Weight Watchers !! FRIDAY -WooHoo Day!


GOOOOOD MORNING !:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I bet everyones THRILLED we are heading towards the weekend! (except maybe amy who is going to work!);-)

Today I'll do another new kickbox "StrikeZone" Janis Saffell. I gave away the last one I had of hers with the guillermo dude so we shall see. This one has chapters of WarmUp, Kick Aerobics 22min, Target Drills 16min, Kickbox Sculpt 10min, & Tai Chi Stretch. I'll give ya the reviews later. I will also get in a StretchMax or Total Body Stretch as I failed to stretch after either of yesterdays workouts and am feeling very tight this morning.

BBL with personals from yesterday....

Happy flexing, panting, stretching - or whatever may be on your plate for today! Just keep those Hostess Cupcakes OFF those plates!}(
Lovely to have a Friday. I'm hoping the nasty weather predictions do not amount to anything, so far so good. Last night I did Cardio Fusion finishing at about 9:20, I hadn't done it before... it's hard I was wopped, I went anaerobic a bunch at the end there. Won't be doing that one more than once a week. I then preceeded to get a bunch of other stuff done for work etc the next day.. stayed up late... got up late this morning.. and now will have to do another pm workout. A cycle has started, thank goodness the weekend will be here tomorrow to change it. I much prefer an am workout.

TraciX - I have the Janis Saffell with the dude, I don't think I've done it more than three times. I hope strikezone is better. Is the Upper Body Bliss rotation one of Cathe's? I've never actually done any rotation that is not what I've designed by feel. Does it neglect lower body?

Have a good day everyone.
:eek: :eek: :eek: ~~~~~~~~ Personals ~~~~~~~~~ :eek: :eek: :eek:

Oh my on the headache last night! I surely hope it is well gone by this AM - I so dislike working out with those.. Glad to hear that you are moving thru all you "stuff"... Just keep imagining the other side... My favorite quote: "Sometimes you have to climb a bit of a mountain to get to see the breathtaking view" LOL on the 122! I guess there is a bright side to stress as long as you dont eat junk! Good for you my friend!

Great job on finishing Body Fusion! LOL on Ab Hits... Its really worth its weight in gold because of the mix n match options! Enjoy playing with it a bit more to really get a great workout!

Wonderful news about your mom! Where will she be staying? Will she need a nurse? I no longer follow WW, when I did use online services I was pretty turned off by the forums as they were so negative and downright hurtful in many posts. I stopped going anywhere near them because of the vibes.

Hope SH chest back was good for ya... How are you coping with the pace of SH? Drives me NUTS but its so effective! I already went to doc on Tuesday. As far as Low T4/Cortisol levels. Mine were low and thats why I was put on Armour Thyroid & Cortisol. My doc DID share with me that although I was low I was not dangerously low - the reason she put me on the scripts tho was because of my symptoms. Bio Identical Docs treat the patient not the # for many reasons.
The terms Low/Normal/ High are in reference to a pool of women who are being tested. The ONLY people who ever get tested however are women with problems SO this means that the comparative data is worthless.
Its IMPOSSIBLE to tell you that YOUR T4/Cortisol level is LOW or normal because your Doc had no way of ever knowing what was "NORMAL" for amy in your 20's (thats when hormones are at peak for women). Hormone testing is really just a best guess and thats the data traditional docs make all their recommendations to... BioIdentical Docs use lab results more as a baseline of where you were when you started your meds vs the followup results. My doc said she will ALWAYS treat me based on my personal symptoms and not lab work.

Hope you took that needed rest yesterday! Congrats on scale victory as well!!!

Great workout yesterday!!! LOl on DH...Mine gets moody if I stay on mine while he's home too!

Walking any better today? }(

I think thats everyone from yesterday... If I missed someone BIG APOLOGIES!!!! Its not that I dont care - I'm just kinda in a hurry to get my workout in today.

Hugs & Love to all!!
Heather! You snuck in on me today!!!!

LOL on Cardio Fusion... I have never opened it! I hear its a killer so many ^^5's to YOU!!! Theres Cathe & Fitness Freaks versions of Upper Body Bliss.... It usually does concentrated legs 1-2 times a week but keep in mind that Cathe Cardios are ALL leg work... If you need help finding on the forum let me know & I'll post the links for ya.

Have a great day!!!
Good Morning everybody!!

Yaaahoooo,its friday!

I'm planning on going for a walk/run today,if the rain holds off! I love walking with my mp3 player its soooo nice!

Heather,hopefully you'll get those am workouts back in order like you want,I know thats frustrating!I use to workout in the am before the kiddies woke,but now my son wakes up with me so I have to comprimise(sp)and w/o when ever I can!have a good weekend!

Teddygirl-hope your DOMS as eased up today!

Lori-congrats on the weightloss!

Gidget-congrats on your weightloss as well!

My weigh inn is on mondays!
Waves to everybody else,son is driving me nuts gotta go!
hope everybodies day is gggggrrrreat!
Hi Girls,

Sounds like everyone is off to a great Friday.

I weighed again today and I was down alittle more. 137.6 lbs. Its slowly going but atleast its going! LOL

Traci, enjoy your new workout.Your not heading out this weekend are you? DH is having a party here tomorrow night so I am going to a friends house for alnight. I don't like going anywhere with the baby cause its to much work but DH is so excited about having people over that I think I will disappear and not say anything about it! Im just hoping to get home at sensible time on Sunday to workout...LOL. Frist priority! And yes, I took my rest day.

Heather, I don't own that workout but I thought about buying it. Then I didn't...but you peaked my interest again. I may go look at it again.

Amy, my weigh in is actually on Sunday morning but of course I have to get on the scale when I feel lighter:) We will see what it says on Sunday but things are looking good.

So, I am running today and I am going to do it shortly. The baby is gone for his nap so I need to let my cereal digest a little bit longer. I am also hoping to fit some abs in. Still didn't get a leg workout in this week but we will see what tomorrow brings.
No time to re read what I hope...hope I made sense and that I didn't miss spele ot ynam sdrow:) :)
Hi, everyone! TGIF! It's a wonderful day!
Yes, the headache is gone, and things are definitely going my way. The #2 guy at the agency I'm dividing away from called me up last night and he is IN with the gang. Trying to hang on to make the jump April 1, but in nonetheless. I am so excited.

Another new client prospect called out of the blue yesterday and wants to be meeting today.

And IT'S FRIDAY!!!! What could top that? My mood is definitely better than yesterday.

Heather, contratulations on Cardio Fusion. LOVE that workout. But I've never attempted it at 9 p.m. - wow!

Amy3 - Monday weigh ins??? Well that'll keep a gal honest over the weekends (heh heh)

LoriG, wow, on the weigh in. You are on a roll, girl. Between you and Amy, we have high stakes to keep up with in this little gang :7 :7

Speaking of Amy1, how are you doing this morning?

Traci, my friend, I can't thank you enough for your moral support yesterday. It truly helped me as I was in the bottom of the abyss. Today is a better day.

I'm thinking High Step Challenge this morning - tried it while I was still sick, but now I want to give it a real try now that I'm feeling better. At least the stress let me drop another 1.3 lb... yesterday was 122.0, and amazingly I could really see that bit coming away from the final problem zones. There is hope!

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!!
Cheryl,I forgot to congratulate you on your weigh in!I did read it last night but I forgot about it. The only good thing I guess about stress is it can make you drop a few pounds but I bet it makes others gain weight! Glad you are one of the ones who loses..LOL

Have my workout done! I did a 6 mile run (63 mins) I was aiming for 5 miles ut kept running. On mile 4 the little guy woke up but I have leard that b/c he is awake, that doesn't mean he wants to eat. So I put him in his swing and he sat there for a while, but of course he went back to sleep. Then I did 150 walking lunges with 12 lbs dumbells so plie squats and some abs. I feel better knowing I did something for my legs and they were tired from the run.

Alrighty, i will be back later. I am heading out this afternoon but i will be around later,

How’s everyone today? so happy its Friday. I have a pretty nice weekend ahead of me. Did anyone see the movie 300 yet? I’m going Sat or Sun. Can’t wait:7

Last night, I finished lower body, I choose to do Butts & Guts floor work. Altho, GS Legs floor work is awesome :) :)

This morning, I decided that, I really wanted to end my week with a bang; I did BM2 double upper body some 3x and double abs omg am feeling it:p :p As Cathe would say I’m feeling that real good.

You know, if I wasn’t moving on to Slow & Heavy I'd put together a rotation using BM2 UB doubles for a few weeks, that's an awesome workout, Anyways, that’s all I did this morning NO workout tonight, going to hang out with my friend watch a movie and eat popcorn.

Tomorrow, starting my week with hour jog on TM and GS legs:D Sunday, officially starting S&H I'll be doing chest with cardio probably Imax 2 or 3, not sure maybe SEggs:+ x( :7 Monday, is back I like back and kpc.

I'm only doing 2 weeks of Slow & Heavy which is perfect timing. Because, April, I’m starting P90X UB and I can’t wait :9 :7

Teddygirl, hurray on the B&G workout!! You got more of it done than I did yesterday.

Hurray on BM2 - that seems to be one of your very favorites, eh??

Weigh in this morning was 121.6. Still dropping. The work stress is better today, but I'm very, very happy about this side benefit!

Only approx 3.6 more pounds to go to hit goal!!

Good afternoon ladies,

I was up all night long with my DD (she is in Florida until next Tuesday.) She ended up going to the ER last. She doing a lot better today. She cought an infection!

And to top things off my computer was down this morningx(

I did't worked out this morning, because we had our german Kaffeeklatsch today. I had a lot of fun!

I am going to do cardio today just not sure what yet, LOL!

Best wishes,
Cheryl: Awesome ;) simply awesome ;) that’s alls :+ I can say, good job. Really tho, BM2 isn’t my favorite, this is the first time I’ve done BM2 UB love love SEggs:p :p

I was just sitting here thinking, I never ever reach for Drill Max hm......I'd love to put PlyoX and DM together for an kick a&& workout, that's next month}( }( :p }(

Well guys, it’s just about that time for me to head home, Awww! Home sweet home;-) You guys have a safe and wonderdul weekend :)

Happy Afternoon! Its time for me to catch up with you chatty chicks!;-) Broke down and purchased Barry's Bootcamp series... got it for about 50.00 total from HSN with a fellow X'ers coupon. Thats 13.00 less than Amazon. It seems like I great mix with my favorite P90X and Cathes!! That is IT ON PRURCHASES!!! No more spending $$$!

Heres my post to X'ers about todays new Kickbox workout! As you can read we are all looking for P90X Kick (kenpoX) subs because its so effective....

In response to Reply # 6
Fri Mar-16-07 11:29 AM by teddy16410


I rarely actually encourage anyone to buy a workout as our tastes are so different... BUT~!!!!! Ya GOTTA GET THIS ... 5.99 at amazon!

Kickbox Strike Zone- Janis Saffell
OMG OMG OMG! Its a Kenpo workout with Cathe fun factor!!!!!
I was not a fan of Janis prior to this but OMG OMG!!!

Her quing is immpecable (sp), her instruction to details & execution is the finest I have ever seen in Kickbox! Its chaptered... Its like Kenpo (once we figured it out!) - You cant believe how high your heartrate gets without all that jumping!
My bootys on fire- my arms are a burning - My abs are flamed! and Warm-up to stretch is 58 minutes. The Drills & Sculpt chapters are similar to the KMax Drills but FUN FUN FUN! Zero dread factor!
If ya buy it & hate it I'll buy it from you! Its a KENPO sub for sure!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back to WW'ers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


TeddyGirl:: Hope I didnt miss you! Big weekend eh? You be good- stay away from the scrambled eggs & lift some iron!!! See ya Monday.

Belinda:: Enjoy whatever cardio you decide on- I'm sure you'll give it your all! Thank heavens DD is doing better...AWFUL being sick- Spring break vacation I gather??? Hope no-one slipped her anything. A moms got to worry about that stuff!

Cheryl:: LOL on the scale! May I please send you cash and you can ship yours to me???? I need a staedy decline just as you've had...can anyone say HERO-ROLE MODEL- RAT! :+ Do you ever think about "What will I think about all the time when I finally reach goal weight?" I think about it every day... like Oh Sh**- I'm at goal NOW WHAT DO I DO!!!??? :7

Gidget:: I could call ya Lori since our other Lori left but Gidget is just too cute to drop! Is that OK with you? 6 miles + 150 lunges??? WHY WHY WHY????? LOL Can ya tell I dont regularly over-extend myself in workouts!:+

AMY-A3:: Did ya get that nice walk in today??? Hope rain doesnt play havoc on weekend plans. Happy WI Monday!! That will keep a girl honest on weekend eating!

MARY:: Hope mom got home ok...Keep us posted- I know its still rough going.

Heather:: Hope your day is going wonderful!

Off to din din with DH- Mexican I do believe.... YUMMMMMMM

See ya all in the morning!

Belinda, let us know what you do, okay? Glad you had fun at the kaffe...... ah, heck, you know what I mean :) :) :)

TeddyGirl, sorry I missed you - I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Traci, I just love ya gal, you always have me in stitches. Of course I know what I'll be thinking about when I hit goal - sculpting, getting a six pack, and probably most of all enjoying adorable clothes :+ :+ :+

Well, my first new bus pitch this afternoon resulted in my first new contract since I became Snapp Conner PR. I see this as a very good sign. Life is good -

Have a great Friday night, everyone!

Hey, all!

Well, I got up this afternoon and DH couldn't move again. He "popped" something in his thoracic spine region and he actually was having a really hard time breathing as well. So, I am home, called in!! I am SO thankful for FMLA!!! DH started getting so nauseated from the pain that he couldn't eat, either. I am also glad that my doc gave me some liquid medication when I was sick last week that has anti-nausea stuff in it!!! He downed that a couple of hrs ago and now DH is able to get up and move a bit (albiet slow) and had eaten a couple of oranges and a piece of french bread.

Traci- Yes, S&H timing is something to get used to, but man, am I feeling it today!!! WOW! I had Step Blast on the ticket today and I couldn't even do a lot of the arm movements because of the DOMS in my chest!!!

I woke up feeling a bit on the bloaty side tonight, but that's only because I indulged some wine and some of the peanut butter sandwich Girl Scout cookies last night!! They'd been staring at me in the face for a week now, and I was tired of it! Anyway, the rest are put away where I don't go (freezer), so I am hoping that "out of sight, out of mind" rings true here!!!!

Cheryl- Wow, Wow, Wow, is all I can say!! I know that I will NEVER see a number that low on the scale, but Man, I am glad that you are reaching your goal!!! Keep up the great work! It sounds like your business life is really coming together!!! Way to go!!!

Everyone else! I will check in later! I hope that you have a really good evening!

Heather- I am an 'evening' workout person, but when it really comes down to technicality....they are "mornings" to me because of working nights!!!;-)

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