*** Weight Watchers Friday ***


Good Morning Everyone:)

Is everyone ready for the weekend? Do you think healthy eating will follow you? LOL Im getting ready to head to my moms for the weekend and I have a tendency to fall off the wagon when I go out there. Not b/c I eat alot but its out of boredom and she always has cookies in the freezer...so you know right where I go when I get bored:) It should be a good weekend though b/c my brother and his wife are comming with their new baby also so there will be lots of people around. I will be able to check in while I am out there but probably not as much b/c they have dial upx(

Today is cardio and legsx( That deserved another mad face! LOL I hate working legs but have to say I am getting more use to it. Ill never like static lunges, or anything that involves one foot being in front of the other....its just to hard! LOL

So Im gonn get some stuff ready while DS is awake and when its closer to his nap time I will workout. Im not leaving till DD gets out of school so we have a little time yet. DH isn't comming b/c he as to work all weekend.

Mary, I hope you like your new hair do!

Belinda, I only have that series on VHS. I only started buying DVDs when the HArdcore series came out. I don't know why I did that...probably cause it was cheaper and I didn't have a dvd player in my workout room at the time. So no premixes for me. But I did do C&T premix the other day and I liked it...I was then going to do B,S,B premix but there wasn't one on that dvd, or atleast not in the supersets, I was a little rotted.

Nancy, I read your post to but didn't respond to it when i read it. I always think that to and thats why I hardly post late a night cause I think no one will read it. I hear ya on the bloat as well. Thats pretty much what I have going on now. I don't have much fat there from having the babe and when I get up in the morning my stomach is flat but as the day goes on its starts to blow up! LOL If I were going to a wedding in the evening I would have to get a minimum amount of food all day...glad Im not going to a wedding till July:)

Amelia, hmmm...Im trying to remember what you posted! LOL I know you went for a walk....was it a good one? LOL Maybe I need more coffee! Ha...now I remember, you commented on my workouts. Im not sure where I get the energy from but they don't seem that hard. Im so tempted to do BM2 again today and leave out the UB work. Then go right into my leg workout. I have to take my workout clothes to my parents house as well. They don't have a TM but my SIL does and they live next door. I could also start running outside! There are alot of hills out there

Good Morning to KIm, Cheryl ( who as been to busy to check in lately!:p ), Marica ( who seems to have disappeared}( ) and Kail (who fell off the face of the earth but still sends me chain e-mails!:eek: )

Hope I didn't forget anyone!
uh oh!!2 tgif posts...it looks like amelia was 1st. well i guess i will post twice:) hair came out ok. my dh says it is a let down everytime i come home becasue he stuck in the 80's and would love me to have that big teased hair again(yaaaaaaa right!!!) i went a little lighter (blonde)and i like it. my dvd is still of the fritz but i decided to workout upstairs(if you cant beat them...workout upstairs:) ) yesterday was a tough day for me...i was really missing my mom. funny how just when you are feeling a little better it just sneaks up on you.

lori:i love you color hair. do you color it?

amelia:good mornin' early riser. i hope your workouts went good

nancy, cheryl,kim,belinda and all the ladies i will be back:)

i cant choose between the 2 posts so i did it twice
Mary, found you!!! TGIF!!!
Hair sounds nice. What did you do for your workout?

Lori, hoo rah on Friday! Yes, I"ve been slammed at work lately - but all good stuff.

I'm headed to a great self improvement seminar today and tomorrow. Just what the doctor ordered.

I did 55 min. of Shoulders, arms and Ab Ripper X with Tony this morning. No substitutions. That's progress!

Have a great day, everyone
Oh...there are two post today! LOL We probably started the same time but mine took longer to write.

I managed to get 1/2 BM2 done and then DS woke up but he then sat in his chair and watched me for the rest of it. I was gonna try to do some of GS legs but thats when he started to cry and I had to call it quits.

Im trying to eat some fruit before I hit the road b/c when I get back on Sun it probably won't be good anymore. Geez....1 cup of strawberries is alot...Im geting tired of eating them!

Mary, glad to hear your hair turned out o.k!! I do color mine..not b/c its grey though but b/c it needs to be brightened up some. I don't think many people have natural color hair anymore. Im not sure what color she put in it last time.

Cheryl, i thought you were probably busy with work. Your still getting some good workouts in. Have you weighed lately? Im back down to 129.3 again now. Not sure where that 3 lbs came from but it went away again.

Anyway, not sure i will be able to check in anymore today. But i will probably be around tomorrow morning.
hello ladies.. popping in before lunch, just finished core synergistics and my abs are feeling it. i am doing to p90x rotation so i will keep you guys posted.bbl
Hey everybody!

I got my workout in at 7am-did LIS then Legs and glutes,talk about pouring sweat,lol! I need some energy,used it all up!

Lori-We always seem to post at the same time,lol! I wanted to ask...did your knee popping go away? Mine was popping this morning,kinda scary sounding! Did you go to a doc. about it! And I hate working my lower half too lunges,squats are my least favorite!

Cheryl-Enjoy your self Improvement siminar today! Tell us how it goes!

Mary-Im sorry yesturday was a tough day for you! Maybe you'll have another shopping trip dream with your mom agian!

Well gotta go catch up on laundry,and stuff,bbl
Good morning ladies,

I got my flight reservation! I will fly Monday, May 28 - Tuesday, June 12! I can't wait to see my mom and sisters again! My DH is going with me, at least I am not alone!

I hope I finish up my rotation???

Today I will do Boot Camp?Muscle Endurance " Everything But Core" Premix 48 min. plus Abs from Muscle Endurance 9.5 min.

Mary (((((((((((Big Hugs)))))))))))))))sorry you had a tough day yesterday!

Amelia great workout this morning! Have fun with your landry! I will bring a load!

Lori what workout are you doing today? Have fun with your leg workout!

Cheryl hope you enjoy your sminar today!

Hi to Nancy and Kim !


Good afternoon ladies,

where are you guys??

I am done with Boot Camp/ Muscle Endurance premix!I still have to do my abs later! Running out of time! I will do it!!!!

Amelia great job on your weight loss!

Mary and Cheryl how do you like your new workout? Hope you have fun!

Have a great evening!

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