Weight Watchers ``` FRIDAY


Hey team WW...IT GOT ME... Woke up at midnight with DH's flu bug- and its here with a vengence... Going to sign off for the day and stay in bed- we have a big concert Sat nite that we are going to with many people so I just cant miss it... Jimmy Buffett hasnt been to Houston in 3 years and he is kicking off his 2007 summer tour with little ole' us! If I gotta take a pail and wear "depends" I'm going...

How sick is she really you ask???? I havent even wanted to look at a cup of coffee- on my deathbed!

Hugs to all -see ya tomorrow
Good Morning:)

Had another pretty good night last night. I think cereal may be the answer and I thought you were allowed to give it to them anywhere from 4-6 monthes...but its 6 monthes exclusive now. Opps!:eek: Sometimes you have to wonder who makes up these rules. Babies are babies and they keep changing stuff. I know you wouldn't give a baby evaporated milk like they did yrs ago but anyone I know with a baby that had cereal at 3 monthes turned out just fine. And he seems fine, Im happy so lets keep going in the direction we are headed!:)

The scale is playing tricks on me today. 132.7 :-( Up one pound but I have been a good girl so I know its not fat. My right boob also needs to be emptied so that may have something to do with it:) Weigh in day is on Sun so I need to have 2 good days now.

I was so moody last night. Everytime I look my FIL is comming this way. He started finishing a closet about a week ago (that doesn't need to be done right now) and he is here all day everyday. Then my inlaws are back in the evening to see the baby. I realized last night that someone as been here every evening this week. I just want to have sometime to myself! I feel bad b/c he is trying to help but come off of it! It wouldn't take a genious to figure out they are here to much. Before the baby my inlaws would drop in once in a while , now its every evening. And if my MIL misses one evening, then she figures she as done a world of good by not comming one night! Ugh.....and I know my FIL is gonna be here all day today and we are having his b-day dinner here tonight.DH said he was gonna lock the doors but that won't solve anything when they have a key!He didnt leave last night until 10 and DD had to go downstairs and tell him to stop hammering cause DS was asleep...WTF? just writing this makes my blood boil and I wish I lived somewhere else.

Anyway, Im not sure what todays workout will be. I am leaning towards cardio and GS S,B&B. Its also suppose to be a nice afternoon and if my FIL is here all afternoon, Im walking the whole afternoon!

Traci, sorry to hear your sick! Sleep all day, take some drugs and you should be better tomorrow!

Hi, everyone! TGIF? Sounds like it's started off on the wrong side of the bed for Traci and Lori so far....

Traci, I am so sorry you are sick!!!! It sounds awful.

Lori, I hope your FIL finishes that closet fast and then starts to give you some space. Hard to take, I am sure. Maybe your workout will be stress relief for today.

I'm about to start Meaner Legs. Woo hoo! More fun than a gal ought to have on a Friday morning - especially those sit-n-stands.

Have a great day, everyone, and I'll check back in later

good morning everyone...i noticing a bit of a rocky start to friday but it has to get better from here:) i previewed all of my bbc and i am really excited. i dont know if i should do cardio or weights first. i am thinking weights because the cardio is so intense i think i may just drop when it is over:) we are suppose to have a GREAT weather weekend and boy do we deserve it. i will probably be at the park all weekend but that is ok with me.

traci:feel better:) i am soory you dont feel good...if i lived closed i would bring you some chicken soup:)

lori:boy do i get the in law thing. i have not spoken to mine in almost 6 years. when i tried to make peace the told me to go fly a kite(and i am toning it down quite a bit) i am happy to hear someone is sleeping better:)

cheryl:meaner legs:) you are funny. i have to talk to myself in order to get through those sit and stands "keep going, keep going, dont stop" and maybe a few choice words i wont mention:)

i guess all the rest of crew are still sleeping so i will be back

good morning, belinda, amy, amelia
Mary - heh heh - It's actually Amy and Teddygirl who named that workout Meaner Legs .... speaking of Teddygirl, where are you, girl???? We're missing you!!! :eek: :D ;(

Leaner legs was killer this morning. I feel lightheaded lifting weights at this early hour but didn't have a choice because of my schedule. Managed to eack out all but 1 set of standing lunges and the second set of plie squats. That was enough. I'm happy to have 4 weight workouts for the week, hitting UB 3x and LB 2x. That's a good week when that happens.

I'm ready for the weekend, how about everyone else????

Traci, feel better!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}}}}}}}

~~~~Good Morning Ladies~~~

Its friday YEAH,and its suppose to be pretty all weekend! I have a little anouncement! Well,Were going on a little vacation next weekend! I haven't been on vaction in three years,Im soooo excited! Were taking the kids to the east coast(I hope the wheather stays pretty! Im going bathing suit shopping today(don't want to but can't wear my old bathing suit anymore)and now personals.....

{{{{{{{{Traci}}}}}}}}Hey girl,Im sooo sorry you don't feel good,I know its sucks to be sick!Get those fluids inn and Don't forget that chicken noodle soup,it works wonders;-)!We need ya back here asap,so take good care of yourself!

~~~Lori~~~I read your thread in O.D about being left alone,I can't imagine what your going through,even my in-laws arent that pushy(no offense)(imagine everybody loves raymonds mom,thats what I got living across the street:eek:)! Do you think maybe talking to them and explaining to them that you guys need your privicy would help? or have you already tried that? Thankgoodness for the stress relief of our workouts ;-)!I feel for ya girl,hang in there!

***Cherly***What series is Meaner legs from? I've heard it mentioned alot!Well sounds like alot of fun,especially those sit-n-stands;-:7!

ETA-Cheryl-after I posted I read the answer to my question,leaner legs!I also try to hit the weights atleast three times a week,it seems to do quite well for me!Do you do UB And LB the same time?I did monday(the UB/LB add onn on Body fusion,not heavy duty but good enough for this beginner;-))and was wondering if its better to do them seperatly and do more of a workout!does that make sense?

---Mary---bbc,what does that stand for? sounds like fun! The wheather is supppose to be pretty here too,can't wait! Have fun at the park!

Well ladies,My wi this morning went fairly well,lost exactly two pounds! One more pound puts me at my 10% weight,it just seems to be going soooo sloooowlyx(,can't complain too much though,alteast it is going:7! well I got to go start the day---bbl!

!!!Hi to everybody else in WW land:D!!!
Im done my workout! I did GS B,S&B and 8 intervals of Imax3. When I got started I didn't want to do it but then I told myself to do atleast 5 intervals and then I kept going until the baby woke up:) Im gonna go for a nice long walk this afternoon though so that will be nice.

My FIL didn't show up today so I am wondering if he is busy or if DH said something. Either way, it was nice not to have anyone here puttering around while I was jumping around!

Mary, Im glad I get along with my inlaws but alone time is great to. Do your inlaws live close? How does your DH feel about your relationship with them?

Amelia...have fun bathing suit shopping!}( Sooooooooooooo, glad thats not me right now! LOL I bet your looking forward o your vaca though. Nothing better then getting away, i wish we were going somewhere this weekend again.

Cheryl, I think my day will get better as it progresses! Im hoping anyway. Where is Teddygirl??? She as been missing for a while. And Kali didn't come back either. Could they be bailing out on us?

Alright, gotta go dry my hair.
i am back and i must that barrys bootcamp is a great workout. the cardio kept me at this highest possible hr i could handle and i also had to modify some of the drills WOW!!. i will let you know how the other 4 compare:)

lori:my dh does not speak with them and the fight is really between them i am just stuck in the middle. i tried to contact them but they are crazy people. i would tolerate a relationship if my dh wanted one but they live in florida anyway, i am from ny so we really would not see eachother.

amy:enjoy your rest!!

amelia: where are you going for vacation? i am from long island and the weather looks great for this upcoming week!!:) it feels like it rains everyday so this is suppose to be a nice weekend:)

cheryl: i think leaner legs is one of the hardest leg workouts that cathe has:)
Lori, wow, what a workout! No wonder you're so skinny these days.

Amelia, I did MuscleMax, that was UB/LB same day... but more often I'm doing Upper or Lower by themselves. I prefer the splits like GS ... and I know I'm going to love Cathe's new series (but probably with even more add-on cardio).

Amy, enjoy that sleep!

Okay, here's a fun tidbit, here's the podcast that went up from an interview an editor did with me during the Las Vegas trip last week. I haven't been able to listen to it yet - but here's the link


Very fun. Sure wish our new website was up, but this will be a start.

Have a great afternoon, everyone!
Wow Cheryl! You a very well spoken and you seem to know what you are talking about:) :) Not to mention, you look great to!

I just got back from an hour long walk.Its so beautiful out today.I am kinda lazy now though and would love to have a nap but I don't see that happening.

Ill be back later,
Hi ladies,

Traci I am so sorry you are felling sick! I wish you a speedy recovery! Take good care off your self!((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))

Bad luck is following my son! He got in a car accident yesterday evening. He is o.k. but his car is not! Some other car tried to cut him off, causing my son to hit aonther car in the back! The car that caused the accident fled the scene! And since my son hit another car in the back, it's his fault.:( :9 :9

It is almost 5 p.m. here in El Paso! I am going to try to work out!
Today was a 45 min. bike ride! I think I sub. somthing else! Not sure what??

BBL! To read personals! I hope!

Hope you have a good evening!

Hi Ladies!

well,its about 8 pm here and wanted to check inn before i give the kiddies a bath,wash dishes,get the kiddies in the bed and finally get to relax with DH! today was one of those"OMG,Why did I do this" shopping trips(went shopping w/kids)! I did get me some real cute capries,one blue jean and two pairs of the active ones!

Mary-we are planning on going to tybee island next weekend,I love it! Its a nice quite little get-away thats not too crowded! I hope the wheather holds up!

Cheryl-IM impressed,sounds like you know your business! Im very happy for you!

Belinda-Im glad your son wasn't hurt(thats the most important thing),too bad about the car though! Have a good evening!

Lori-Didn't buy a bathing suit*sigh*I hated everything I tried onx(! Oh well,guess I'll just wear the same old one! Sounds like you got some breathing room today;-) Im real happy for ya! Maybe it will go on through the weekend! And Yes,Im VERY excited about getting the heck out of here! even if its only for a weekend!

Have a good night ladies! I know I will with my little drinky,drinky later}( :9 ;-) !
Hi ladies,

I am back!

I didn't had the energy to do a 45 min. bike ride today! I did Low Impact Step! I never returned the step that I bought in Target a few weeks ago! It came with Basic Step, Low Impact Step and Body Fusion and Total Muscle Sculpting DVD's. My DD needs a step too!(

Amelia I am so glad my son didn't get hurt! I don't care about the car! It's only money! My husband took the car in the shop today!

Traci(((Hugs and a speedy recovery))))

Have a great evening!
hey, gang!

Belinda- Sorry for the accident! There should be some recourse because the accident was a hit and run!!! I am glad that he's okay, though!

Cheryl- Can't listen to the podcast at work, but plan to at home in the morning!

Lori- Glad that it sounds like you got some "me" time, sort of! I hope that the trend continues! I couldn't say that I understand because DH and I have lived away from family the entire length of our marriage (5 states away!).

Amelia- I understand about the bathing suit! I don't like any that I try on, either! Of course, it could be that I just don't like wearing them, either! I have been self-conscious of my weight and body for so long that's engrained now!

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