and I am feeling a little nappish myself:)
Cheryl- Welcome back again! I am glad that you took a rest day and came back gunning!!! That little one is super adorable!!! What a cutie! The pictures are great, thanks for sharing! I've not done MIC yet....something to look forward to!

LoriG- I am sorry about the lack of sleep! A co-worker came in this morning and said that she'd only gotten 4 hrs of sleep as well because of her new baby (I think that she's about 8 wks old). As soon as she said that, I thought about you. Great job on the workouts! I know that when I don't sleep, my workouts suffer!!! LOL about DH sucking up! Oh, I forgot to mention that I peeked at your photo album... your new little one is super adorable, too!!

Off to scrounge something to munch on!
Quick checkin... day two of clean eating under wraps (that is if I can stick with just eating one more meal), but I'm optimistic. Cardio Fusion is done and I'm feeling pretty wonderful!! Love that high!

Off to feed the horses, then get something for myself!

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